
Chapter 1089 True Identity, Yin Yang 2 Stars!

Chapter 1089 True Identity, Two Stars of Yin and Yang!
elder brother?Tong Yan was very puzzled by this kid's addressing Tong Yan one by one.Now this kid wants to eat him, what is going on?

The only thing Tong Yan can be sure of now is that this child is by no means a human, nor is he a demon, he is more like a spirit, or a spiritual body.Then how did he eat the so-called food?Eat the soul?
No matter what he ate, Tong Yan couldn't sit still and wait for death.

Although he can't move his body now, he can still talk. He decided to try to persuade the child, hoping to let the child let him go.

"Wait, what did you call me just now? Brother? Are you sure you didn't recognize the wrong person? How could I be your brother?"

Hearing this, the child immediately stopped in his tracks, then pointed to the center of his eyebrows and said, "Look, we have the same mark, so you are my brother." Having said that, his body suddenly turned white, A red five-pointed star immediately stood out between his brows.That's right, this is indeed a star mark, but because the child's skin was red just now, it couldn't be seen at a glance.

But this made Tong Yan even more puzzled, how could there be a star mark on the center of the child's eyebrows?Could it be that there is really some kind of connection between him and this child?
"Uh... uh, can you tell me what happened to the mark on the center of your brow?"

The child was taken aback when he heard this, and then said in puzzlement: "This is the star seal of our Xingxiu clan, what do you ask me for?"

Constellation family?Tong Yan only knows 28 stars, how come there is a family of stars?

He was a little confused, and asked again: "So you mean, we are all members of the Xingxiu family? Are we stars? Stars in the sky?"

The child nodded and said: "That's right, we are indeed the incarnation of the stars, and we are also members of the Xingxiu family. In ordinary people's terms, we are stars. But we are also different from the real stars, because we are spirits. The spirits bred by the stars, so we are called the Xingxiu family!"

Tong Yan's mind is a little confused now, he is obviously a human being, how could he become a spirit?Could it be that he is a descendant of the stars?

Of course, this kind of thing often happened in ancient times. For example, some celebrities are called Wenqu Xingxia or Wuquxing Xiaxia, etc... and Wenquxing and Wuquxing are actually the names of stars.

But even if this is the case, he has become a human being now, so naturally he can't stay here forever.

In addition, he still has a lot of questions in his mind, so he might as well let the kid answer them all for himself.

"Little brother, you said that we are all members of the Xingxiu family. Shouldn't we be in the sky? How did we land here? Besides, I have been reincarnated as a human. But why are you still a spirit?"

As soon as the child heard this, he began to cry "wow", crying so sadly, crying so wronged.

Seeing this, Tong Yan hurriedly comforted him: "Don't cry, I just don't know, so I asked. If you don't want to answer, you don't have to answer. Don't cry, okay?"

Hearing what he said, the child did stop crying, but the child still answered his question.

"A long, long time ago, a magic star appeared in our Xingxiu family. The magic star gave birth to two star spirits, one yin and one yang. The appearance of the magic star heralded the impending disaster of the Three Realms, so the gods asked our Xingxiu family Launched an attack. During that war between gods and stars, many stars fell, including the magic star. But at the moment the magic star fell, the yin and yang spirits separated, and one fell Entering the human world, one fell into the Asura realm. From that moment on, the Yin and Yang stars never met again. The Yin star missed his brother so much, so he split his body in two , half of them left here to look for my brother, and the other half stayed in Ashura forever, accompanying the body of the fallen star. But unfortunately, the half of Yin Xing who went to look for his brother did not find his brother in the end. And attracted the pursuit of the gods. So a big battle broke out in Asura, and the half of the Yin star finally fell into a deep sleep because of exhaustion of the power of the stars, and re-fused with the other half. After waiting for thousands of years, Yin Xing woke up again. And Yang Xing finally entered the Asura Dao, and followed the instructions left by Yin Xing, and came here step by step. Do you know who that Yin Xing is? Do you know who that Yang Xing is? ?"

Tong Yan was stunned suddenly, the magic star separated into Yin and Yang, one fell into the Asura realm, and the other fell into the human world?

Is it... is it...

"I believe you have already guessed, Yin Xing is me, and Yang Xing is you. Therefore, we are brothers, you are my elder brother, and I am your younger brother!"

Since ancient times, Yang is superior to Yin and Yin is inferior, so Yang Xing is the elder brother and Yin Xing is the younger brother.

But after hearing that he was a sun star, Tong Yan still couldn't accept it for a while.

He suddenly realized that he could move freely. He reached out and patted his forehead, and reconfirmed: "Everything you said is true? Is there any evidence?"

The child smiled slightly and said: "It's very simple, you can fuse with my demon armor, and you can easily absorb the demon energy here, and you can come here by yourself, and you have the star mark. Isn't this enough to prove everything? ?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan's brain started spinning rapidly.Suddenly, he seemed to wake up a lot, and suddenly, he seemed to remember many things.

He remembered that he was indeed Tong Yan, and it was because of the help of the ten-winged demon in the Demon City that he was able to escape the catastrophe and enter the path of Asura.

But the ten-winged demon clearly asked him to come to the main city to stop the plot of the ancient demon god?The Heavenly Demon Armor was also given by the Ten-Winged Heavenly Demon, right?What does this have to do with the child in front of me?

"You said just now that the demon armor on me is yours? Are you the ten-winged demon from the demon city?"

The child nodded and said: "You can think so, because the ten-winged demon in the demon city is actually my avatar, and he is also the one who started the war between gods and demons. And the reason why I stayed in the statue In order to let you stop the conspiracy of the ancient demon god, you actually have your own selfish intentions. Because as long as you come to find the ancient demon god, you will definitely meet me. Only in this way can our brothers be reunited."

If it's true what he said, then he is really well-intentioned.But Tong Yan still couldn't accept it for a while, he always felt that there was something wrong with it, but he couldn't figure it out now.

Suddenly, he thought of one thing, that is the ancient demon god!This is the lair of the ancient demon god, and this child lives here. Is this really just a coincidence?Or, is it possible that this child is the ancient demon god who terrified the Three Realms?
(End of this chapter)

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