
Chapter 1086 The name of the bridge breaks the soul, the name of the cave dies!

Chapter 1086 The name of the bridge breaks the soul, the name of the cave dies!
Tong Yan lowered his head and looked casually, his heart trembled.These eyes are really too big, like two huge red lanterns, these can't be human eyes, could it be the eyes of some monstrous giant beast?Or, are these the eyes of the ancient demon god?

In fact, what the naked eye sees is not entirely accurate.The size of an object cannot be completely measured by the volume seen by the eyes. This is like when we look at the stars in the sky. They look as big as marbles, but in fact the volume of each of them is very likely. Far beyond the earth we live on.So what caused the huge difference in our vision?Two words, distance!Objects appear smaller and smaller as the distance increases.

The reason why I want to say this is actually to explain that the pair of eyes that Tong Yan sees are actually much larger than the lantern, and because those eyes are far away from him, this illusion occurs.

How big are those eyes?Perhaps the only way to find out is to jump off this bottomless abyss.

In any case, it was never a good sign to be watched by such a pair of eyes.And this annoying gust of wind is probably related to these eyes.

Tong Yan knew in his heart that if he could not break through this gust of wind, both he and Tan Yu would be in danger of their lives.But how can we break through the wind group and cross the bridge smoothly?

He was thinking quickly in his mind, and the four wings on his back flapped a little faster.

Tan Yu, who was held in his arms, was also extremely anxious at the moment, and couldn't help asking him: "Tong Yan, are we going to make it through? How about we go back and think of other ways?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly and said, "Yu'er, this strange wind is obviously coming towards us, I'm afraid we won't be able to retreat if we want to. Don't worry, we will be able to cross the bridge smoothly. Believe it I!"

Tan Yu looked up at Tong Yan, then nodded.

In fact, if Tong Yan was alone, he could definitely use the Wuji Sword Art to break through this strange wind by combining human and sword.But the problem now is that Tan Yu is with him.In this case, he will not be able to use Wuji Sword Art.

Since Wuji Sword Art cannot be used, is there no other way?
He thought of the Potian Fist. The Potian Fist is a powerful and powerful punch. If the cultivation base reaches the realm of a fairy, once it is used, it has the ability to break the sky.

Of course, he didn't expect to be able to break the sky at all, and he was already satisfied if he could break through this strange wind.

But even if the strange wind is broken, it doesn't mean they can cross the bridge safely, because the wind's ability to reunite is too strong, and it might reunite in a flash.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he can take Tan Yu through at an extremely fast speed the moment the strange wind breaks, he will be safe and sound.But no matter how fast he is, can he still be faster than the wind?Of course, his shape-shifting and transposition far exceeded the speed of the wind.So, he thought of such a way.First use the Potianquan to punch a hole in the strange wind, and then lead Tan Yu to perform shape shifting to reach the opposite side of the bridge first.

He hadn't tried it yet, but he wasn't afraid to try it. If it didn't work, it wouldn't be too late to use Feng Ling's legs.

With an idea in mind, he didn't hesitate, and immediately hugged Tan Yu with one hand, leaving the other hand free to quickly gather the energy of heaven and earth.

Just when the air of heaven and earth condensed on the face of his fist was on the verge of losing control, he punched out violently.

He heard a "huh", and the strange wind in front of him was directly punched with a big hole.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he carried Tan Yu into his arms and immediately resorted to shapeshifting.

Facts have proved that his decision is correct.In just a short while, he had led Tan Yu out of the strange wind and appeared on the bridge.

And after the strange wind spun a few times on the bridge, it finally dissipated slowly.

Tong Yan breathed a sigh of relief when the strange wind didn't come after him again, and then smiled to Tan Yu in his arms: "Yu'er, we're fine now."

Tan Yu looked at him, smiled sweetly and said, "I knew you must have a way, and my husband must be the best."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "Your mouth is so sweet, let me kiss it!"

When Tan Yu heard it, she struggled immediately and said, "No, we are here to save people, not for a date. After I save my little girl, I will let you kiss her enough..." She said the last few words It was very light, but it was still heard by Tong Yan.

"Okay, let's talk about it then." After speaking, Tong Yan put her down directly.

The two of them didn't stay at the bridgehead for long, looked around for a few times, and then continued to move forward.There is still a downward step ahead. I really don't know how deep this big hole is, and I don't know where the step leads to. It must not lead to the bottom of this bottomless abyss, right?If that's the case, this abyss can no longer be called the bottomless abyss, it has to be called another name.

After walking like this for about ten minutes, the two finally made a discovery.

There is a fork in the road ahead, and the two roads are exactly the same, but I don't know which way to go to find the little white tiger.

Tong Yan was a little speechless, isn't this Xue Ji cheating?She said that as long as she walked along the steps, she would be able to find little sister Baihu and the others.But she didn't mention a word about the forked road here.Presumably, she didn't believe that Tong Yan and the others could walk across the chain bridge, so she didn't mention this fork in the road.

Tong Yan and Tan Yu stood in front of the fork in the road, not knowing what to do.You can't divide your troops into two groups, can you?It's very weird here, what if you encounter danger?So searching separately is by no means a wise choice, and even a little stupid.

Of the two roads before us, which one should we take?

"Yu'er, which one do you think we should take?"

Tan Yu didn't answer directly, but sniffed at the entrances of these two passages one after another.

After a while, she had a judgment.

"Take the one on the left, I seem to smell a little girl's smell. But I'm not completely sure, the chances of going on the left should be higher!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Okay, then I'll follow your orders. Let's take the one on the left. If we can't find the little girl, we'll just back out."

Tan Yu nodded with a smile, and the two walked into the passage on the left.

But the strange thing is that not long after they stepped into the left passage, the original two passages merged into one inexplicably, and after a while, they turned back into two again.

What the hell is going on here?Is it possible that these two channels can be switched freely?But if this is the case, wouldn't Tong Yan and Tan Yu be doomed to walk into the wrong path no matter how they go?
Of course, this is not always the case, as long as someone is not behind the scenes, they still have a half chance of finding the little white tiger.

It's a pity that someone is indeed playing tricks, and this person is the demon god Chi Hong who followed all the way here and was never discovered by Tong Yan and Tan Yu!

The demon god Chi Hong slowly appeared in front of the two passages, and then said with a chuckle: "If you can pass the Broken Soul Bridge, I will see how you can get out of the death hole. The fun has just begun!"

(End of this chapter)

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