
Chapter 1090 The crisis is 4 volts, how can the enemy be evil?

Chapter 1090 Danger is everywhere, how can you fight against evil?

Tong Yan told himself that he had to calm down, he finally remembered everything, he had to connect all these together, only in this way could he make the most correct judgment.

"The ten-winged demon is you, so what fuses with me is your armor. It was you who asked me to find the ancient demon god and stop his plot. Then can you tell me where the ancient demon god is? The ancient demon god, and you what is the relationship?"

Hearing this, the child fell silent for a while.He was silent for a while, and then sighed softly: "The ancient demon god is actually me, but not all of me, but a part of me! The meteorite under our feet is the star body of the demon star. I Let it fall here. Asura Dao existed a long time ago. As one of the Three Realms and Six Paths, it gave birth to many creatures at the beginning of its birth. But because this place is full of demonic energy, these creatures have just appeared. So I harbored a demonic heart and wanted to rule everything. After I fell here with the body of the stars, I inevitably absorbed the demonic energy here. But I suddenly discovered that the absorbed demonic energy would make me lose myself and become like that Horrible creatures like a few guys. In order to avoid all this from happening, I sent out the filth produced by absorbing magic energy. Unexpectedly, these filth turned into a powerful monster over time. I tried several times to get rid of it. Get rid of it, but because it was born because of me, I can't get rid of it at all. The filth is getting worse and worse, and I lost control of it, until later, it became what people call the ancient demon god!"

Tong Yan really didn't expect that the ancient demon god who tried to rule the three realms and six realms was born because of this child in front of him.Even if he can't control this child, what can he do to contend with that ancient demon god?

He thought for a while, and finally returned to the original topic.

"In that case, why do you keep me here? Since I am your brother, how can you bear to eat me?"

Hearing this, the child immediately lowered his head in shame. "Brother, I... I really don't want to do this. But... But I'm really too lonely, and... And even if I eat you, you won't disappear, we just merged into one. And there is , I want to get rid of that filth. But I can't do it with my own strength. I need your strength. Only your star power can fight against that filth. Brother, please believe me, I really It's not to hurt you, so don't blame me. Okay?"

Everything in this world is so wonderful, where there is yin, there is yang, no matter how powerful things are, there are ways to restrain them, no matter how powerful creatures are, there will be natural enemies.

If Tong Yan is a yang star, and the child in front of him is a yin star, perhaps the only one who can restrain the yin star is the yang star.There is obviously no problem with this principle, but the problem is, why did this kid eat Tong Yan?Instead of letting Tong Yan eat him?

In fact, this is precisely the reason why Tong Yan feels uncomfortable now.

"I don't need to blame you, but why do you have to eat me? You also said that only I can deal with that demon. I just deal with it myself. What does this have to do with you eating me? In other words, even if you eat me , I should be the one who eats you, right? After all, you created this demon, and it was because of you that this demon was born. Am I right?"

Tong Yan's words were indeed very sharp, making the child in front of him speechless.

The child was silent for a while, and finally admitted his mistake: "Brother, I was wrong, I was too selfish. I'm sorry, I won't eat you again, let's deal with that demon together, shall we?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's best if you can think this way. You also said that we are brothers. There is a saying that when brothers are of one heart, their strength can cut through gold! No matter how powerful the demon is, We can definitely eradicate it completely.”

The child nodded slightly, but he obviously didn't have much confidence in it.

At this point, we have to meet the ancient demon god, and we can only know if we can successfully eradicate it by trying.

"Don't be dazed, take me to see that demon. I want to see what it is."

The child hesitated for a while, then mustered up the courage to say: "Come with me, I will take you to see it right away."

Speaking of this, he just waved his little hand, and a vortex big enough to accommodate two people appeared on the smooth boulder.

He stepped into it first, and Tong Yan hurriedly followed.

Just waiting for the two of them to enter the vortex, the red light flashed, and they disappeared without a trace.

After a short period of blindness, Tong Yan's vision finally recovered, and when he looked up, he couldn't help frowning.

Where is this?Could it be the habitat of the ancient demon god?If that's the case, then the beast really deserves to die.

He saw piles of red bones in front of him. Among these bones were monsters and monsters, piled up into a hill. How many monsters and monsters would have to die to pile up like this?

Tong Yan stared at Gushan for a while, and then asked the child next to him: "Is this all from that demon's filth? It's really appetizing!"

Hearing this, the child sighed softly and said, "Actually, this is only a small part. There are quite a few bones that have been chewed and swallowed by the demon."

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought for a while and said, "It seems that Mo Fei often goes out to look for food, but why did you say it was sleeping?"

The child said helplessly: "This demon has mouths all over his body, and those demons in the main city often give him food, which he actually eats with his eyes closed."

Do you know how to eat with your eyes closed?What the hell is this thing?

"Wait! You said someone was feeding it? Who is it?"

The child chuckled lightly and said, "It's the one who followed you all the time, but he's lost now."

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble in his heart. "What did you say? People who have been following me? When did it happen? How come I don't know anything?"

"From the moment you stepped into the magic star cave, that person has been following. But that guy has a strong demonic energy and is good at invisibility, so you didn't notice it along the way."

Tong Yan was really startled, and made a fuss for a long time. Since he stepped here, he has been followed by others.But what was the man following him for?Is it surveillance?Or are there other reasons?
Now he was suddenly worried about Tan Yu and little sister Baihu. If someone had been following them, the most dangerous person now might not be him, but Tan Yu and the others.

But now that we have come here, let's meet the so-called ancient demon god first.What exactly is it that will become a huge threat to the Three Realms and Six Paths?
But unexpectedly, before seeing the ancient demon god, a vicissitudes of life and very rampant voice suddenly sounded.

"Haha... little guy, you finally sent me the long-awaited prey. As long as I eat him successfully, the entire three realms and six realms will be ours! Haha..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan suddenly turned his head to look at the child beside him, but to his shock, the child had disappeared.

trap?Is this a trap?
(End of this chapter)

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