
Chapter 1091 The spirit of the weapon is fully revealed, and it will be a battle to the death!

Chapter 1091 The spirit of the weapon is fully revealed, let's fight to the death!

The sudden disappearance of the child beside him cast a thick shadow over Tong Yan's trip.He didn't think that child would deceive himself, after all such a lie couldn't be fabricated overnight.

But the problem is, if they are all spirits conceived by the magic star, at this time, how can the child abandon him?
Tong Yan was a little depressed and felt betrayed, but he also took it easy. Complaining now is useless, and it's better to find a way to deal with the coming danger.

He moved his hands, and then shouted loudly: "Nie Yi, just because you want to rule the three realms and six realms? Let me tell you, don't wishful thinking. I came here today to completely eradicate you, my lord."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a "hoo", and a strange wind immediately blew towards him.

When he saw this strange wind, he suddenly understood.The strange wind that feelings encountered on the chain bridge was also caused by this ancient demon god. It seems that since then, this demon has been eyeing him.

What should come will come after all, and you can't hide if you want to hide.

At the moment when the strange wind hit, he immediately used Thunderbolt Palm, and the palm prints were slapped, colliding with the strange wind head-on.At the same time, he took out the Taishan Blade and the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, shifted his shape, crossed the bone mountain, and bravely stood in front of the ancient demon god!

Take a closer look, this so-called ancient demon god, where is there any shadow of a god?It is simply a monster, a huge monster!

I saw that the whole body of this monster was bright red, as if drenched in blood. Its whole body looked like a piece of mud the size of a hill, but above the mud was a pair of giant red eyes with a diameter of two meters. There are large and small mouths on the body, and the mouth is full of rows and circles of red meat teeth, like a meat grinder.

Looking at this monster, Tong Yan was still somewhat apprehensive, this thing is not only disgusting, but also frighteningly scary.I'm struggling with something like this and really don't know how to get rid of it.

Mo Gui stared at Tong Yan with a pair of eyes, and then one of the hundreds of mouths opened his mouth and said, "You are so courageous, you still want to eradicate me? Just rely on you, can you kill me? Are you Your younger brother made me up, but I have completely surpassed him. To tell you the truth, if it wasn’t for luring you, I would have swallowed your useless younger brother. Now you are finally here, In this way, I can completely devour your yin and yang two stars. When that happens, no one can stop me from occupying the three realms, not even God. Haha...haha..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Don't be your daydream. You are nothing more than a mere filth, so what if you ruled the Three Realms and Six Realms? Look at you, but you are just a puddle of mud. There is a saying in the world called Mud can't support a wall. Regardless of your evil intentions, you are doomed to never become the Lord of the Three Realms. In addition, if you want to swallow me, it depends on whether you have the ability. Even if you can swallow me, you I can't digest it either. So, I advise you to be a mud here honestly, but if you have the slightest wishful thinking, you will end up dead without a place to bury!"

Tong Yan knew in his heart that if he wanted to deal with this ancient demon god, the chance of success was very small, and this was exactly what it was.

Hearing this, the ancient demon god laughed and said, "Is that so? You dare to speak hard when you are about to die. I want to see how capable you are."

As soon as the words fell, the big guy suddenly opened his mouth. Hundreds of mouths opened at the same time, converging into a huge suction force, and directly swept towards Tong Yan.

It is basically impossible to resist such a strong suction.

What Tong Yan can do is to hide, and then wait for the opportunity to strike, to see if he can kill this demon.

Without the slightest hesitation, he instantly shifted shape.Although the body escaped the huge suction force of the ancient demon god, but he just appeared here, and he has not had time to make a move in the future.His body suddenly became heavy, and after that, he couldn't move at all!
"Stinky boy, don't waste your efforts, you will never be able to defeat me. As long as there is magic energy here, I can imprison you. You may not know that I have the ability to manipulate magic energy, let alone you, even These are some old things from Asura Dao, and they are no longer my opponent. Now, come to my stomach obediently. Swallow your sun star, and then swallow your cowardly brother , the power of the magic star will be completely absorbed by me. Come on, obediently die!"

Tong Yan couldn't move his body, and was immediately swept by a huge suction force.Although he wanted to resist, but his body was out of control, and he was dragged in front of the ancient demon god little by little.

Looking at the big mouths like a meat grinder, he suddenly felt a trace of despair, but in an instant, he dismissed the idea.

Until the last second, he must not give up. He would rather die in battle than wait for death.

But how can we get rid of the bondage?How on earth can we escape this robbery?
Finally, he thought of Yuanfeng Zhiyu.At this time, perhaps only Yuanfeng Zhiyu can help him through the crisis!

After making up his mind, he immediately shouted loudly: "Senior Yuanfeng, please help me!"

As soon as his words fell, the feather imprint on the back of his hand immediately burst out with great power.

Under the impact of this powerful force, not only did he regain his ability to move, but the suction force that was wrapping him also collapsed all of a sudden.

This was not over yet, a huge fire phoenix suddenly appeared, immediately guarded in front of him, and confronted the ancient demon god directly.

When Yuanfeng appeared, the surrounding temperature suddenly rose.Not only that, the phoenix sky sword in Tong Yan's hand also made an ear-splitting sound, and in a short while, one phoenix and one phoenix also appeared directly, flying on the left and right of Yuanfeng.

If you thought it was over?That would underestimate Tong Yan's magic weapon too much.

At this time, he must do his best, so he called out the guardian dragon and eight golden luan of the Wu family.In addition, the eight spirits of Taishan Blade also appeared at the same time.

Except for the sword spirit of the Blue Soul Sword, which did not appear, the spirits of all his magic tools appeared at this moment.

This is an unprecedented duel, and whether or not they can defeat the ancient demon god is all in one fell swoop.

Bunches of dazzling golden light and fire light appeared, immediately confronting the powerful demonic energy of the ancient demon god.

With so many spirits and beasts helping him, Tong Yan was already fearless. If he couldn't escape death even in this way, then he would have nothing to regret.

The strongest battle begins here!

"Mo Gui, let's fight to the death!"

(End of this chapter)

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