
Chapter 1099 Strong to win, doubts answered!

Chapter 1099 Strong to win, doubts answered!
The eight disciples of the holy gate showed their black long swords at the same time, and said in unison: "Heaven and earth are righteous, awe-inspiring and boundless, listen to my orders, use the law to kill demons, and use the heavenly sword art, come out!"

The eight black long swords struck at the same time, which really shocked Tong Yan, and the formula they recited was exactly the Tian Xing Jian Jue he had just recited.He was a little dazed, what was going on?Could it be that they were the Wu family before their death?Otherwise, how could they know the Heavenly Movement Sword Art?
The sword had already struck, he had no choice but to dodge first by shifting shape, and the blue soul sword he had hit before also hit one of them at this time.

Hearing only a scream of "ah", the guy who was hit by the blue soul sword immediately turned into green smoke.But the remaining seven people changed again, suddenly became 14 people.

Tong Yan came out, recalled the Blue Soul Sword with one hand, and frowned involuntarily.

"Is this the avatar technique? It's really enough to bluff people. But why does this guy also know the Heavenly Walking Sword Art? Is it true, or is it a mystery?"

Thinking of this, he immediately asked, "How do you know the Heavenly Walking Sword Art? Who are you?"

One of the 14 people replied at the same time: "Returning the other person's way to the other body, this is the best secret method. Those who are wise, leave this place quickly, so as not to die under your own supernatural powers."

Return the way to others?If that's the case, Tong Yan really doesn't have to worry.He originally thought that the other party would also know his own Tianxing Sword Art, and that he and himself were both descendants of the Wu family.Now it seems that he is thinking too much.The person in front of him is just following the gourd, after all, it's just a bluffing move.

He stretched his neck, then smiled and said, "Actually, I really don't know much about my supernatural powers. Since you can repay the other with the same way, why don't you let me open my eyes now. Look. Look at the supernatural powers I use, is it you who use it better, or me who uses it better?"

As soon as this guy heard this, a group of 14 people shouted angrily at the same time: "You are stubborn, you want to die!"

Tong Yan said with a cold smile: "Looking for death? I want to see who died!"

As soon as the words were finished, he immediately used shape-shifting and changing positions continuously, and his figure flashed in succession, making people dizzy.At the same time, he also shot out the five-finger sword continuously, and the handle of the Qi sword was like a thousand arrows, shooting at almost everyone.

The five-finger sword is an instant supernatural power, even if the disciple of the holy sect wanted to repay him with his own way, he might not be able to do it.

In addition, Tong Yan has another purpose this time. If the guy in front of him is performing the technique of avatar, there must be a body in it.He just needs to find the main body and attack the main body, this guy will definitely lose.

Although it is a bit tiring to do so, as long as you can win, what is a little tiring?

But I have to say, this guy is really amazing. Dozens of Qi swords swarmed towards him, and he was able to block both the main body and the avatar.For a while, the sound of clanging and clanging was endless, as if hailstones had hit the iron sheet, it was too ear-piercing.

Tong Yan didn't stop, and was using the Five-Finger Excalibur for a while. Anyway, the Five-Finger Excalibur can only consume a limited amount of magic energy in his body. As long as this guy can't bear it, he will naturally show his flaws.

On the other hand, the seven weapon spirits he sent out to look for the disciples of the Holy Gate have also returned.In this way, Taishan Blade re-condensed the power of the eight great weapon spirits.He can also use the strongest ultimate move, the ultimate sword.

After three or two minutes like this, the holy doorman finally became angry from embarrassment, and changed from blindly defending to attacking.

A group of 14 people raised their black long swords high at the same time, as if they were about to display some powerful supernatural powers.

Tong Yan looked around, and had already determined the target. He didn't hesitate any more, immediately put away the Blue Soul Sword, took out the Taishan Blade, and threw it upwards. Within a short period of time, the nine seals were successfully formed by him.A Nine Palaces Diagram was then generated, and it rotated rapidly like a halo.

He already has a goal, so it's time for a showdown.

He only heard him recite Jue aloud: "The courage of a hundred soldiers is as strong as a dragon; control it with your heart and move with your heart. The head of the nine shorts is extremely sharp; supplemented by the nine palaces, ninety-nine return to one. The sword has the help of gods and sweeps Thousands of soldiers; with spiritual help in the heart, one thought will kill the soul! Desperate knife, cut!"

As soon as the word "cut" fell, he immediately slapped the formed Nine Palaces upwards, and instantly merged with the Taishan Blade floating in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the clear sound of "clank" was heard, and the Mount Tai blade instantly turned into a giant red sword.

But in such a short time, the midair was covered with red clouds, and lightning flashed.Could it be that this disciple of the Holy Gate is going to lead down the thunder and destroy Tongyan?
Tong Yan didn't have time to think about this, as long as he killed the disciple of the Holy Gate first, the sky thunder would naturally not come down.

Just watch him turn back suddenly, control the red giant knife with both hands, and slash with all his might.

The locked disciple of the holy gate didn't dare to delay when he saw it, he turned around and wanted to escape.But it's good that this guy doesn't run away. The fact that he runs away like this means that Tong Yan's judgment is correct, he is the real body.

As long as the main body is killed, the other avatars will definitely be self-defeating.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!"

The red giant blade slashed away, as fast as lightning.

Hearing a scream of "ah", the red giant blade caught up with that guy and cut off his legs in unison.His legs were chopped off, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

At the same time, the avatars who were casting spells also "popped" like balloons into green smoke, and disappeared without a trace after a while.

Tong Yan is still merciful, because he still has some things to understand.After finally finding a Holy Gate disciple, if he was accidentally killed, he would not know where to look for him again.

The disciple of the Holy Gate, whose legs had been chopped off, fell to the ground in pain, his previous prestige completely gone.

Tong Yan raised his legs and walked up to him, smiled contemptuously and said, "Are you willing to answer my question this time?"

"Say... tell me, you... what do you want to know?"

Tong Yan nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, you're pretty smart, so I'll ask directly. Have you ever met a member of the mysterious Xuanwu clan in the woods outside Beixing City in the past few days? In addition, there are two monsters. Have you ever seen the three of them together?"

"Xuanwu? See... saw it, but... but they have been taken away by the five guardians."

Hearing this, Tong Yan's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"What are you people from the Holy Gate arresting them for? They have no grievances against you, what are you going to do?"

Hearing this, the fallen disciple of the Holy Gate gasped for breath twice, and then replied: "The five protectors said... that they were going to be used as mounts, so... so they were taken away. This matter... This matter has nothing to do with me, it is what the five protectors insist on doing."

Hearing this, Tong Yan said coldly: "I'm afraid it's more than that simple? After you kidnapped my friend, why did you leave multiple marks on the tree? What is your intention?"

"The five protectors said...that he wanted to catch a big fish, so...that's why he left behind the emblem of our sect."

Catch a big fish?Is it referring to Tong Yan?Or is there someone else?

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked again: "I heard that many of you people from the Holy Gate have three eyes. Where did you come from? How is it related to the Wuji Palace?"

As soon as the word "Wuji Palace" came out, the disciple of the Holy Gate couldn't help but tremble all over.It seems that there is indeed a great relationship between the Holy Gate and the Wuji Palace!

(End of this chapter)

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