
Chapter 1098 Holy Gate disciples, first confrontation!

Chapter 1098 Holy Gate disciples, first confrontation!
Regarding the self-explosion of the people in Nan'an City, Tong Yan specifically asked Ziyi Zhenren.The answer given by Master Zi Yi was that they were illuminated by a beam of divine light, so they blew themselves up one after another.Tong Yan couldn't agree with Zi Yi's answer.Later, because of some other things, he didn't pay much attention to this matter.

Unexpectedly, the same tragedy happened in Beixing City.Looking at the piles of minced meat and bright red blood, Tong Yan was sure that this was exactly the same as what he saw in Nan'an City. Could it be that this place was also illuminated by the "divine light"?
He didn't believe that there really was such a powerful divine light. If there really was, how could the war of gods and demons in the heavens not get any benefit?There must be another reason why these people blew themselves up.He happened to pass by this place, so he decided to take a good look in the city, hoping to find some special discoveries, and also to see if Xuan Mo and Xiao Hui were also in the city.

Beixing City must be much larger than Nan'an City. Tong Yan didn't wander around the city when he first came, but went directly to a tavern in the city.

This time he has a lot of time, so naturally he can walk this North Star City well.

But what he didn't expect was that after walking for a while, he actually found out.

What did you find?On one wall he found the emblem of the Holy Gate, drawn in blood and standing out against the gray wall.

With this discovery, he is even more convinced that the people from the Holy Gate must have been to Beixing City, and they should not have left.

Why would he doubt that the people of the Holy Gate have not left yet?The reason is simple, the blood on the wall has not dried up, and the time this emblem was painted on must not have been long.Coupled with the puddles of minced meat and blood on the ground, he even suspected that the bloodbath of Beixing City had something to do with the Holy Gate.

Xue Ji said that all the old guys in the holy gate possessed strange magic, and the people in the city were turned into pieces of meat, perhaps because of some vicious sorcery.There are many kinds of sorcery, which can kill people invisible, and it is not impossible to turn a good-looking person into bloody flesh.For example, the Soul Devouring Curse mastered by Lei Tianyang, the master of three epilepsy, can easily devour other people's souls. This kind of sorcery is probably not the strongest technique among sorcerers.And even more powerful sorcery, wanting to kill everyone in a short time is definitely not a fantasy.

Tong Yan only hoped that nothing would happen to Xuan Mo, Xiao Hui, and Wendy. If it was really related to the Holy Gate, he would never let them off lightly.

The first thing to do now is to find out the disciples of the Holy Gate in Beixing City, and as long as he finds one, he can ask about Xuanmo and the others.

He looked around and walked directly into the alley on the left.The alley is not wide, and the walls on both sides are very high. If someone casts a spell here quietly, it will be difficult for people to notice.

Moving forward in the alley, he soon reached the end of the alley, but at the end, it turned into a crossroad.

He was a little depressed, trying to find the hidden disciples of the Holy Gate in such a big city by himself, it was tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

After thinking about it for a while, he took out Taishan Ren, and then said to Taishan Ren: "Eight brothers, I have something to ask. I want to find the whereabouts of the disciples of the Holy Gate in this city, and I hope the eight brothers can help me."

He always treats the weapon spirit in Taishan Blade as a friend or brother. In fact, he is the master of the Taishan Blade. As long as he gives an order, how dare the weapon spirit in the blade refuse to obey?

However, command and entreaty are two concepts, and being forced to do something and doing it willingly are also different concepts.

It is precisely because of his treatment of the eight great weapon spirits of Taishan Ren that these eight great weapon spirits are willing to live and die with him. Isn't this a reward for kind treatment?

The Eight Great Artifact Spirits barely said anything, and immediately appeared in shape, and immediately galloped away in all directions.

With the help of the eight spirits, he felt that it was not enough, so he called out the eight golden luan.In this way, it is relatively easy to search the whole city.

He continued to search forward, like this for more than ten minutes.Finally, Tiger Three among the Eight Great Artifacts found out, and quickly returned to him.

"Brother Tong Yan, I found a strange guy in a house. He is probably the Holy Gate disciple you are looking for. Come with me, and I will take you right away!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately nodded and said, "Okay, then there will be Brother Lao Hu, let's go!"

He followed Hu San through five streets in a row, and finally stopped in front of a courtyard at the west end of the city.

Hu San pointed to the yard in front of him with his tiger claws and said, "That guy is right here, be careful."

Tong Yan nodded, his legs suddenly exerted strength, and immediately jumped into the courtyard.

It never occurred to him that just as he landed on the ground, a person walked out of the house in the courtyard.

I saw that this person was wearing a huge black cloak, a Rakshasa mask on his face, a pair of eyes with a blue light, and a head of silver hair hanging behind his head.

Tong Yan stared at this person, and suddenly found the emblem of the Holy Gate on the cloak that this person was wearing, no need to guess, this person must be the person of the Holy Gate.

This guy glanced at Tong Yan, and then said coldly: "Who are you? Are you specially sent by Chi Hong to deal with me?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "Your Excellency may be mistaken. I am not Chi Hong's subordinate. The reason why I came here is to ask you a few questions. If you answer honestly, I may Let you live, if not, then I can only let you be buried with the people of this city."

When the people of the Holy Gate heard this, they burst out laughing. "To be buried with them? It's a big tone. Even if the devil king of the main city comes, I won't be afraid, let alone such a small guy like you? I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications to ask me a question. Give it to me immediately." I'll go, otherwise, I will kill you now!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "It seems that you are unwilling to cooperate, anyway, I didn't expect you to be honest. If you don't let you suffer, how can you understand what self-knowledge is?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he put his hand into his pocket, and he immediately pulled out the Blue Soul Sword.

The man of the Holy Gate stared at the Blue Soul Sword in his hand, and said with a smile: "It's such an exquisite sharp weapon, so I'll accept it with a smile!"

Speaking of this, this guy suddenly made a flash and attacked Tong Yan first.

Tong Yan saw it, and before this guy approached, he resorted to transposition.

The guy jumped at nothing and immediately looked back.Tong Yan had already appeared behind him, and immediately struck out the five-finger sword.

Seeing the five qi swords attacking at the same time, the disciple of the Holy Gate put his hands together and planned to resist forcefully.All I saw was the brown gas on his body suddenly dispersing, turning into a wall of gas to protect him.

I heard a few "Dangdang" sounds, my good fellow, the Five Fingers Excalibur was completely blocked by this air wall.

However, Tong Yan also seized the opportunity, formed a magic seal with one hand, and said quickly in his mouth: "Heaven and earth are righteous, awe-inspiring and boundless, listen to my orders, use the law to kill demons, and use the heavenly sword art, come out!"

As soon as the words were written, the Blue Soul Sword in his hand immediately turned into blue light, and shot at the Holy Gate disciple in front of him with a "whoosh".

But I never thought that this guy's body would disperse into two, two into four, and four into eight in an instant.

At the same time, these eight separated bodies cast spells at the same time, and the tricks used... turned out to be Tianxing Sword Art!

(End of this chapter)

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