
Chapter 1160 Bronze wall and iron wall, is it a god or a demon?

Chapter 1160 Bronze wall and iron wall, is it a god or a demon?
Tong Yan and Qiang Liang were both surprised by the sudden change in Tongmen.The charm on the bronze door actually moved, what is going on?
"Boss, what's going on? Why did the charm on the door move?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said, "I'm not very sure, maybe the door is about to be locked?"

When Qiangliang heard this, he hurriedly reminded: "Lock it? Then what are you waiting for, boss? Come in quickly!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly and said: "You are still trapped by this rock, I can't leave you alone! Let's save you first, as for other things, we can talk about them later."

Qiangliang frowned and said, "Boss, don't worry about me. I have nothing to do here. If the door is locked, you won't be able to get in. I'm sure there must be treasures inside, and you must not fall into it." in the hands of those two beasts."

Tong Yan turned his head and glanced at the copper door where the charm was still moving, and then at Qiang Liang who was sucked to the stone.After much hesitation, he finally made up his mind.

"Qiangliang, you are right. Behind the copper gate is the Immortal Cave, and there must be a lot of treasures inside. Those two beasts have been staring at them for so long, and they are willing to take hundreds of lives. I will never let them succeed. I We must stop them and let them get the punishment they deserve. But in this case, I am afraid you will suffer a little more."

Qiangliang chuckled and said, "What a pain, I just can't move. In Asura Dao, it's okay if I can't move for thousands of years. Do you still care about such a short time? Boss, go quickly. Don't want that copper door It’s really locked, and it won’t be so easy for you to get in.”

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go back quickly, and you should be more careful here."

"Why should I be careful, you should be careful. I don't know if there are many traps in this fairy cave, you should pay more attention."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will return here safely. Let's go!"

After speaking, he stopped talking and immediately walked quickly to the front of the bronze gate.Without hesitation, he stretched out his hands and pressed on the copper door, and pushed forward vigorously.

With the sound of "Kaka", under his push, the bronze door revealed a gap that was enough for a person to squeeze through sideways.

Tong Yan saw that the light on the copper door was getting darker and dimmer, and the charms gradually stopped moving, he knew he had to hurry up.If it is too late, the bronze door will really be locked if it is not complete.

The fact is exactly the same, as soon as he squeezed through the copper door, the copper door that was pushed out of a gap was shut with a "bang".It doesn't matter if this is closed, even the earth shakes.

After Shilong left, there was an earthquake. Tong Yan once speculated that it was related to this fairy cave, and now he has figured it out.Feelings are the earthquake caused by the closing of the bronze door.

With such a powerful force, it's good that Tong Yan's movements are fast enough. If he was later, he would probably have been squeezed into a pulp by the bronze door.In addition, this huge force to close the door also indicates that it will not be easy to open the bronze door again.

It might be possible to push in from the outside, but if you want to open the copper door from the inside, there is no way at all.

He did try, not to mention that there was no handle on the copper door, even if there was, he couldn't pull it.

The doors of many fairy caves actually have a time to open.At this point in time, you can come and go freely.But if this time has passed, the cave door will be completely closed, and if you want to go out, you may have to wait for the next time the cave door opens.

But Tong Yan felt that this Immortal Cave was not that simple, maybe he could only enter, but not exit.

Why did he have such speculation?The reason is very simple, after the head of the Seven Star Hall and the envoy of the Fengtian League entered the cave, the bronze door was automatically closed.It was precisely because of the closure of the copper gate that the earthquake was triggered.

Now that he entered the inside again, the copper door closed automatically again, and it was impossible to open the copper door from the inside.Isn't this just going in, not going out?
But even if this is the case, he has no way out now.Perhaps in this fairy cave, there is a way to open the copper door.

He stopped thinking about it, and immediately walked forward quickly.

Behind the copper door is a forward passage. This passage is not a common stone building, but a piece of black refined iron.

Tong Yan tapped it with his hands, not only was it extremely hard, but it also seemed to be very thick.

It is estimated that only gods can do it with such refined iron.

But this way, it made him a little stressed.This place is like a fortress of iron and steel, and there is no way to do it. He can't even use the technique of earth escape.At that time, if he really can't open the bronze door, won't he be trapped here forever?

For a moment, he suddenly felt a little regretful.Why do you want to come in?He could just sit and wait in front of the bronze gate, right?If those two guys can come out, he can get rid of them directly, and all the immortal artifacts they got will naturally fall into his hands.And if those two guys can't get out, he doesn't need to take risks, just leave this place directly.

After all, in the final analysis, his main purpose of coming here is to rescue Ji Qinger, but who knows whether Ji Qinger is alive or dead now?

He felt that he was a little impulsive and reckless. If he failed to save people and trapped himself to death in this fairy cave, it would really be a loss for his wife and for his army.

But after thinking about it, the head of the Seven Star Hall and the envoy of the Fengtian League, since they both dared to enter this fairy cave, maybe they know the way to leave.So as long as they are found and their lives are left temporarily, maybe they can be used to leave this place alive.

After thinking about this, he regained his confidence and continued to lift his legs forward.

After walking another hundred or so steps like this, he had already reached the end of the passage.

But the strange thing is that the end of this passage turned out to be a dead end, except for a bird-shaped statue with nine heads, there is nothing else.

Tong Yan looked carefully for a while, and he was almost sure that there was a mechanism here.And as long as you touch the mechanism, you may be able to move forward.

But where is that organ?Could it be on this strange nine-headed bird?

He stared at the statue of the nine-headed bird for a good look, and then he couldn't help but think secretly.

What are these bird-like sculptures with nine heads carved on?

Birds with nine heads have been legendary since ancient times.And the most famous one is the famous Jiufeng.

"Shan Hai Jing Da Huang Bei Jing" said: "Among the great wilderness, there is a mountain called the Arctic Cabinet. The sea water flows north. There are nine gods, human faces and bird bodies, called nine phoenixes."

The divine bird recorded here is Jiufeng, but is the nine-headed bird-shaped stone sculpture in front of him really Jiufeng?

Tong Yan looked up and down again, and suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart.This is probably not Jiufeng, but the monster bird "ghost car"!
But having said that, why is there a statue of a demon bird and a ghost car in the majestic fairy cave?Could it be that this immortal is not a kind person, but an evil person?

(End of this chapter)

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