
Chapter 1159 Underground Immortal Mansion, Tongmen Alive?

Chapter 1159 Underground Immortal Mansion, Tongmen Alive?
Tong Yan was really tired. Such a high-intensity rescue work exhausted his energy a lot.Now he is not only out of breath, but his clothes have already been soaked in sweat.

But there is no way, in order to save people, all efforts are worthwhile.

But just as he was digging hard with the sword in both hands, the eight great weapon spirits finally returned smoothly.

"Brother Tong Yan, we are back."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled and hurriedly followed the sound.

"Brother Xiong, have you found Qiangliang? Where is he now? Is he still safe?"

Hearing this, Xiong Da immediately replied: "We found him, he is fine now. It's just... just encountered a little trouble."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning, and immediately asked, "What's going on? What trouble has he encountered?"

Xiong Da saw that Tong Yan was very worried, and quickly replied: "He was sucked by a very strange stone. Although he was fine, he couldn't move."

Hearing what Xiong Da said, Tong Yan immediately thought of the fairy cave that Shi Long had mentioned.Since it is a fairy cave, it must have many traps and lots of treasures.Although Qiangliang was once a god, he is now just a troll.Immortals cultivate grandeur and righteousness, and the treasures they use are immortal weapons, and grandeur and righteousness and evil spirits are just incompatible.

Perhaps Qiangliang bumped into an immortal artifact that contained awe-inspiring righteousness, and was then imprisoned.But that's okay, as long as he's safe.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked, "Where did you find him? Besides him, did you see anyone else?"

Xiong Da shook his head and said, "We didn't see anyone else, but the place where Qiangliang was trapped is very strange."

"Strange? Where is it strange?"

Xiong Da immediately said: "The place he is in is deep underground, and there is also a cave. But the cave is full of green grass and trees, and many flowers are blooming. The temperature inside is much higher than outside, but I couldn't move forward, because there was a golden copper door in the cave, and many Taoist spells were engraved on the copper door. Taoist spells were also engraved on the stone that sucked him in there, and it was located here Directly opposite the stone gate."

Hearing this, Tong Yan was basically sure of where it was.There are Taoist spells, and a golden bronze door. If it's not a fairy cave, where could it be?As for the boulder that traps Qiangliang, it should be the town gate stone.

The gate stone of the Xian family may be useless to ordinary people, but if it is used to deal with demons, ghosts and sprites, its power is no small matter.

Since Qiang Liang was trapped there, it was probably caused by chasing the head of the Seven Star Hall and the others.

Tong Yan thought for a while, then asked, "Have you talked to him?"

Xiong Da shook his head and said: "No, we didn't say a word. We didn't dare to get close at all. The stone sucked even him. What if it sucked us too? In order to come back and report to you, we don't Take risks."

Tong Yan nodded and replied: "That's right, you're right. It's true that you can't take risks. If I guessed correctly, it should be in front of the so-called Immortal Cave Mansion. And behind the bronze door you mentioned, perhaps This is where the real fairy cave is.”

Hearing this, the eight great weapon spirits all showed surprise.

"Immortal cave? Are you sure it's a fairy cave? But what kind of fairy would build his cave deep in the bottom of the mountain?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I don't know now, but in that cave, there should be the answer we want."

Xiong Da nodded and said, "That's right, but how do you get there? Why don't you use your earth escape technique!"

Of course Tong Yan wanted to go, but he was in a hurry to save people now, how could he get away?
But after thinking about it, he had a solution.The eight spirits can easily walk through the rocks or soil, and let them act as eyes, and dig holes to save people wherever they find living people. In this way, time can be saved to the maximum. I searched for it like a fly.

With an idea in mind, Tong Yan immediately told everyone about his plan.First let the Eight Great Artifact Spirits help him set up the teleportation array needed for the Earth Escape Technique, and after he goes to the so-called Immortal Cave, let the Eight Great Artifact Spirits pass through the stone and look for survivors. Try to rescue.In this way, there will be no delay.

After hearing this, everyone felt that this was a way to get the best of both worlds.But Tan Yu is very worried about Tong Yan's safety. After all, even Qiang Liang is trapped. If Tong Yan is also trapped, who can go to rescue him then?
Tong Yan knew Tan Yu's concerns, but after some persuasion, Tan Yu finally agreed.

Without further ado, Tong Yan immediately began to draw the formation and set up the teleportation formation. After he finished drawing the formation, he asked the Eight Great Artifact Spirits about the approximate position and distance, then activated the teleportation formation, and left here directly.

Everything went smoothly, and in the next second, Tong Yan had already arrived at the mysterious place mentioned by the eight spirits.

Sure enough, this place is indeed surrounded by green trees, densely covered with flowers and plants, like an underground world, which is amazing.

However, these vegetations are not common ones. Most plants need sunlight to grow, and these plants can grow naturally without relying on sunlight. Compared to immortal trees and grasses, they should also be spirit trees and grasses. .

Tong Yan just took a rough look, and then directly locked on to the huge copper gate not far away, and a huge black stone in front of the copper gate.

The copper gate is ten meters high and five or six meters wide, and the huge black stone is also three or four meters high.

To be able to build such a copper gate underground and stand such a huge stone here, it is estimated that only the gods can do it.After all, there is not even a passage leading here, so it seems even more incredible.

Xiong Da said that Qiangliang was attracted by this boulder, and Tong Yan didn't dare to delay, and immediately went around to the front of the boulder.

The fact is indeed so, Qiang Liang is sticking tightly in front of the boulder, because it was completely blocked by the boulder before, so Tong Yan didn't see it at first sight.

Tong Yan also had devilish energy in his body, so he didn't approach the boulder rashly, but called Qiangliang from a distance of more than ten meters.

"Qiangliang, are you okay? I'm Tong Yan, I'm here to save you!"

Hearing this, Qiang Liang, who drooped his head, immediately followed the sound, and when he saw that it was Tong Yan, he smiled happily.

"Boss, how did you find this place? Hurry up and save me. There is a strange force on this broken stone, which makes it difficult for me to move. It's really uncomfortable."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled awkwardly and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely save you. But can you tell me how you got here?"

Qiangliang hurriedly replied: "Didn't you ask me to catch the head of the Seven Stars Hall? I did find that guy, but that guy couldn't beat me, so he turned around and ran away, and I chased after him. Who would have thought that he would Stepping into a light door, I chased after it. No, I was teleported here. But that guy entered the bronze door together with a guy in black armor waiting here, I wanted to keep chasing after it, but unexpectedly I was attracted by this broken stone."

Hearing this, Tong Yan already had an inference in his mind.The guy in the black armor should be from the Fengtian League, and they have already set up a teleportation array before, which means that they have already set their sights on this fairy cave.

But the question is, where is Ji Qinger?She didn't seem to be with these two guys, could it be that she was also buried alive?

When he was thinking about it, he never thought that a dazzling golden light would suddenly appear on the bronze door.At the same time, the spell engraved on it moved slowly.

What the hell is going on here?Tongmen alive?

(End of this chapter)

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