
Chapter 1085 The strange wind hits, the magic eye under the bridge!

Chapter 1085 The strange wind hits, the magic eye under the bridge!
The imprint of the star suddenly lit up with white light, and immediately drove away the surrounding darkness, but unexpectedly, Tong Yan saw something special and strange under the light of this white light.

"Tong Yan, what's wrong with you? Why is your forehead glowing?"

Tan Yu on the side just realized this, and asked with concern.

Tong Yan didn't answer her question, but his brows were deeply knit together.

What exactly did he see?It turned out that he saw white dots of light.This spot of light is too familiar to him, it is exactly the same as the spots of light he saw in the "Star Realm".

But he didn't understand, the light spots were clearly bright, but it was pitch black here, so how did they appear?Was it released by the imprint of the stars?Impossible, absolutely not.

Why can he be so sure, because the light spots in front of his eyes are not standardized, there are some here and some there.If these light spots are emitted by star marks, they should all be on one surface, and it is impossible to randomly distribute them in different numbers.

In addition, the star imprint is still slowly absorbing some, because he clearly senses that his star power is slowly condensing.

So what is going on here?The light spot should have existed here, if the star imprint didn't shine, it wouldn't be visible at all.So here comes the question, there are so many light spots here, so why is it still so dark here?

Tong Yan thought about it for a while, and finally understood a little bit.These so-called light spots are probably not real light spots. To be precise, they should be the dust of the stars, or the fragments of the stars.

They do not glow because they are not illuminated by light.For example, why are the stars in the sky so bright at night?Do all stars shine?Obviously not!It is the stars that emit light, and some comets also emit light, and the reason why planets are also bright is the reflection of the stars, not the planet itself.

In this way, it is easy to explain.These light spots are by no means inherently luminous substances, but because of the shining of the star marks, they are brightened, and Tong Yan can clearly see them.

But after figuring this out, another question arose in Tong Yan's mind.That is, how could the dust of these stars be in this cave?Could it be that there is a huge meteorite in this cave?

Suddenly he thought of the big pit outside, and this big hole, maybe it was made by a giant meteorite falling.

This possibility is not impossible, but why did the ancient demon god place his lair here?Or, did the ancient demon god fall into the Asura realm together with the meteorite?

He was thinking wildly in his mind, and he seemed to be much more awake at this moment.

"Tong Yan, where am I talking to you? What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Hearing Tan Yu's voice again, he came back to his senses.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about something just now. I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me!"

Tan Yu gave a light oh, and then asked again: "Then why do your brows glow?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "This is the imprint of a star! Maybe there is a meteorite in it, so it lights up. Alright, let's move on!"

Hearing what Tong Yan said, Tan Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

The two held hands and walked forward for more than ten minutes before passing through the narrow passage.

The space in front of him suddenly became much larger, as if... it seemed like an underground world.

And after the steps under their feet arrived here, it was replaced by a chain bridge with a span of hundreds of meters.

There was no bottom to be seen under the chain bridge, and there was a whirring sound from time to time. Even though Tong Yan and Tan Yu's eyesight was far superior to that of ordinary people, they couldn't see anything.The bottom of this chain bridge is like a bottomless abyss, if it falls into it, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But it's nothing, Tong Yan has wings, he can fly over with Tan Yu.Even if the chain bridge breaks suddenly, they don't need to worry too much.

Walking on the chain bridge, Tan Yu looked down, and then said a little uneasy: "Tong Yan, why did I get here? I'm a little scared? Do you know? I've been to many places, but places like this, I don't know. It’s the first time here. Do you think this is the habitat of the ancient demon god?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly comforted him: "It's okay, I'm here, and I will protect you. As for what's down here, it has nothing to do with us. We just need to know that the little girl Baihu is right in front of you." After saving her, we will leave here quickly, there will be no danger."

In fact, he was also a little uneasy at the moment, but he had to be more relaxed, only in this way, Tan Yu would not be afraid.

Hearing this, Tan Yu nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, as long as you are here, I am not afraid of anything. I am content to see you again. Even if it is..."

Before she finished speaking, Tong Yan directly covered her mouth with his fingers, and then said softly: "Don't talk nonsense, we will be together forever. Well, keep going. If you are tired, I can Hugging you."

Tan Yu smiled sweetly and said, "I'm not tired, let's continue on our way!"

The two didn't say much, and immediately continued to move forward on the relatively stable chain bridge.

But after a while, the end of the chain bridge came into sight of the two of them, and they could pass through it safely as long as they walked for a while.

Unexpectedly, the accident still happened.

Seeing that they were about to cross the bridge smoothly, a gust of wind suddenly blew up from the bottomless abyss below.

The wind was so strong that it caused the originally stable chain bridge to heave up and down.And in this way, Tong Yan and Tan Yu, who were walking on the chain bridge, became a little bit difficult.

Not to mention continuing to walk, even standing is very difficult.

Tong Yan didn't dare to delay, immediately picked up Tan Yu, spread the wings on his back, and was about to fly across the bridge.

But the strong wind is really disgusting, it is like a hungry big snake, it directly entangles Tong Yan, making him unable to fly forward at all.

Standing in mid-air, Tong Yan trembled a little, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of the entanglement of the strong wind.

He was a little annoyed, he gritted his teeth and flew forward, but he managed to fly ten meters, and the strong wind dragged him back to the original place.

He is not stupid. It is not a coincidence that the strong wind is staring at him. It is very likely that someone is playing tricks behind his back, just not wanting him to cross the bridge safely.

But who is embarrassing him?No, it might not be a person at all, but something under this bottomless abyss.

The current situation has become extremely critical. If he cannot cross the bridge, he may be blown down into the bottomless abyss.

When he was thinking hard about how to deal with it, he did not expect that a pair of huge red eyes appeared in this bottomless abyss.

What the hell is going on with this eye?Could it be... Could it be the eyes of the ancient demon god?

(End of this chapter)

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