
Chapter 1162 Bronze gate fierce array, the method of stone bite?

Chapter 1162 Bronze gate fierce array, the method of stone bite?
Tong Yan must be a smart person, but he really can't figure it out now, what happened to the head of the Seven Star Hall to become like this?
He can be sure that there must be a lot of articles in it.Perhaps the head of the Seven Star Hall accidentally touched the mechanism in the Immortal Cave, or it may be that he was persecuted by the members of the Fengtian League.

To solve these questions, he had to find that Fengtian League member.But where would that guy be now?
Looking at the head of the Seven Stars Hall who died unexpectedly, he didn't have much sympathy. There is a saying that you can't live without doing your own crimes. This guy can even ignore his brothers in his hall. He is completely to blame for this fate.

He was not in the mood to collect the body for this guy, and there was no way to do so.The only thing he has to do now is to find the missing member of the Fengtian League.

Since there is no problem here, he can only walk back, and then look for clues while walking.

But after searching all the way, he didn't find anything until he returned to the copper door that he entered in the first place.

Could it be that the problem is on the bronze door?

After thinking about it, he decided to study this unusual copper door carefully.

The peculiarity of the copper door should be the dense spells on it.There are so many kinds of spells, no one can say that they can recognize them all.Moreover, two seemingly identical spells, as long as there is a slight difference in the drawing, will also cause a huge change in the power and effectiveness of the spell.

Among these densely packed talismans, Tong Yan also saw a few familiar talismans.For example, there are nine-star mantras, ghost-killing mantras, and body-cleaning mantras.But obviously, there are also many that he doesn't know, or even have never seen.

Not to mention anything else, as long as the owner of this fairy cave is proficient in so many spells, it is far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But after looking at these "a dazzling array of" charms, Tong Yan felt that he was playing tricks.

Why did he have such an idea?In fact, it's not that the more spells, the stronger the power. Many spells have a spear-shield relationship. Putting them together can't achieve the effect of one plus one equals two, or even the opposite effect.So many spells are all engraved on the same copper door, is it rare that they really complement each other?Perhaps not at all, maybe, this is just a deceptive thing, to prevent people from discovering the real main spell hidden in these spells.

If it is said that using these charms to manipulate the copper door at the same time, the feasibility is very small, and the real mobilization of the copper door must have other methods.

He thought secretly for a while, and decided to clear the fog, as long as he found the "heterogeneous" in these spells, maybe all the problems could be solved easily.

Without further hesitation, he immediately raised his leg and walked to the side of the copper door, and then looked at each spell one by one.

Although this is a stupid way, it is the most effective way.As long as he concentrates, he will definitely be able to see the clues.

Facts have proved that his judgment is correct.After more than half an hour, he finally read the charms on the bronze door one by one.

And among these spells, he found seven special spells, remembered them in his heart, and slowly closed his eyes.

In his mind, he connected the seven spells with lines, and after such a connection, he suddenly understood.

The seven talismans form the Big Dipper array, and the Big Dipper array can be used not only as a killing array but also as a trapping array.Most importantly, these seven spells are by no means good spells, but evil spells.Seven evil curses form the Big Dipper array, isn't it the extremely vicious curse of lore?
Upon discovering this, Tong Yan's brows were immediately knit together.Even if the owner of this fairy mansion doesn't want others to enter his cave mansion, he really shouldn't have set up such a vicious formation.How is it different from the ugly deeds of those monsters?It would be better to destroy this Immortal Mansion when he ascended to the heavens, so as not to stay here and harm others.

But having said that, how many people are willing to destroy their homes?Even if he ascended to the heavens, he might not forget the years he spent here.

It's a pity that it doesn't make sense to say this now, the matter has come to this point, let's think more about how to find that guy from the Fengtian League.

If the members of the Fengtian League didn't die here like the head of the Seven Star Hall, then they must have entered the real fairy mansion through some means.

Tong Yan has now discovered the vicious killing formation on the bronze gate, but he still has no way to go further, or how to enter the real fairy mansion.

But now he can only start from the seven-star formation, but what should he do?You can't touch this killing array, can you?

After much hesitation, he finally made up his mind.How could he find tiger cubs if he didn't enter the tiger's lair, and if he didn't touch the seven-star killing array, how could he find out the problem of this Immortal Mansion?

Risky though it was, he seemed to have no choice.

It is actually not difficult to touch this formation, as long as a ray of true energy is injected, it can be done.Although there is no real energy in his body now, there is demonic energy.In essence, devil qi is very close to true qi, except that one is born from the spirit and the other is born from the devil.

However, he did not rush into it with demonic energy, but summoned his own demonic bone armor, and used the power of the star source in his body to condense a layer of light shield on his body.This is his strongest defense now, if he still can't resist the Big Dipper killing formation, then it can only be said that he will have this calamity today, and he has nothing to regret.

When everything was ready, he took a deep breath, and then struck out with one finger, a wisp of devilish energy instantly poured into the bronze door.

Under the infusion of devilish energy, red light immediately appeared on the bronze door, and the Big Dipper array became more and more eye-catching at this moment.

Tong Yan didn't dare to get too close, so he hurriedly stepped back.

But before he could get a firm foothold, seven beams of light shot out from the seven charms that formed the Big Dipper Array.

This Big Dipper Killing Formation looked like an extraordinary formation at first glance, and its power was naturally several times stronger.

Tong Yan didn't dare to underestimate him, and when he was about to perform the transformation, his body flashed a few times, and he narrowly escaped the seven beams of light.But looking at the landing points of the seven beams of light, they all went towards the end of the passage.

He originally wanted to follow the light to check it out, but unexpectedly, several rays of light shot out from the Big Dipper formation.

His reaction was fast enough, but one of the beams accidentally grazed his arm.

It doesn't matter if the light is wiped like this, he immediately felt a heavy feeling in his arm.Immediately afterwards, he saw black air emanating from the place where his arm was hit by the light, and after that, his arm became hardened bit by bit under the engulfment of the black air, and an inexplicable black aura appeared. The stone layer comes.

What the hell is going on here?Is he going to be petrified?No, this is not petrification, but... it's being swallowed up by stones bit by bit!
(End of this chapter)

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