
Chapter 1084 Stepping into the Devil's Nest, Is It a Blessing or a Curse?

Chapter 1084 Stepping into the Devil's Nest, Is It a Blessing or a Curse?
Demon God Chi Hong stared at the dimmed teleportation formation, and then smiled slightly: "Is the show about to start? I really can't wait!" After speaking, he also walked into the formation , After a while, he also left this place by means of formation.

After a brief dazzle, Tong Yan and the three of them came to a certain valley outside the city.

It is said to be a valley here, but it is actually more like a huge earth pit. The pit is full of stones of different sizes, but there is no plant.

How this huge earth pit was formed, no one can say clearly, maybe it was shaken out by an earthquake, or maybe it was smashed out by rocks from outside the sky.

Tong Yan looked around, then turned to Xue Ji and asked, "Is this near the magic nest you mentioned?"

Xue Ji nodded and said, "That's right, the entrance to the Demon's Nest is here. Let's go, I'll take you there!"

Tong Yan said lightly, then pulled Tan Yu along and followed Xue Ji.

Of course Tan Yu was also looking around, but her eyes finally fell on the place where they were standing before.There is also a formation there, it should be connected to the formation in Xueji Palace, so the three of them came here directly from such a far away place.

She thought for a while, but said nothing.

The three walked around the stones in the pit and walked forward slowly. In less than 5 minutes, they came to the deepest part of the pit.But what surprised them was that the entrance of the so-called devil's nest was not guarded by anyone, and there was no stone gate. It just went straight down like a big mouth of a wild beast, which looked a little shocking.

Xue Ji pointed at the bottomless hole, and said to Tong Yan, "This is the entrance to the Demon's Nest. The envoys of the White Tiger Clan and the Xuanwu Clan are locked in here."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Did someone bring them in? Or did they just throw them down?"

Xue Ji smiled slightly and said: "Of course someone took them down. If they just throw them down like this, how can they survive? Besides, His Majesty the Demon God said that their lives are still useful, so in a short period of time, they will not hurt them." Their."

Tong Yan sighed lightly, and asked again: "There are several paths in there, how can I find them?"

Xue Ji laughed and said: "You will know when you go down, there are steps inside, as long as you keep walking along the steps, you will definitely find them. But..." She put away her smile when she said this.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "But what?"

"However, the steps will pass by the resting place of the ancient demon god. If you accidentally wake up the ancient demon god, not only will you not be able to rescue the princess of the White Tiger Clan, but you may even die at the mouth of the ancient demon god. Of course, you are not afraid of this. Whether you can come out alive depends on your own good luck! Well, I have told you everything I know and brought them here. The rest is up to you. I will go first, Waiting for your good news in the city!"

Seeing that Xue Ji turned around and was about to leave, Tong Yan wanted to stop her, but was stopped by Tan Yu.

Tong Yan looked at Tan Yu, and finally did not stop her, but watched Xue Ji leave here.

"Yu'er, why didn't you let me stop her? She knows more here than we do, and we don't know what's going on down here. Let her lead the way, and we're relatively safe."

Hearing this, Tan Yu shook her head and said, "I think it's better not to push her into a hurry. Didn't you notice something just now? The formation that allowed us to teleport here, the formation that landed with us Fayao echoed each other. Obviously she set it up here in advance, otherwise this teleportation formation would not be usable at all. Do you know what this means?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought for a while and said, "You mean, she has been here a long time ago, and specially set up a formation, just for the convenience of coming here in the future. And we can come here through the formation, it is this Reason. Right?"

Tan Yu nodded and said, "Yes, that's right. But have you ever thought about why she comes here again and again?"

Tong Yan frowned slightly, and asked doubtfully, "Could it be that the demon god sent her to guard this place?"

Tan Yu shook his head and said: "I don't think it's that simple. I always feel that something is wrong. Do you think this is a trap? A trap that was dug for us in advance?"

Tan Yu's reminder made Tong Yan immediately alert.This possibility is not impossible, but isn't it a little too high for him to set up such a game against him?
He thought for a while, and then said: "Yu'er, do you think little Baihu will be locked up in this kind of place? If it's really a trap, we might as well leave here. What do you think?"

Tan Yu smiled bitterly and said, "I also thought about leaving, but my little sister is indeed being held here."

"How do you know that little sister Baihu must be imprisoned here?"

Tan Yu said firmly: "I just have this feeling. You may not know it. Our Nine-Tailed Fox's intuition has always been very accurate. And I have lived with my little sister for a long time. There should be a little bit of love between us. In short, you believe me, I'm sure, the little girl must be locked up here."

Tong Yan didn't care too much about whether Tan Yu's intuition was accurate or not. Since Tan Yu said so, even if it was a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, he still had to break into it today.

"Okay, since you are sure that the little Baihu girl is being held here, then let's go down and rescue her. As for whether this is a trap, let's take a step and see!"

Tan Yu nodded, then grabbed Tong Yan's big hand and said, "Then let's go down now!"

Tong Yan took a deep breath, and then he and Tan Yu jumped into the bottomless hole.

What will be waiting for them?

Although the big hole was deep, it was nothing to Tong Yan and Tan Yu.As soon as Tong Yan jumped down, he let out his wings.

Tan Yu was very surprised when he saw the wings on Tong Yan's back, but Tong Yan's memory was lost. Even if he was asked, he probably couldn't answer what the wings were all about.

Tan Yu simply didn't ask, Tong Yan had two pairs of wings, but there was nothing wrong with it.

The two fell down like this for more than ten seconds, and this was a smooth landing.

The inside of the big hole is very dark, you can't see your fingers at all.But Tong Yan and Tan Yu are not ordinary people, and they can see their surroundings clearly in the dark.

This place is obviously not the deepest part of the big hole, because the further forward, the lower the terrain.

The cave is empty, and there is no trace of carving on the stone wall, as if it was formed naturally.

The two walked forward for about tens of meters, and the whole cave suddenly became narrow, and a downward step appeared at their feet at this moment.

It seems that Xue Ji is not lying, there are indeed steps in this big hole.

Now as long as you keep walking along the steps, I believe you will find the little sister Baihu soon.

But what was a little strange was that just as Tong Yan and Tan Yu walked up the steps, the imprint of stars on the center of Tong Yan's eyebrows inexplicably lit up.Not only that, but some very special scenes also came into his eyes.

What in the world did he see?Why does the imprint of the stars suddenly shine?
(End of this chapter)

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