
Chapter 1166 The Dragon Sealing Stone, sneak attack from behind!

Chapter 1166 The Dragon Sealing Stone, sneak attack from behind!
Now that he heard the cry for help, Tong Yan certainly couldn't ignore it.Yes, the person calling for help was probably not a human being, but what if it was?Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, he can't do anything that would mean death.

After making up his mind, he immediately walked to the pool again, and then tried to ask: "Who was calling for help just now? Where are you?"

His inquiry was quickly answered, and this time, he was finally sure that the source of the sound was the black hole in the center of the pool.

"It's me, I... I'm in this hole, I'm trapped. Please... please let me out?"

Sure enough, the source of the sound was this black hole.

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked: "Are you in this black hole? The hole is not thick, how did you get in? Could it be that you are not human?"

After he finished speaking, the black cave immediately fell into a brief silence.It took about two or three minutes before the cry for help sounded again.

"Master, you are right, I... I am not human. I am... I am a dragon!"

Tong Yan laughed when he heard this, and said in disbelief: "You said you are a dragon? How could a dragon be in this kind of place? You should rely on some clues to tell lies. You think I will Do you believe it?"

"Master, I'm really a dragon. It's just...just that dragons are of different grades, and there are... also high and low. I'm just a water dragon I just got. My predecessor was a water snake. You can also call me Call it Qiu!"

Hearing the name Qiu (qiu), Tong Yan suddenly froze.

Qiu is a Chinese character that means curly, but Qiu is also the name of a dragon.There is a saying that a dragon with horns is called a dragon, and a horn without horns is called a qiu.It means that the one with horns is a dragon, while the one without horns is a qiu.To put it simply, Qiu is a hornless dragon.

Although it belongs to a different kind of dragon, it is indeed a kind of dragon.

Tong Yan felt that the guy in the hole wasn't lying. If he was lying, it wouldn't need to say that he was Qiu. After all, there were relatively fewer people who knew about Qiu than those who knew about Long.

So he was almost certain that the one trapped in this hole was the horned dragon.

"I'll take your word for it, but can you tell me how you got trapped in this hole? Who has the ability to trap you with a dragon?"

Soon, there was a response in the hole. "Master, I...I was deceived by a villain. He...he said he would help me ascend to heaven, but in the end...he cast a curse to trap me here forever. I'm already trapped here It's been a long, long time, but I still... I haven't met anyone who can save me. I can sense the powerful breath on your body, and I know you are an expert. So... So I beg you, save me, save me , okay? Don't worry, I will definitely repay you, and I will never be ungrateful."

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought for a while and said, "You said you were cheated by a villain, so the villain must be the owner of this fairy cave, right?"

"Immortal Cave? What Immortal Cave? Isn't this the Demon Refining Cave?"

Demon refining cave?Hearing this statement, Tong Yan immediately frowned tightly.

It seems that he was indeed deceived. Of course, maybe that Shilong was also unintentional, or maybe, that Shilong was actually deceived.

But since this is the Demon Refining Cave, so the so-called gods are also fake?
Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked: "Qiulong, who is the person who trapped you in this cave? Is it a god?"

Qiu Long immediately replied: "Yes, he should have become a fairy. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just... how can someone like him ascend to heaven? He's not a good person. Do you know how many people he killed?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately thought of the hundreds of corpses lying at the bottom of the river, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, let me rescue you first. Tell me, what kind of imprisonment are you in? How can I rescue you?"

Tong Yan had confirmed Qiulong's identity, and this Qiulong didn't seem to be hiding anything from him.There is a saying that you respect me one foot, and I respect you one foot.Qiu Long treats each other sincerely, how can he refuse to save him?Besides, he has a great relationship with the Dragon Clan, whether it is Qing Ming or Xiao Hei, they are all dragons.For dragons, he can't say that he has a natural affection, but at least he should be much more kind.

"Sir, under the entrance of this black hole, there is a stone engraved with a vicious spell. That stone suppressed me and interacted with the forbidden spell on me. As long as you destroy that stone, my body will be destroyed. The forbidden spell is nothing to be afraid of, and I will be able to escape by myself when the time comes."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, then wait for me, and I will destroy that stone right away."

"Wait... Master, that stone... the spell on that stone is very powerful, you... you must be more careful. Don't hurt yourself just because you saved me."

It doesn't matter if Qiulong doesn't say these words, Tong Yan's determination to save it is further strengthened after saying these words.At least Tong Yan can be sure that this horned dragon has kindness in his heart, and as long as he is a good dragon, he should be rewarded with good things.

"Don't worry, I was able to get here, and I met everything I should have encountered. One of my arms was broken in this demon refining cave. I will never give him this life in vain."

Having said that, he immediately turned over and jumped into the dry pool, and came to the black hole in one step.

Looking down like this, you can't see anything at all. It seems that the stone is hidden very deep.

Tong Yan didn't dare to take any risks, so he drew out the Blue Soul Sword directly, and decided to expand the hole first, and then try to destroy the stone when he could see the stone.

"Lan Ji, make the sword bigger."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Blue Soul Sword immediately grew bigger.Although Tong Yan only had one arm left, but because he had already refined the Blue Soul Sword, he still couldn't feel any weight of the Blue Soul Sword even with one hand.

But it was a bit difficult for him to dig with one hand. Fortunately, his cultivation was far better than before. After a few sword strikes, he dug the black hole into a pit, but he still didn't see the stone.

Without hesitation, he dug a few times harder, and when he dug to a depth of about three meters, a corner of a black stone finally emerged.

Tong Yan didn't continue digging, but jumped out of the pit directly.

There is a saying that if you eat a pit, you will gain a wisdom.He had suffered a lot from spells before, this time, he would never take the risk without being fully sure.Putting away the Blue Soul Sword, he took out the Phoenix Heavenly Sword.

Then, using the power of the heavenly demon in his body, he decided to use the Heavenly Movement Sword Art.

He threw the Phoenix Heavenly Sword directly in front of him, then made a seal with one hand, and said quickly in his mouth: "Heaven and earth are righteous, vast and infinite, listen to my orders, use the law to kill demons, the Heavenly Walking Sword Art, out!"

As soon as the words were written, the flying sword in front of him suddenly glowed red.

Without any hesitation, he squeezed the sword formula and pointed at the rock in the corner of the pit, and the Phoenix Heavenly Sword immediately shot out with a "swish".

However, the moment the Phoenix Heavenly Sword hit the stone, a black light suddenly shot out from the forest behind him.And the target of the black light turned out to be him!

(End of this chapter)

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