
Chapter 1173 No way out?Fight the demons bravely!

Chapter 1173 No way out?Fight the demons bravely!
Hearing the piercing wild laughter, the anger in Tong Yan's heart burned instantly.

At this moment, he suddenly didn't want to run away, but wanted to fight to the death with that Longyangling.But this thought was only fleeting, after all, he couldn't ignore Nangong Yun and Qiu Long just because of his own impulse.

Although he hated Nangong Yun very much for a long time and wanted to tear Nangong Yun into pieces, but after such a long time, he suddenly realized that he didn't hate Nangong Yun that much anymore.

Nangong Yun hurt Xueer, the descendant of Nuwa, and Xiong Qingcang, the suzerain of the Demon Sect, and even beat Qing Ming and Nangong Jiner, the fateful couple, but later Xueer and Xiong Qingcang were free, Qingming and Nangong Jin The two sons also lived happily together through hardships.

Although Xue'er has now turned into a stone, and Xiong Qingcang's life and death are unknown, but these have no direct relationship with Nangong Yun.

If Nangong Yun had any evil deeds, it would be that he killed Blind Chen.However, Blind Chen is estimated to have entered the six reincarnations and reincarnated.Now that Blind Chen has already had a good result, in fact there is no need to be attached to his past life.

Of course, Nangong Yun's crimes are far more than these, but if he wants to be tried and punished, it should never be carried out by the demon Dao of Longyangling.

One yard is one yard, considering the trip to Nanhai Mansion and today's meeting, Nangong Yun still doesn't deserve to die, and the most important thing is that Tong Yan wants to ask him something about the Fengtian League.If Nangong Yun is willing to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, is willing to repent and rehabilitate, and let him live, it is not impossible.No matter what, he was Nangong Jin'er's father, even if he had to pay the due price, he should let their father and daughter meet for the last time.

This is Tong Yan's decision, maybe it's right, maybe it's wrong.But no matter right or wrong, he wanted to save Nangong Yun, just because he didn't want to die without saving him.

"Engong, Longyangling is here. What should I do?"

Hearing Qiu Long's anxious voice, Tong Yan immediately responded, "Leave him alone, let's talk about it when we get out of the encirclement."

As soon as he finished speaking, his speed increased a bit, and the frequency of swinging the knife also increased greatly.

With Taishan Blade, a sharp blade that cuts iron like mud, coupled with the powerful defensive ability of the Heavenly Demon Bone Armor, these flying corpses can no longer pose any threat to Tong Yan.

More and more flying corpses were cut into the water, leaving only a few dozen in front.

As for the Longyang Mausoleum, although he also used to fly, his flying speed was not that fast, at least it was still far behind Tong Yan.

Only when Tong Yan cut off the head of the last flying corpse, Long Yangling finally caught up with him.

Longyang Mausoleum is not good at flying, which is undoubtedly good news for Tong Yan and the others.

As long as they escape here as quickly as possible, what fear does Longyang Mausoleum have?

But what I didn't expect was that Longyang Mausoleum's speed was slow before, but the slowness was because his body was a little stiff just after waking up.After more than ten minutes of adjustments, his flying speed actually accelerated a bit, and it was getting faster and faster.

If he is fully adapted to flying, it is estimated that the speed will increase again.

Tong Yan wasn't in the mood to pay attention to these things, and led Qiu Long and Nangong Yun forward quickly, and finally flew back to where he came from.

But after arriving here, a new problem arises, where do I get out from?

There is a gray mist ahead, will you lose your way when you walk into it?Will there be any mechanism traps in it?These are all uncertain now, and it is really hard to say what difficulties you will encounter if you enter the mist rashly.

Along the way, Tong Yan still has a little understanding of Longyang Mausoleum.This guy's heart is very vicious, and his definition of the Demon Refining Cave Heaven is even more ambiguous.

Think about the terrible copper gate, think about the iron gate of the courtyard, think about the group of flying corpses that just broke through, which one of these is not to prevent others from leaving here?

Will Longyang Mausoleum be willing to let the "intruder" return the same way?Obviously not.

Tong Yan said that the place where they are now is indeed the place when he came, but this is not necessarily the place where they can leave.To put it simply, the entrance is the exit, but here, there is only the entrance and no exit.

Tong Yan suddenly realized this, and couldn't help frowning.Maybe he dug a hole for himself, he shouldn't use common sense to look at Longyang Mausoleum, this guy has a vicious heart, and he must defend himself every step of the way.

But the question is, if he doesn't try his luck in this gray fog, what else can he do?

Do you use the technique of earth escape?The stone room before he came here was called a copper wall and an iron wall, and the technique of earth escape could not be teleported there at all.

If he accidentally got stuck in the stone, Nangong Yun would definitely die.

So what to do?Ask the way to leave from the mouth of Longyang Mausoleum?This is almost a fairy tale, if they don't eat Longyang Mausoleum, they will burn incense, and want to leave, it's just a dream.

Tong Yan was caught in a dilemma for a while, and suddenly he didn't know what to do.

etc!He suddenly thought of something, he entered here to chase after Nangong Yun, the envoy of Fengtian League, what is the purpose of Nangong Yun coming here?To refine the baby in the Demon Cave?Maybe, maybe not.But this is not important, the important thing is that Nangong Yun is definitely not a reckless person, he can enter here so easily, maybe he has already prepared a way out for himself.

So what Tong Yan has to do now should actually be to wake up Nangong Yun, as long as Nangong Yun wakes up, maybe the way out will appear.

And in this way, saving Nangong Yun was actually tantamount to saving himself.

Seeing Longyang Mausoleum flying closer and closer, he finally decided not to enter the gray fog, but dragged out of Longyang Mausoleum by himself to buy time for Nangong Yun to wake up.

"Brother Qiulong, although we have known each other not long ago, I know that you are an upright and kind dragon, and you are worthy of my trust. Now that the enemy is at hand, we have nowhere to go. I decided to hold that Longyangling, but this The Nangong Pavilion Master needs someone to take care of him. I can only hand him over to you, and I hope you will protect him for me. Is that okay?"

Qiu Long heard this, nodded heavily and said: "Grandfather, you are kind to me, I should repay you. Don't worry, I will definitely protect him. But Longyangling is very difficult to deal with, can you really do it yourself? "

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, even if I can't kill him, he can't kill me either. Well, without further ado, I'll go and deal with him right now. If the Nangong Pavilion Master wakes up, just let me know." .please!"

Qiu Long nodded and said, "Okay, take care of yourself!"

Tong Yan didn't say much, and immediately flew up, facing Longyang Mausoleum directly.

Is this Longyang Mausoleum really indestructible?Tong Yan had this doubt in his heart, but after the First World War, the truth of what happened naturally became clear.

"Yaodao, you killed so many innocent people, I will not spare you today. Prepare to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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