
Chapter 1096 Slay Marceau with all his strength, the magic transformation method!

Chapter 1096 Slay Marceau with all his strength, the magic transformation method!
There are actually two reasons why Tong Yan must kill Marceau. First, Marceau imprisoned Tan Yu and made Tan Yu suffer a lot, so he wanted to vent his anger on Tan Yu; It was because Xue Ji wanted to kill Marceau, so he would help by the way.

But why did he insist on helping Xue Ji?In the final analysis, it was all because he had done something wrong to Xue Ji under the drive of magic, and killing Marceau for Xue Ji was a kind of compensation.

Tong Yan has his own helplessness, so hurry up to end the matter here and return to the world, maybe he can live a normal life with Tan Yu.And in order for this day to come earlier, getting rid of Marceau has become a must.

At this moment, Marceau was obviously a little confused. He didn't expect that this kid would fight himself desperately just after he came in.Although he is one of the Eight Great Demon Kings and possesses impressive strength, after seeing Tong Yan's Heavenly Demon Bone Armor, he felt inexplicably uneasy.

In this world, there are always reckless people, but there are too few guys who know that their strength is not enough, but still want to fight with others.Since Tong Yan dared to attack him, it was enough to prove that Tong Yan's strength would never be inferior to him.And it is precisely because of such concerns that he is now a little timid.

Tong Yan was unequivocal, rushing forward was a punch, which actually did not pose a threat to Marceau, but because of the change in mentality, Marceau did not fight back, but chose to avoid it.

He jumped to the side and was about to flee the room.

But Tong Yan's eyes are full of murderous intent, so how can he let him escape safely?In terms of speed, Tong Yan was by no means slower than him, so before he got close to the door, Tong Yan had already firmly kicked him on the waist.

With the sound of "Plop", he directly fell heavily on the ground, not only disgraced, but also in a state of embarrassment.

Tong Yan wasn't in the mood to waste time with him, so he reached into his pocket and pulled out the Tai Shan Ren, holding the knife with one hand, and he chopped it down immediately.The Taishan Blade is a magic weapon that cuts iron like mud, and there are eight great weapon spirits inside. Even if you don't use the Deadly Saber, this knife is enough to split the Marceau Demon King in half.

When Marceau saw that his life was in danger, even if he felt terrified, he could only do his best to fight.

The strength of the Demon King should not be underestimated. Seeing Tai Shanren struggling to strike, he immediately summoned his Heavenly Demon Bone Armor, and put his arms on top of his head to meet Tai Shanren.

He only heard the sound of "Dang", but he didn't expect Tong Yan's knife to cut off Marceau's arms, but knocked him back three or four steps.

Taking a closer look, he found that the purple celestial demon bone armor had spread all over Marceau's body, and it was Marceau's celestial demon bone armor that blocked Tai Shanren's fierce knife.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Marceau hurriedly got up from the ground, and then shouted loudly: "Damn guy, do you really think that this king is afraid of you? I can become one of the eight great demon kings. Is it because you can kill me if you want to kill me?" I want to see how capable you are!" At this point, he lost his temper, and with a single move, a red sledgehammer appeared in his hand.

Of course, Tong Yan didn't expect to be able to deal with such a powerful demon king so easily, so after Marceau showed his weapon, he had already started to use the deadly knife.

"The courage of a hundred soldiers is as strong as a dragon; control it with your heart and move with your heart. The head of the nine shorts is sharp; supplemented by the nine palaces, the nines and nines return to one. The sword has the help of the gods and sweeps thousands of troops; the heart has the help of the spirit and one thought Jue Hun! Jue Ming Dao, cut!"

As soon as the word chop fell, he immediately slapped the formed Nine Palaces upwards, and instantly merged with the Taishan Blade floating in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the clear sound of "clank" sounded, and Tai Shanren instantly turned into a huge red sword, slashing straight towards Marceau.

Marceau saw the red sword slashing towards him, held the sledgehammer with both hands, gave a low shout, and swung it out with all his might.

Only a sound of "Dang" was heard, good guy, this Marceau even blocked the Jue Ming Dao Jue.

But even though he was blocked, he was also shaken out of the room by Jue Ming Dao Jue, and the powerful impact even cut cracks in the walls of the room.

Tong Yan was a little surprised, even Jue Ming Dao Jue couldn't kill the beast Marceau, it seemed that he had to resort to Tai Chi Su Zhen Jue.

In fact, he was already a little afraid of performing the Tai Chi Suction Technique, because it seemed that the side effects were very obvious every time he performed it.He was really worried that he would be controlled by magic again, and that he would forget everyone again.

But there is no other way, apart from this Tai Chi Sutra, he really can't come up with more powerful supernatural powers to deal with the demon king whose strength is far superior to his own.

Therefore, he finally used the Tai Chi Suction Technique.But this time, he kept an eye out, that is, he didn't completely suck up the magic energy in Marceau's body, but only absorbed half of it.Taking advantage of Marceau's inability to move, cut off his head with the mountain blade.

But even half of the magic energy in Marceau's body caused him pain all over his body. Fortunately, he was still sane, which was lucky.

Marceau didn't even utter a scream, and was approached by Tong Yan by shifting his shape, and then killed him in one fell swoop with Tai Chi Su Zhen Jue and Tai Shan Ren.

Seeing the dead Marceau, Tong Yan breathed a sigh of relief.After solving a damn beast, it was time for him to ask Xue Ji about the strange mark.

"Xue Ji, are you okay? Marceau has been killed by me!"

Walking into the room again, Xue Ji already had a long coat on her body.

She wrapped herself in a coat, then forced a smile and said, "Thank you, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid...I'm afraid I would be killed by that bastard Ma Suo. By the way, why are you back? You have already rescued the White Tiger Clan princess?"

Tong Yan nodded and said: "That's right, the person has been rescued. This return is to fulfill my promise to you; secondly, to say goodbye to you. I will return to the world soon , maybe we will never meet again in the future.”

Hearing this, Xue Ji was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a wry smile. "It seems that you have recovered your memory. I just didn't expect that you are human, no wonder you are so special. When are you going to leave? Do you want me to see you off?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said: "There is no need to send it off, we will leave quietly. Also, I want to ask you something, you are the devil king, you must be well-informed. Have you seen this mark? ?”

Having said that, he directly drew on the ground with Taishan Blade, which was the mark with a circle inside the inverted triangle.

Xue Ji stood up slowly, walked to the mark and took a look, then her expression changed involuntarily.

"Where did you see this mark? In the main city?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and replied, "No, it's on a few trees outside the city. I had made an appointment with my friends to meet there, but they disappeared. After searching carefully, I found such a tree on a tree. Mark. What exactly is this mark?"

Hearing this, Xue Ji sighed softly and said, "This symbol comes from the Kingdom of Doutian, and it is the emblem of a secret sect of the Kingdom of Doutian. This emblem has never appeared again for a whole 100 years. But why did it suddenly appear in the Demon God this time?" What about the country? Could it be... Could it be that in just 100 years, the Doutian Kingdom has mastered the magic transformation method? Are they going to launch a general attack?"

Tong Yan frowned slightly, and said puzzledly: "You mean, my friend has now fallen into the hands of that secret sect? And what is the magic transformation method you mentioned?"

Xue Ji took a deep breath, then said solemnly: "The method of magic transformation is the method of becoming a god. Their goal is not the Asura Dao, but the heavens!"

What?The method of becoming a god?Can a demon become a god?

(End of this chapter)

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