
Chapter 1161: The stone statue has a ghost, a fantasy!

Chapter 1161: The stone statue has a ghost, a fantasy!
Why is Tong Yan sure that this is not the divine bird Jiufeng, but a demon bird and ghost car?In fact, many people put Jiufeng and Ghost Che in the same category, but this is not the case.Although the two look very similar, they are both nine-headed birds, but there are not small differences.

Let’s talk about the ghost car first. The ghost car has ten necks and nine heads. It is said that Zhou Gongdan ordered the hunter to shoot off its tenth head. However, you must blow out the lights and let the dogs drive it away, otherwise the nine-headed bird will suck away the soul energy of the child.It is also said that in the Zhou Dynasty, the nine-headed bird was an ominous bird in the eyes of the Chinese countries, and it is often recorded in later poems.And because "nine" and "ghost" sound similar in ancient Chinese, this ghost car flies by in the middle of the night and makes a sound like a vehicle, so it is named ghost car, also called ghost bird.

Besides, Jiufeng, the ancients have a tradition of worshiping the phoenix, and among the phoenixes, there are also different types, and this Jiufeng is one of them.How can a phoenix with nine heads not be surprised, how can it make people not startled, so the flying of nine phoenixes is often regarded as a sign of auspiciousness.Compared with the notoriety of ghost cars, there is a difference of thousands of miles from day to day.

Tong Yan is so sure that this is the ghost car and not Jiufeng, because he found the tenth neck.The neck is not carved in detail, so it is easy to be overlooked.He didn't notice it the first time he looked at it, but after watching it again, he finally noticed it.

If you don't care, you will take the stone sculpture of the nine-headed bird as the statue of the nine phoenix, but it is actually the statue of the demon bird and ghost car.If it wasn't for the well-read people who came here, it is estimated that they were really deceived.

But it was precisely because of this that made him even more suspicious of the identity of the master of the fairy cave.Immortals have always been enemies of demons and ghosts, how many people would place stone statues of demon birds in their mansions?
If it wasn't for the master of this Immortal Mansion's preference for ghost cars, then it must be because of the master's evil intentions.

Tong Yan pondered in his mind for a while, reminding himself to be more careful later.If the owner of this fairy mansion is indeed an evil fairy, then there must be many traps in this fairy mansion, and there must be murderous intentions at every step.If you are not careful, you may end up in a situation where there is no end to redemption.

After thinking about this, he carefully studied the stone statue of the ghost car again, but this time he not only looked at it, but also reached out his hand to feel it from time to time.

If there is really a mechanism on the statue of the ghost car, it must be triggered with a light touch.

But after working hard for more than ten minutes, he still got nothing.

It seemed that his idea was wrong, maybe the existence of this statue was just a deceptive trick, and had nothing to do with opening the secret door here.

He thought for a while, and suddenly exerted force with his hands.With the sound of "creaking", the statue of the nine-headed bird was pushed out two meters away by him.

He thought that the mechanism or the secret door was hidden under the statue of the ghost car, but seeing the empty ground where the statue of the ghost car stood before him, he couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. After wasting so much time, it seems that he still has to learn from the surrounding area. the wall to proceed.

After sighing softly, he began to carefully observe the walls and ceiling on both sides.

Another half an hour was wasted like this. He almost searched the iron bricks around the statue one by one, but still found nothing.

"It's really strange, is this really a dead end? It shouldn't be! Qiangliang clearly saw the head of the Seven Star Hall and the villains of the Fengtian League enter here. If this is a dead end, where did they go? Disappeared out of thin air?"

He was a little helpless, always feeling as if he was being calculated.And the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Coupled with the stone sculpture of the ghost car staring straight at him, his anger was instantly ignited.

Stretching his hand into his pocket and calling out the Blue Soul Sword, he immediately poured the power of the star into it, raising his hand with a fierce sword.

When the sword was cut, a "chuckle" was heard, and the huge stone carving of ghost chariot was split into two immediately after the blade of the Blue Soul Sword slashed.

But unexpectedly, red liquid flowed out from the stone sculpture that had been cut in half.

"Blood? Is this blood? How could there be blood in the stone sculpture?"

He couldn't help frowning, and stepped forward with a kick.After this kick, the stone sculpture split in half by the Blue Soul Sword immediately separated.

And at this moment, something happened that he couldn't believe.

Among the stone sculptures of the ghost car, he unexpectedly...saw a corpse that had been split in half.And that red blood flowed out from this corpse.

He was startled all of a sudden, what is going on?How could there be someone in the stone statue of the ghost car?How did the people inside get in?It can't be swallowed by this stone statue, right?Impossible, absolutely impossible.The stone statue of this ghost car does not have such a big mouth at all, and this stone statue is a stone statue, there is no ghost or evil spirit on it.

But there is no problem with the stone statue, so how did this person get in?

This is so unbelievable, it simply goes against common sense.

He couldn't figure out why this happened for a while, so he could only look for clues from the corpse first, hoping to find some clues.

The body that was cut in half was a middle-aged man in a black brocade robe. The middle-aged man should have died long ago, because his soul had already left his body and disappeared.

There is nothing to say about the appearance of this middle-aged man. He has a popular face with a big beard and thick eyebrows, but he doesn't give people a too fierce feeling.The brocade robe he was wearing was very exquisite, and he was even wearing gold thread inside, so he might not be able to wear it if he was not a high-ranking official.

Tong Yan also found a token at the middle-aged man's waist.The token is engraved with three large characters, Seven Star Order.It is estimated that this person should be from Seven Star Hall.

etc!People from Seven Star Hall?The head of the Seven Stars Hall had entered this Immortal Cave before, and now there was another corpse of a member of the Seven Stars Hall.Should there be any connection between the two?Or, is this dead person the hall master of the Seven Star Hall?

But if this is the case, a new problem arises.

The head of the Seven Star Hall died inside the ghost car stone statue. How did he die?Was it murdered by someone, or did something terrible happen?

Besides, where did the people who entered here with him go?The guy from the Fengtian League obviously entered this place with him, but he was the only one who died in the stone statue.All of this is too incredible, it is simply a fantasy.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan had a solemn look on his face.He suddenly realized that there must be greater danger lurking in this Immortal Cave Mansion. If he continues to stay here, will he suffer the same bad luck as the Seven Star Hall Master?
But now, he has no way out.

He must answer these questions.And the missing member of the Fengtian League, he must also find it!

What else is waiting for him in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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