
Chapter 1087 Finally looking for the little girl, laughing and rushing out!

Chapter 1087 Finally looking for the little girl, laughing and rushing out!
Tong Yan and Tan Yu kept moving forward, but after walking for a long time, they didn't see any cell.If Little Baihu and the others were really imprisoned here, logically speaking, there should be some clues, but nothing was left.

The more he walked forward, the more confused Tong Yan became, and the more confused he became, the more uneasy he became.

After hesitating for a while, he finally asked Tan Yu a question. "Yu'er, along the way, have you smelled the smell of little sister Baihu again? Why haven't you seen the cell where they were held after walking for so long?"

Hearing this, Tan Yu frowned slightly and said, "I don't know what's going on. I could smell it at first, but I couldn't smell it as I walked forward. What do you think is going on here? There won't be any mechanism, right?"

Tan Yu's words reminded Tong Yan, he stopped immediately, and then said: "If it is true as you said, the smell of the little girl Baihu has disappeared, then there may be something wrong with the road we are taking. The way of the formation is unpredictable. If someone has set up a formation in this passage, then no matter how we go, we will not be able to find the little white tiger in the end, and we may be trapped here to death Yu'er, we can't keep going forward, I think we should go back. Since you could smell the scent of the little white tiger girl before, we will be able to find her as long as we follow the scent. Big deal, I'll just dig a tunnel myself."

Tan Yu nodded and said, "Okay, then let's go back." As she said that, she turned around and was about to go back.

But at this moment, Tong Yan suddenly pulled her back. "Don't turn around, let's go backwards."

"Walk backwards? Why are you so troublesome?"

Tong Yan sighed softly and said: "If there is really a formation in this passage, the possibility of us walking back to the original place is very slim. Walking backwards, at least we won't be confused by the formation, and we won't sink deeper and deeper."

Tan Yu let out a light oh, and hurriedly turned around again, holding hands with Tong Yan and walking backwards like this.

Walking backwards like this, after another 10 minutes or so, Tan Yu finally smelled the scent of Little Baihu again.

"Tong Yan, I smell my little sister. What shall we do next?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan was overjoyed at first, but then became serious.Smelling the smell can only mean that the little white tiger may have walked here, but the smell is difficult to penetrate the thick walls.In this way, the method he had just thought of would become useless.It may be very difficult to find the little white tiger by smell.

Tong Yan was a little annoyed, but also a little bored.He always felt that he was being led by the nose along the way, as if he was playing with a doll in the palm of his hand.He had to break free from this bondage, but where to start?

He looked at the wall, and suddenly a sense of resentment arose in his heart. He revealed the Shenlong gauntlet in his right hand, and punched it hard.

There was only a loud "boom", and a big hole was directly smashed out of the wall by his punch.

He looked up into the cave and finally smiled.This is really the mountains and rivers, there is no way out, and there is another village!

The inside of this big hole is empty, obviously another passage.This also means that the passage where he and Tan Yu are located is only separated by a wall from the other passage. Little Baihu has not been found in this passage, and maybe the one next to it can find something.

Thinking of this, he immediately said to Tan Yu: "Yu'er, let's change the way. Come with me!"

Hearing this, Tan Yu hurriedly followed him across the big hole and directly into another passage.

As soon as he entered here, he asked Tan Yu again: "Yu'er, you can smell it again, is there any smell of little sister Baihu here?"

After Tan Yu smelled it carefully, she nodded and said, "Yes, and it's a little thicker than before."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "That means, this passage is the right one. You can follow the smell and see if you can find little sister Baihu. Remember, as soon as the smell fades, you can tell me. Let's change our way again!"

Tan Yu nodded and said, "Okay, leave it to me!"

After speaking, the two continued to move forward.As long as the smell of Baihu's little sister faded, Tong Yan would punch left and right and change paths in time.

The two exchanged back and forth like this, and finally entered a stone room as they wished.

And as soon as they stepped into it, they saw the white tiger girl and others bound by iron chains.In addition, a red flood dragon also entered their eyes.

This dragon coiled its body, its body was as thick as a bucket, its whole body was covered with red reverse scales, and there was a sharp horn on top of its head.You don't need to guess, it's the magic beast that is responsible for guarding the white tiger's little sister and the others here.

Tan Yu saw the unconscious Baihu little girl, and shouted directly, "Little girl, I'm here to save you. Little girl, wake up, are you okay?"

Perhaps because of Tan Yu's voice, the little sister Baihu, the other Baihus and Xuanwu all opened their eyes.But the coiled red flood dragon also opened its eyes.

"Sister Yu'er, why is it you? Why are you here?"

Because Tong Yan's face changed drastically, little sister Baihu didn't recognize him directly.

Hearing this, Tan Yu quickly replied: "I came with your brother Tong Yan, look, this is your brother Tong Yan."

Hearing this, the little Baihu girl stared at Tong Yan carefully, and then asked in puzzlement, "Brother Tong Yan, why has his appearance changed? I can't even recognize him."

Tan Yu smiled and said, "It's fine if I recognize it, little girl, are you okay? We're here to save you!"

As she spoke, she was about to lift her legs forward, but Tong Yan pulled her over.

"Silly girl, don't you see this dragon staring at us? If you want to save people, you have to get rid of it first. Don't worry, we have found the little sister and the others anyway. After killing this evil dragon , it won’t be too late to save people.”

Tan Yu focused on saving people, but ignored this "quiet" dragon.

"Tong Yan, can you deal with it? I'll fight with you!"

Tong Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "You underestimate me, isn't it just a dragon? Even if a real dragon is here, I will definitely kill it today." At this point, he reached into his pocket and took the Taishan blade come out.

Holding the Taishan blade in his hand, murderous intent appeared in his eyes, and then he shouted loudly: "Evil barrier, leave this place quickly if you are wise. If not, you will definitely be killed!"

Hearing this, the red dragon's eyes glowed red, without saying a word, he immediately opened his mouth and bit Tong Yan.

Seeing this, Tong Yan no longer hesitated, and instantly shifted his shape, and in the next second he was already on top of the dragon's head.

Immediately afterwards, I saw him holding the knife in both hands and slashing down.

With a scream of "嗤", this seemingly ferocious dragon was so easily killed by Tong Yan!
The dragon, whose head fell heavily to the ground, remained motionless, and the bright red blood of the dragon immediately flowed out.In just a short while, the ground was already full of blood.

But at this moment, Tong Yan, who stared at the blood for a while, unexpectedly showed a strange smile.Then, he laughed loudly and rushed out of the stone room, and after a while, he disappeared without a trace.

What's up with him?Where is he going?

(End of this chapter)

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