
Chapter 1088 Our family, let's eat you!

Chapter 1088 Our family, let's eat you!
Tong Yan ran out of the stone room suddenly, which made Tan Yu very puzzled. She hurriedly followed and shouted, "Tong Yan, where are you going? Tong Yan, what's wrong with you? Tong Yan..."

It's a pity that Tong Yan's speed was too fast, and he disappeared at the end of the passage in just a short while.

Tan Yu stared at the dark passageway for a while, and then walked back to the stone room feeling a little lost and worried.No matter where Tong Yan went, she must save Baihu little sister and the others now.

After saving someone, it's not too late for her to look for Tong Yan.But what happened to Tong Yan?This made Tan Yu very worried and worried.

Seeing Tan Yu's return, the little Baihu girl hurriedly asked, "Sister Yu'er, what happened to Brother Tong Yan? Why did he run out?"

Tan Yu shook his head helplessly and said: "I don't know what's going on, maybe... Maybe he has other things to deal with. Well, let him go, I'd better let you go."

As she spoke, she raised her legs and walked up to the little sister Baihu, took out the dagger from her boots, and began to cut the chains that bound the little sister Baihu and others.

After a while, everyone was saved, but they are very weak now, and their whole body is exhausted. It seems that they can only recuperate here for a short time.

Although Tan Yu was worried about Tong Yan, she knew in her heart that she had to stay now, and if there were any monsters approaching again, she could protect the little sister Baihu and the others.As for Tong Yan, he can only rely on himself now.

But the question is, where did Tong Yan go?
Time passed quickly, and it was already half an hour in the blink of an eye.

Tong Yan was still running crazily in the aisle, with a strange smile on his face, his eyes were a little dull, without any expression, as if he was being attracted by something, and he had already lost his sanity.

He kept running like this, and after a while, a red door of light suddenly appeared in front of him.

Without any hesitation, he rushed over directly.

But who would have thought that behind this light gate was an abyss that could not be seen at a glance.His body fell so quickly, it was only after being hit by the cold wind for a few minutes that he suddenly woke up and regained consciousness.

"What's going on? Why am I falling? What is this place, and how did I appear here?"

Sure enough, even he himself didn't know why he appeared here.

Fortunately, he woke up in time, otherwise, with such a falling speed, after he landed, he would probably be smashed into a meatloaf.

Just when he realized that his body was falling rapidly, he directly spread the wings on his back, and after beating vigorously, he finally stabilized his figure.

Since he was falling, he naturally guessed that he fell from a high place.So without any hesitation, he tried his best to fly upwards, hoping to leave this place smoothly.

But what he didn't expect was that he flew up to a height of less than ten meters, and suddenly there was an extremely strong suction force below. Under this suction force, no matter how hard he tried, he still continued to fall irresistibly .

After a few minutes like this, he finally landed on the ground reluctantly and steadily.

And the moment he landed, the original darkness disappeared instantly, and a scene that surprised and puzzled him appeared.

"What the hell is this place?" He murmured to himself with some doubts.

Looking around, this place is like a broken world, with floating stones everywhere, and each stone is bright red, as if it has been stained with blood.And under his feet, there was a huge stone that was half the size of a basketball court. Similarly, the biggest stone was also red, but the color was darker.

These floating small stones should have been attached to this huge rock, but the moment he landed, all these stones floated up, and only then did the scene in front of him appear.

Seeing these, Tong Yan unconsciously thought of Ruins.The stones in the ruins are all floating. Although they are not red, they are somewhat similar to this place.But the Ruins Realm was created because of a flying stone from beyond the sky, so is it also related to a flying stone from beyond the sky?

While thinking, he walked back and forth on the huge red stone.He didn't understand why he came here, let alone where it was.

While he was thinking hard, he did not expect that the imprint of the stars would emit white light again. The white light shone on the red stone, and the huge rock under his feet immediately burst into a dazzling red light.When the red light came on, he felt his eyes go blurry, and then he couldn't see anything.

But at the same time, he felt the powerful star power crazily pouring into his body, a sense of satisfaction he had never had before, which made him stretch out his arms involuntarily.

Roaming in the ocean of star power, not only did he feel comfortable, but his body also seemed to be baptized.

After more than ten minutes, the star power in his body reached its peak, and the light on the red boulder gradually dimmed.

His eyesight recovered, and he showed a faint smile.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a childish voice suddenly sounded.

"Do you like it here? Why don't you stay!"

Hearing this sound, he couldn't help but frowned, and immediately followed the sound.Only then did he realize that not far from his left, there was a child with blood all over his body standing.

This child looks to be four or five years old, with a chubby body, a pair of big eyes, which are also red, with a cute smile on his face, his hands are hanging down naturally, and his long red hair is casually draped behind his head , like a little grown-up.

Tong Yan stared at him for a while, then asked, "Who are you? Where is this place?"

The child smiled slightly and said, "This is my home, and I have always lived here. Now, this is also your home, and you can stay here forever."

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "I'm not in the mood to stay here, I still have a lot of things to do. I don't know why I came here, but it must be related to you? Can you send me out of here Is it? My friends are still waiting for me!"

The child let out a sigh, and then said with some disappointment: "It seems that you don't like this place, but I like you, and I want to follow you forever. If you leave here, I will be sad. Please, stay here." ?"

Tong Yan smiled awkwardly: "You like me, so I want to stay here? This is not my home, I don't belong here. Of course, if you want, you can leave with me. As long as you are obedient, No harm, I don't think I would mind taking you with me."

Hearing this, the child hesitated for a while, and then said to himself: "Leave here? Where else can I go? I just want to follow my brother, but my brother has even forgotten our home. It seems that I can only become one with my brother, in that case, my brother will never leave me again."

Having said that, he suddenly stretched out his arms, and walked towards Tong Yan step by step.

"Brother, don't leave me anymore. I'm so lonely by myself. But if you insist on leaving, then I can only eat you. Only in this way can we never be separated."

Hearing this, Tong Yan felt a chill in his heart, and then his whole body seemed to be frozen, making it difficult to move.

"Eat you, you will not leave until you eat you. Brother, let me eat you!"

(End of this chapter)

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