
Chapter 1095 Strange mark, the one who killed you!

Chapter 1095 Strange mark, the one who killed you!
After leaving the Magic Star Cave, Tong Yan and his party rushed towards the place he had agreed with Xuan Mo, Xiao Hui and others.After so many days, I don't know if Xuan Mo and Xiao Hui are still waiting for him there, but I have to give it a try, because everyone will return to the world in a short time, so we can't leave Xuan Mo behind. here.

Unfortunately, after they arrived there, they didn't see Xuan Mo and others at all.But on a few big trees, they found strange marks.

These marks are all inverted triangles with a circle drawn inside. Although I don't know what the meaning of these marks are, they must have been left on purpose.But who actually left such a mark?Are these special marks related to Xuan Mo, Xiao Hui and others?

Tan Yu stared at the mark on the tree for a while, then asked Tong Yan, "Tong Yan, do you think the mark on the tree was left by Xuan Mo?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said, "Probably not. If he really wants to leave me a message, wouldn't it be better to leave a message instead of a mark at all? I speculate that these marks are probably from some organization. The imprint of a certain tribe, or the totem of a certain tribe. In short, it should represent something."

Hearing what he said, Tan Yu thought for a while and said, "Then what do you mean, Xuan Mo and the others left with the people who left the mark? As long as we find out the origin of the mark, can we find them?" ?”

Tong Yan nodded and said: "It should be like this, but I'm not sure yet. In short, no matter what, the marks must be checked clearly. Of course, these marks may have nothing to do with Xuan Mo and the others, but just a coincidence. I think How about this, I'll go to the main city to meet Xue Ji first, she is one of the eight great demon kings, she might know what this mark means. Besides, I still have some things to deal with, so let's do it together by the way."

Hearing this, Tan Yu immediately frowned and said, "You still have something to deal with? What's the matter?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Small things will be done soon. You all stay here for the time being. If Xuan Mo and the others return here, it happens to be able to join them. I'll go first and come back as soon as possible!"

Although Tan Yu really wanted to go with Tong Yan, but he was afraid of dragging Tong Yan and wasting time, so he nodded and agreed.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Tong Yan spread the bone wings on his back and flew directly to the main city.

In fact, regarding these marks, he already had a rough guess in his heart.The mark left on the tree cannot be just a coincidence.Perhaps, someone left it for him on purpose.Then what is the purpose of leaving the mark to him?Although he didn't want to think about the bad side, he still thought of it unconsciously.That is, Xuan Mo, Xiao Hui, and Wendy met a mysterious organization, which took them all abducted, and then left a mark on purpose, maybe for ransom, maybe for something else, or simply because the organization was normal. way of doing things.

But these are just his suspicions, and there is no sufficient evidence. Of course, he would rather be wrong in his suspicions, because he doesn't want something to happen to Xuanmo and the others.

As for the little thing he said to do, it was actually getting rid of Masuo that beast.Tan Yu has been imprisoned by that beast for so long, if he is not killed, how can he be worthy of Tan Yu?
With Tong Yan's current strength, it should be enough to deal with Marceau. Although he may use the Tai Chi Suction Technique, he has already made up his mind, so naturally he will not change his mind.

It didn't take long for him to enter the main city smoothly.Although the main city is prosperous, he is not in the mood to appreciate it.

Passing through the crowded street, he soon arrived outside the palace of Demon King Xue Ji.He wanted to go forward and call the door, but after thinking about it, he decided it was better to sneak in quietly.The removal of the ancient demon god and the rescue of the envoys of the Baihu and Xuanwu tribes are all inextricably linked to him. Maybe the demon god in the main city has already noticed this and is looking for him nationwide.Although he didn't see any arrest warrants along the way, it's better to be more cautious. In case they have already set up many traps, he can also be prepared in advance.

After climbing over the high courtyard wall, he entered Xue Ji's mansion without anyone noticing.

Having lived in this mansion for several days, he is quite familiar with it.

After performing several consecutive shifts, he had already stepped into the hall.But unfortunately, Xue Ji is not in the main hall now, maybe she went to the bedroom, maybe she went out.

Tong Yan hesitated for a moment, and decided to go to the apse to have a look.The apse is where Xue Ji's bedroom is located. If she is not in the apse, then she has really gone out to do errands.

He just walked into the apse without making a sound, unexpectedly before he stepped into Xue Ji's boudoir, he heard a bad laugh coming from inside.

"Xue Ji, don't struggle anymore. What I gave you is the forbidden medicine of Doutian Kingdom Medicine Shengu. As long as you take one, the demonic energy in your whole body will dissipate. You are not even as good as the most useless demon now." , It’s better to be honest. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this day? From the first moment I saw you, I couldn’t wait. I really want you so much, and today I can finally get my wish. Come Come on, let me love you well, come on, my little one! Hehe..."

"Go away, don't touch me, don't touch me! Get out, get out..."

Tong Yan just listened to it for a while, and then an unknown fire arose.As long as anyone has a sense of justice in his heart, he can't just ignore death at this time.

No more hesitation, he kicked it out suddenly, and heard a "bang", and the door was directly shattered by his kick.

Looking intently into the room, Xue Ji was being pressed on the bed, and her clothes were also torn into shape.And the person who was about to violate Xue Ji was none other than Ma Suo, who Tong Yan came here to kill this time.

Because I have seen Marceau's portrait before, Tong Yan recognized it after just one glance.

Hearing the sound of the door shattering, Marceau immediately turned his head to look, seeing that the person who came was a strange boy, he immediately said sternly: "I really don't know what to do, dare to come here to spoil the king's good things, get out immediately, otherwise , I will never forgive you."

Xue Ji, who was weak all over, tried her best to look towards the door, and when she saw that it was Tong Yan, her eyes immediately showed joy.

"Abu, how could it be you? When did you come back? Save me, help me kill him. He is Marceau!"

Tong Yan moved his neck, and then said coldly: "There is a saying that the enemy's road is narrow, Marceau, I wanted to kill you later, but I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself. That's good, save I have a lot of time."

As soon as the words fell, the devilish energy in his whole body suddenly dispersed, and the heavenly devil bone armor also appeared.

The Demon King Marceau looked intently, and couldn't help showing a solemn expression. "You... who are you?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said: "The one who killed you!" At this point, he flashed his figure and rushed towards Marceau.

(End of this chapter)

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