
Chapter 1097 Mysterious Holy Gate, North Star Murder!

Chapter 1097 Mysterious Holy Gate, North Star Murder!
Tong Yan was a little dazed, could this method of transformation really turn a devil into a god?This is too incredible.

"Xue Ji, is what you said true? Is the law of magic transformation so heaven-defying?"

Xue Ji nodded lightly and said: "What I said is true. You are so surprised now, but you are the same as I was at the beginning. But this is by no means chasing rumors, but it is really possible. You may not know it yet. , the guys in that mysterious sect are all monsters. They master all kinds of magical spells, and they are no better than gods. Think about it, how can a small Doutian Kingdom occupy one-third of the Asura Dao The land of Yi, how can it compete with the Demon God Kingdom? Is the Demon God Kingdom really willing to hand over part of the land to outsiders? In fact, there is no way. The Demon God Kingdom has launched several attacks, but nothing Can win. Although the Doutian Kingdom looks weak, it is a sharp blade. The Demon God Kingdom is just a tiger, and it can't get the slightest benefit from the sharp blade. It is because of this that the Doutian Kingdom has been able to exist until now. After all, it is Because they have mastered too many miraculous spells, which are far beyond what we demons can deal with. Fortunately, there are still ancient demon gods. With him, Doutian Kingdom would not dare to rashly launch a general attack on the Demon God Kingdom. But if they It’s hard to say if your method of magic transformation has been successful. If it doesn’t work out, it will attack the Demon God Kingdom in the near future!”

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly in his heart, Xue Ji still counted on the ancient demon god, but how did she know that the ancient demon god no longer existed.But the safety of Xuan Mo, Xiao Hui and others has now become a big rock hanging in Tong Yan's heart.If that mysterious sect is really so powerful, wouldn't Xuan Mo and Xiao Hui be very dangerous?
In any case, he had to find a way to get them out.But where should he go to find the group who kidnapped Xuan Mo and the others?
"Xue Ji, how much do you know about that mysterious sect? Don't they have a name? How strong are the disciples inside? Compared with your demon king, who is weaker or stronger?"

Xue Ji thought for a while, and then replied: "That mysterious sect seems to be called... Holy Gate! As for the strength of their disciples, it's hard to say. Just like the devil, there are strong and weak. Our demon king is powerful, but some weak ones even kill the six-winged demons. Oh, yes, there is another point, that is, many people in this sect have three eyes. Look at this emblem, don’t Don't you think it looks like an eye?"

Hearing what Xue Ji said, it was true.The emblem is an inverted triangle on the outside and a circle on the inside. At a glance, it really looks like an open eye.

Wait, Tong Yan suddenly thought of something. "What did you say? Many people in this sect have three eyes? Are you sure?"

Xue Ji nodded and said: "I'm sure, because I have seen one with my own eyes. It was 100 years ago, the killers of the Holy sect sneaked into the main city, and several demons were murdered. In the end, it was the demon god Chi Hong who made the move. Get the murderer out. That guy has three eyes, and the mark he left in the city is the one you drew. And the magic transformation method was also asked from that guy's mouth."

three eyes?This made Tong Yan suddenly think of Chen Hao and Wuji Palace.Chen Hao has three eyes, and Situ Santong, the master of Wuji Palace, once said that Chen Hao is the son of God of Wuji Palace and the god of Wuji Palace in the future.

They also have three eyes, is this really just a coincidence?Or is there some kind of special connection between this so-called Holy Gate and the Promise Palace?
Of course, this is just Tong Yan's speculation.This may not be the case, but no matter what, he has to figure out the true intention of this Holy Gate.Why did they arrest Xuan Mo, Xiao Hui and others?

Seeing that Tong Yan didn't say a word, Xue Ji immediately asked, "What's wrong with you? Missing your friend?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "Yes, before I find them, how can I not be worried? If they really fall into the hands of the Holy Gate, I'm afraid it will be more or less ominous. Xue Ji, you Do you know how to find the Holy Door?"

Hearing this, Xue Ji shook her head and said, "I don't know how to find them, but you can go to Dou Tian Kingdom to try your luck. It stands to reason that the Holy Gate has a good status in Dou Tian Kingdom. As long as you are in Dou Tian Kingdom Stay a little longer, and you should be able to find them. But I personally think that you'd better not take this risk. The people of the holy gate are always cruel, so don't put your life in it before you find your friends .This is by no means alarmist talk, but that holy gate is really weird."

Tong Yan knew that Xue Ji was doing it for his own good, so he smiled slightly and said: "Xue Ji, thank you for telling me this. I will think about it carefully, it is getting late, so I will leave first. , we will meet later!"

With that said, he turned to leave.

Xue Ji stared at his back, and said with a complicated expression: "It seems that you are destined to be just a passer-by in my life, but I don't hate you. Maybe this is the so-called fate! Goodbye, Abu!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hesitated a little, but finally walked out quickly.

In a person's life, he will meet many people.Although some people can't be with each other for a long time, they will leave a strong mark on the track of life; some people, even if they are always with each other, the distance between hearts will become farther and farther in the end.So, again, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and it has been a long time since we haven't seen each other.

After leaving Xue Ji's mansion, Tong Yan rushed out of the city.Now that he already knew the Holy Gate behind the mark, he should discuss with everyone what to do next.

In addition, even though the signs of the Holy Gate were seen on those trees, it does not mean that Xuan Mo, Xiao Hui, and Wendy were abducted by the Holy Gate. Maybe they went to Beixing City to look for him because he had not returned for a long time up.

While Tong Yan was planning for the worst, he was also planning for the best.

"Let's go to Beixing City first to try our luck. If we really can't find Xuan Mo and Xiao Hui, it's not too late to go to Dou Tian Kingdom."

With an idea in mind, he immediately adjusted his direction and headed directly towards Beixing City.

After the battle between Tong Yan and the three ten-winged celestial demons that day, Beixing City unexpectedly became popular.Many tourists came here just because of the reputation. Two ten-winged celestial demons fell here. This can be regarded as the most explosive news in the Demon God Kingdom during this period.

In fact, even if these tourists came to Beixing City, what would they see?Look at the corpses of those two ten-winged demons?The corpse has long been buried in the ground, so we can't dig it out and look at it again?After all, they didn't know what they were looking for, they were just joining in the fun.

It's a pity that they lost their lives for nothing because of their curiosity.

When Tong Yan arrived at Beixing City, the nice Beixing City turned into a dead city!
What was even more inconceivable was that the corpses of the dead in the city were all broken into minced meat, which was exactly the same as what he saw in Nan'an City that day.

What is going on here?Could it be that the people in this city all died by exposing themselves?All of this can never be just a coincidence, could it be related to the Holy Gate?
(End of this chapter)

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