
Chapter 1172 Fighting Flying Corpse, Catch Up!

Chapter 1172 Fighting Flying Corpse, Catch Up!
Illusion?Everything is an illusion?
Looking at the sky that suddenly turned black, Tong Yan couldn't make a judgment for a while.But he knew one thing, that is, he had to leave here quickly, it was too dangerous right now, if the Longyang Mausoleum suddenly opened the door, a new crisis would naturally come.

"Qiu Long, can you see the road? If possible, let's leave here now."

Qiu Long heard this, and immediately responded: "Grandfather, you don't have to worry about me, I can see clearly. Let's go wherever you say!"

With Qiu Long's words, Tong Yan was relieved a lot.

"Okay, then I will lead the way, you have to work harder!" He said, he immediately raised his legs and walked towards the road he came from.

Qiu Long hugged Nangong Yun without any delay, and quickly followed up.

After such a short period of time, Nangong Yun had completely fallen into a coma, but even so, he still held the black wooden stick tightly in his hand.I don't know what the origin of this wooden stick is. There are countless treasures in the Qilin Pavilion, and it is probably not unusual for him to value him so much.

Tong Yan and Qiu Long were very fast, and they arrived at the bridge in just a while.

And just as they were planning to climb the bridge, they never thought that this beautiful bridge collapsed with a bang.The entire bridge collapsed into the river in less than ten seconds.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately revealed his celestial demon bone wings, turned around and said to Qiulong, "Qiulong, the bridge cannot be crossed, let's fly over."

Qiu Long stared at the bone wing behind Tong Yan, and then asked in puzzlement, "Grandfather, you...are you not human?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said directly: "I'm a human being. As for the wings, I'll tell you what's going on after we leave here. In short, I'm not a monster, let alone have a vicious heart. I hope you believe it. I!"

Qiu Long heard this, thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Gongong, I trust you, I am overthinking. Let's continue on our way!"

Tong Yan said "En", and immediately flew up, about to fly across the river.

But at this moment, something incredible happened suddenly.

All I saw was a green light in the river, and then, like a fish jumping out of the water, a figure jumped out of the river like a fish.

Tong Yan looked intently, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.Aren't these "people" with green light all over their bodies the dead bodies that sank to the bottom of the river before?
Could it be that these dead bodies have undergone a corpse change?Turned into a flying corpse?
Just as he was thinking about it, those green corpses that jumped out of the water all opened their mouths wide and rushed towards them ferociously.

Tong Yan saw it, and knew that it was impossible to avoid these green flying corpses, and the only way to escape from here was to fight a bloody path.

Stretching his hand into his pocket, he directly took out the Blue Soul Sword, channeled the power of the star source in his body, and made a horizontal slash with his first move.

This sword slashed horizontally, not an understatement, but a change he made on the basis of the first form of the Star Sword Jue "Breaking to Kill Three Thousand".

The essence of Shasha Sanqian is that thousands of small swords transformed by the power of stars are struck out at the same time, making it difficult for people to defend, and after the small sword is broken, it can still cause secondary damage, which is impossible to defend against.

But there is a problem with the three sword moves of Star Sword Jue, that is, they need seals and cannot be cast instantly.

For the killing style and lore style, the changes that can be made are basically zero.But killing three thousand is different, as long as the power of the star source is condensed into a small lightsaber and shot at the same time.

It was the change in this aspect that made Tong Yan's sword at this moment possible.

This sword slashed out, and a half-moon-shaped light blade immediately gushed out from the body of the Blue Soul Sword.The more the half-moon-shaped light blade moved forward, the larger it became, and finally it directly turned into a white rainbow about 20 meters long, almost blocking all the green flying corpses rushing up.

In fact, this white rainbow is not one body, but is composed of thousands of small lightsabers. It may not be too powerful, but its wide coverage and massive momentum can be called outstanding.

Now let's see if this sword can repel these green flying corpses. If it can, it will be relatively easier to break through them and escape from here.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the white rainbow composed of thousands of small lightsabers came into contact with these green flying corpses, it was as if arrows had been shot on a steel plate, and the sound of "jingle ding dong dong dong dong dong dong dong" could be heard continuously.

Tong Yan saw it, and said fiercely: "It's another group of rough-skinned and thick-skinned beasts, it seems that we can only fight recklessly. Brother Qiulong, I will open the way, you follow me as much as possible!"

Qiu Long heard this, and hurriedly responded: "Okay, benefactor, be more careful!"

Tong Yan didn't say much, he flapped his wings and flew forward with the Blue Soul Sword in his hand.Although his sword just now didn't cause too much damage to those green flying corpses, it scattered them a little.

The more they spread apart, the more conducive it is for Tong Yan to break through.After all, loose sand is not scary, what is scary is hard rock.

Tong Yan took the lead and arrived in front of the green flying corpse in the blink of an eye.The few flying corpses at the front noticed it, raised their "sharp claws", and rushed over with their big mouths that grew fangs.

Tong Yan didn't want to get too entangled with them, after all, the number of these flying corpses was too large.If you are surrounded by them and want to break out, the difficulty will be greatly increased.

Seeing that the "Corpse Claw" was close at hand, he first swept his sword across to shock those who came, and then directly threw the Blue Soul Sword out, and the sword spirit manipulated the sword body to deal with the incoming enemy for him.

The Blue Soul Sword has already been refined by him, and he can manipulate it freely with only his thoughts.The Blue Soul Sword is also worthy of its mission, as soon as a flying corpse approaches, it will automatically slash and repel it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tong Yan took out the Mount Tai blade.There is only Xiong Da left in Taishan Blade, and the other seven weapon spirits are helping Tan Yu and the others to save people.

Although there is only one weapon spirit, Taishan Blade is still a sharp blade that cuts iron like mud. It is still the best choice to deal with these flying corpses that are as hard as iron.

Holding the Mount Tai blade in his hand, Tong Yan fought side by side with the Blue Soul Sword.The Blue Soul Sword blocked the flying corpses on the left side for him, making up for the disadvantage of losing his left arm. He held Taishan Blade with his right hand, so naturally he could do whatever he wanted.

"I want to see the lifeless thing, whether it is you who are hard, or my Tarzan blade is sharp!"

As soon as the sound fell, a flying corpse rushed from the right.A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he slashed down vertically, and immediately slashed fiercely into the flying corpse's head.

And this flying corpse obviously used its brain to control its body, its head was cut in half, like a deflated rubber ball, it immediately softened.Tong Yan didn't give it any chance, kicked it out, directly kicked it more than ten meters away, and fell danglingly into the river.

It can be seen from this that the weakness of these flying corpses is their heads, as long as they hit their heads, it will be difficult for them to fight again.

Tong Yan saw the flaw, holding Taishan blade can be said to kill all directions.Heads were chopped off one by one by him, and corpses fell from the sky into the water.

In this way, their breakthrough seems to have become easier.

But what was supposed to come came after all, and I couldn't hide it even if I wanted to.

Hearing a wild laugh of "haha", Long Yangling still caught up!

(End of this chapter)

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