
Chapter 1167 A harsh lesson, the truth is told!

Chapter 1167 Taught me a lesson, told the truth!
In this demon refining cave, Tong Yan can be said to have suffered a lot.Not to mention being murdered all the time, and losing an arm in vain.If the pain still didn't wake him up, he'd be damned.

He would never let the same mistake happen a second time, this was something he had told himself long ago.Never lose your life here, this is his promise to himself.

So at the moment when the black light came, he immediately resorted to shape-shifting, and when his body reappeared, he used the five-finger sword.

Although he didn't know who was sneaking behind him, but he had a very clear judgment on the direction of the sneak attack.

The five qi swords were fired at the same time, even if the guy who was sneaking behind him couldn't be killed on the spot, it was enough to teach him a lesson.

Hearing a scream of "嗷", the five-finger sword fulfilled its mission and hit the sneak attacking guy.

Tong Yan immediately looked intently, only to realize that the one who sneaked up on him was none other than the mouse spirit he had seen before.

Seeing the black hand behind it, of course he wouldn't let it go.In a blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of the mouse spirit, and asked directly and harshly: "Nie Zhan, how dare you assassinate me behind your back. I think you really don't want to live!"

The mouse spirit was hit in the leg by one of the five-finger swords, and now he is sitting on the ground, gnashing his teeth, and it seems that the pain is not light.

Facing Tong Yan's questioning, it has the intention to defend itself, but what's the point of defending, after all, it was caught by Tong Yan.If Tong Yan wasn't vigilant enough, he might have been killed by the black energy it shot out.

Knowing that it was doomed, it had no choice but to kneel down and beg for mercy: "Fellow Daoist, spare your life, spare your life! I... I have no choice, and I don't want to hurt you either."

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "You don't want to hurt me? You don't want to hurt me, and you put a sniper in my back? Sinister, you are dying, and you still refuse to tell the truth, right? It seems that you can only try Try my tricks, otherwise, you don't even know how many eyes my Lord Ma has!"

Speaking of this, he pointed his sword, and the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, which was used to perform the Heavenly Walking Sword Art, flew over from not far away.I don't know if his Tianxing Sword Art just now smashed the stone, but now we can only deal with this nasty rat spirit first.

After all, the mouse spirit is an evildoer, while the spirit of the Phoenix Heavenly Sword is a serious divine beast, Phoenix and Phoenix.When evildoers see divine beasts, they are naturally afraid.Now that the Phoenix Heavenly Sword was hanging over the rat spirit's head, it had already been frightened and trembling with fear.

"Forgive me, Master. I really know that I was wrong. I really know that I am wrong. I will never dare again. I will devote myself to cultivation and never harm others. Master, I beg you to show mercy outside the law and let me go." Horse!"

The mouse spirit no longer dared to call Tong Yan a Taoist friend, but changed it to an expert, which shows that it has been frightened out of its wits and is no longer as arrogant as before.

Hearing this, Tong Yan said coldly: "Let you go? It's not such an easy thing!" Before the mouse spirit could react, he had already commanded, and the Phoenix Heavenly Sword immediately slashed at its other leg superior.

With the scream of "嗤嗤嗤", the Phoenix Heavenly Sword had chopped off one of its legs.It was just unexpected that the blood flowing out of the mouse essence was not red blood, but black blood.

It seems that not only its heart is black, but even its blood is as black as ink.

The reason why he didn't get rid of it directly, of course, Tong Yan had his own considerations.The mouse spirit said it couldn't enter the courtyard before, but now it did.Not only that, but it also followed Tong Yan all the way, and murdered him secretly.

All these signs indicate that nine out of ten of what this guy said before are probably false.It is very familiar with this place, and it may have a lot to do with the vicious fairy.

But Tong Yan couldn't let it go so easily, he chose to cut off one of its legs, because he didn't want it to take the opportunity to escape again, and it was a kind of warning.With the cunning brain of this mouse spirit, it should understand this point.

"Nie Zhan, I think you're a smart goblin. My sword didn't miss you, but I punished you a little, and it gave you a chance. But whether you want to take it or not, it depends on yourself. .”

The mouse spirit must have scolded Tong Yan tens of thousands of times in his heart, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous in his mouth.

"Master, tell me, as long as you can spare me from dying, I can do whatever you want me to do."

The matter has come to this point, it finally admitted obediently.

Seeing this, Tong Yan showed a satisfied smile.

"Tell me, what is your relationship with the master of this demon refining cave? Could it be that you were also refined by demon refining?"

The reason why Tong Yan said this was actually because he already had a guess in his mind.

Since this place is called the Demon Refining Cave, the owner here is probably proficient in the art of refining demons.And in addition to the fake Xuanwu he met before, the fake Xuanwu was originally refined in Longyang Mausoleum, and it also appeared in the cave of Seven Star Hall, all of this is probably not a coincidence.

So connecting these, Tong Yan came to this conclusion.The owner of this demon refining cave is none other than the master demon refining master Long Yangling who doesn't know his life, death or whereabouts!

Tong Yan made it clear, and the mouse spirit knew that he could not deny it, so he nodded and said: "Yes, I was made by the master. But I already have self-awareness, and when the master fell into a deep sleep, he had already recovered I'm free. It's just that I don't want to leave, that's why I've stayed here."

"Falling asleep? Didn't your master ascend to the sky?"

The mouse spirit hesitated for a moment, then sighed softly: "I don't know whether he has ascended to the heavens or fell into a deep sleep. All I know is that I want to stay here and not let anyone come to disturb him."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but sneer. "Don't let anyone disturb him? If you don't let others disturb him, do you want to kill all the future comers? The dead bodies in the river, you must have killed them, right?"

" wasn't me who killed it, it was...the master killed it. The master needs their vitality so that he can continue his life. But...but those people are damned, they came in by themselves, they sent them to die .”

"Send yourself to death? If you hadn't set up a trap long ago, waiting for the prey to fall in, how could they come to die? In order to prolong your own life, you will not hesitate to kill so many people. What is the difference between your master and ghosts? Let me ask you again, did someone else infiltrate this place before me? Where is that person now?"

The mouse spirit didn't think too much, and said directly and truthfully: "Where is that man, I don't know now. I lost him."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned, and then asked, "Did you lose him? Is he very strong?"

The mouse spirit nodded and said, "That's right, not only that, he...he has the aura of a divine beast!"

The breath of the beast?Could it be that the Fengtian League envoy who sneaked here is not a human, but a divine beast?

(End of this chapter)

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