
Chapter 1174 Brave and good at fighting, what is in the fog?

Chapter 1174 Brave and good at fighting, what is in the fog?
Tong Yan always believed that Longyang Mausoleum had already lost his mind, and all the signs in the courtyard showed that this Longyang Mausoleum did not look like a normal person.

Unexpectedly, after he finished his ruthless words, Long Yangling laughed loudly and said: "Kill me, just because you are such an inhuman, do you think you can kill me?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan's face immediately revealed a look of surprise.

"You still have sanity? Haven't you already turned yourself into a monster?"

Hearing this, Long Yangling smiled disdainfully and said: "Boy, I was just temporarily confused, but now, I have remembered everything, and I have never been sober. You broke into my cave, don't you?" Is it just for my demon refining cheats? But for hundreds of years, no one has been able to get it. It didn’t exist before, and it won’t happen in the future. There is only one end for breaking into my cave, and that is death!”

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "Yao Dao, you keep saying that other people broke into your cave because of your demon refining secret book, but why don't you use this demon refining secret book as a cover to trick others into entering here to become you?" After all, without the rumors you spread yourself, who would venture into this place? Isn’t this all your conspiracy, and you did it on purpose? In addition, the hundreds of dead bodies in the river, I’m afraid It’s not because of your cheats, is it? But didn’t they still die in your hands? How do you explain this?”

Hearing this, Long Yangling laughed and said, "Explain? What can I explain? They are just like you, they are all for the sake of my baby here, and it is their own fault that they ended up like this. No need to talk nonsense, you are very happy We are about to follow in their footsteps!"

Tong Yan did not use the Blue Soul Sword, but took out the Taishan Blade and held it in his hand.Taishan Blade may not be stronger than the Blue Soul Sword, but there is one thing that the Blue Soul Sword cannot match, and that is sharpness.

The sharpness of the Taishan blade has actually been reflected in Tong Yan's many previous fights. It cuts iron like mud, and can perform deadly knives. It is definitely one of Tong Yan's best magic weapons.

Of course, with the Blue Soul Sword, you can use the Star Sword Art, and its power is not weak.But there is one thing, the Blue Soul Sword is an epee, so it may not be able to break through the indestructible body of Longyang Mausoleum.Compared with it, perhaps the advantage of Taishan Blade is more obvious.

Seeing Tong Yan showing his weapon, Long Yangling smiled contemptuously and said, "While holding a machete, I want to be my enemy. I really can't control myself!" The small hammer actually appeared in his hand.

Black air filled the small hammer, and in less than three seconds, the small hammer had already turned into a sledgehammer. Most importantly, the hammer head was covered with spikes, like a meteor hammer.

Tong Yan saw it, and was unmoved at all. With a flash of his figure, he directly displayed the transformation.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived at the back of Longyang Mausoleum, holding the Taishan blade high, he slammed the knife.

What this knife cut was the back of Longyang Mausoleum's neck, and the neck of a normal person is usually the weakest point. If there is any flaw in Longyang Mausoleum, Tong Yan's neck is naturally Tong Yan's first choice.

But it is a pity that this Longyang Mausoleum is too hard, even the neck is as hard as steel.

Hearing the sound of "Dang", the Taishan blade slashed heavily on Longyangling's neck, but it was only a flash of sparks, and it failed to cause the slightest damage to Longyangling.

Long Yangling noticed that Tong Yan was behind him, turned around and hit him with a hammer.Fortunately, Tong Yan's reaction was fast enough, and he used the teleportation again in an instant, and this time, he appeared on the side of Longyang Mausoleum, and his target was the eyes of Longyang Mausoleum.

Tong Yan's movements were extremely fast, just as Long Yangling turned around, he slashed directly at Longyangling's eyes.Long Yangling turned around clockwise, but he swung his sword in the opposite direction.

As a result, Long Yangling almost had no chance to dodge, just bumped into his Taishan Blade.

But Longyang Mausoleum is not a weak person after all, even though it was a flash, he still responded in time.

Tong Yan slashed horizontally, and he turned his face to the other side forcefully.And the result of this is that Tong Yan's Tarzan Blade can only hit one eye, but not the other eye. Unless the head of Longyang Mausoleum is cut in half, there is no way to succeed with one blow. .

But it doesn't matter, one eye is also an eye, if one eye of Longyang Ling is cut off, this guy's actions should be somewhat affected.

Hearing a scream of "ah", Tong Yan hit Longyangling's left eye with a knife, and left a deep scar at the corner of Longyangling's left eye.

Long Yangling's left eye was chopped off, and he screamed again and again, but this completely stimulated the animal nature in his body.The roar after the scream was as deafening as thunder, and the aura emanating from his whole body was even more moving.

Tong Yan wanted to dodge to the right side of Longyang Mausoleum and destroy his right eye as well.

But Longyang Mausoleum had suffered a loss once, so how could it happen again.The black energy emitted from his body did not dissipate, but condensed on his body, and finally formed a black protective film, protecting his whole body in it.

Tong Yan used his sword again, but he could only return in vain, because the black air mask on Longyang Ling's body was almost harder than steel, and it was difficult to break through.

In desperation, Tong Yan could only back away, temporarily truce, and make another plan.

But how could Longyangling, who had suffered a great loss, let him rest at ease, and with a sledgehammer in his hand, he rushed towards him directly.

Tong Yan had already seized the opportunity, and naturally his fighting spirit was very strong. When he saw Longyang Ling rushing towards him, he didn't have any fear, but raised his knife to meet him.

The next moment, the sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang" can be heard endlessly.The two came and went, the fight was fierce, and sparks flew when the weapons collided, which attracted people's attention.

Qiu Long, who was taking care of Nangong Yun not far away, naturally also witnessed all this. On the one hand, he sweated for Tong Yan, and on the other hand, he also admired Tong Yan's strength.

How strong Longyangling is, he is very clear in his heart.To be able to fight evenly with Longyangling, perhaps only gods and the like can do it.

It's just that Tong Yan's current cultivation is only in the realm of the earth fairy, and there is still a long way to go from the real fairyland.Of course, cultivation is cultivation, and combat power is combat power.

A person who has experienced many battles may be better at fighting than a hermit with superb cultivation.The reason why Tong Yan is so good at fighting is not because he walked all the way and fought all the way?

Qiu Long stared at the battle situation for a while, then lowered his head to look at the unconscious Nangong Yun.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a roar in the gray fog behind them.

Noticing the abnormal noise, he hurriedly turned his head to look.Upon seeing this, he suddenly widened his eyes.

What did he see in the gray mist?

(End of this chapter)

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