
Chapter 1175 Standing deadlocked, the Light Gate emerges!

Chapter 1175 Standing deadlocked, the Light Gate emerges!
Longyang Mausoleum is most praised for his skills of refining demons. When he became famous in the Jianghu, he was accompanied by eight monsters. For a time, no one could be the enemy, and no one dared to provoke him.These eight monsters are his proud work, and they are also the symbol of his generation of monster refining masters!

This place is the demon refining cave of Longyang Mausoleum, so naturally his eight monsters will not leave him.

And what the horned dragon saw in the gray mist at the moment was actually one of the eight monsters named Blood Crystal!
Just listening to the name alone does not make people feel fear and uneasiness.But in fact, this blood crystal beast is the most ferocious and bloodthirsty among the eight monsters.

The origin of the name of the blood crystal is taken from the scale armor on this monster.Its whole body is covered with blood-red scales, which look like pieces of beautiful red crystals, hence the name of this blood crystal.

However, what is unknown is that the reason why these blood-red scales are so bright red is entirely because this monster sucks human blood.When the blood crystal beast was refined, its whole body was snow white, not red.But as more and more human blood is sucked, it will become the current blood red.But who knew that to change a small scale from the original white to bright red, it needs to drink the blood of dozens of people. There are countless scales on its body, and without exception, all of them are bright red and dazzling. It can be seen that the blood crystal The beasts sucked a lot of human blood and killed a lot of innocent people.

The existence of such monsters is harmful, even more sinful than some ordinary monsters.Long Yangling made such a harmful monster with his own hands, it can be seen that he has no kindness in his heart, and he is no different from a devil.

If it wasn't for Tong Yan and the others who entered here by accident, who would have known that that admirable generation of demon refining masters was actually nothing but a brutal beast that harmed countless people.Rumors are sometimes true, but more may be false.If you believe in rumors, you will only hurt yourself.

Closer to home, the horned dragon is a dragon, although it is a relatively weak hornless dragon among dragons, its ability to sense monsters is no worse than other dragons.

The blood crystal beast approached step by step, and he released the dragon energy in his body almost uncontrollably.

But in this way, the blood crystal beast was greatly stimulated, causing the latter to rush out of the thick fog faster and come to him.

I saw that this blood crystal beast looks like a crocodile, but its four claws are longer, and there is a sharp horn on its head. Full of suckers of different sizes, it looks disgusting.At this moment, it stopped less than ten meters away from the horned dragon, and licked its disgusting tongue back and forth, as if it had already regarded the horned dragon and Nangong Yun as its prey.

The horned dragon stood up, stared at the blood crystal beast, and then warned loudly: "Nie Zhan, you'd better stop thinking about us, otherwise I will definitely let you die a miserable death."

This blood crystal beast has sucked the blood essence of so many people, and has practiced for hundreds of years, and has already opened its mind.

It glanced at the horned dragon, then at Nangong Yun lying unconscious on the ground, and then said: "Do you want me to let you go? Yes! But you have to give him to me! I'm on his body I smell the blood of the beast, I must suck his blood and eat his flesh today."

Hearing this, Qiu Long snorted coldly and said, "Don't daydream, I won't hand him over to you. If you're sensible, get out of here immediately. Otherwise, I'll kill you!"

When the Blood Crystal Beast heard this, it immediately laughed and said: "Qiulong, we know how capable you are. For the sake of serving the same master, I advise you not to follow someone who is about to die. I'm against you, it won't do you any good. Besides, the master is already awake, why do you have to be with others? So you'd better be smart, otherwise, I'll have to eat you too .”

It seems that the blood crystal beast and the horned dragon have known each other for a long time, no wonder the blood crystal beast didn't do it directly, but persuaded them with kind words.

Qiu Long heard this, his face was full of anger, and he immediately said fiercely: "Blood Crystal Beast, don't try to tie me with you. Long Yangling is not my master, he is my enemy. If it weren't for him, I would How can I be sealed for hundreds of years? If it weren't for him, I might have ascended to the heavens by now. Let me tell you, this is the person my benefactor asked me to protect. Even if I fight for this life, I will never let him die You mouth!"

The blood crystal beast laughed and said: "Okay, since you don't want to live, then I will fulfill you. Two divine beasts are enough for me to have a good meal!"

Qiu Long turned his head and glanced at Tong Yan who was still fighting Longyang Ling, his eyes showed a trace of firmness, and after taking a deep breath, he directly protected Nangong Yun behind him.

Seeing this, the blood crystal beast knew that it was impossible to let the horned dragon out of the way, so it simply stopped talking nonsense, exerted all its strength, and rushed over directly.

The horned dragon saw the blood crystal beast rushing towards him, first he slapped back the enemy, then he raised his head and let out a roar, revealing his body directly.

In the next second, one dragon and one beast had already confronted each other.Another wonderful duel is about to break out.

Although Tong Yan was busy dealing with Long Yangling, he still noticed something strange down below.He had long guessed that there might be an ambush or a trap in the gray mist, and now it seemed that his guess was correct.

It's just that he doesn't know whether Qiulong can repel the evil beast, whether he can last until Nangong Yun wakes up, or even whether Nangong Yun can wake up is probably unknown.

Although Long Yangling lost a glance, his combat power was not affected at all, and the black gas mask on his body made him an incomprehensible existence.But it's not easy for him to eat Tong Yan.

Tong Yan's shapeshifting is really not something he can catch up with if he wants to.

But the longer the time dragged on, the worse it would actually be for Tong Yan.The transformation of shape and position needs to consume the power of the demon to complete, but his power of the demon will eventually be exhausted.But this Longyang Mausoleum is different. Tong Yan's depth of background is definitely not comparable to that of Tong Yan. After hundreds of years of accumulation, his demonic aura must be much stronger than Tong Yan's.

It was precisely because of this that Tong Yan had such concerns.Of course, he didn't worry about this all the time, he was still thinking about how to break through the defense of Longyang Mausoleum.

He has always firmly believed that no gold is pure, no man is perfect, no matter how strong this Longyang Mausoleum is, there should be flaws.

It's a pity that after fighting for so long, he couldn't find it.If he could find the flaw in Longyang Mausoleum, he might not have to be so embarrassed now.

Long Yangling continued to attack crazily, he could only dodge frequently, occasionally slashing.

Time passed little by little, and this Longyang Mausoleum seemed a little tired.He suddenly stopped his onslaught, and floated about 20 meters away from Tong Yan and stopped moving.

Tong Yan was a little puzzled, just about to open his mouth to test it out, unexpectedly at this moment, Longyang Mausoleum suddenly swooped down, abandoned Tong Yan, and rushed towards Nangong Yun who was lying on the ground.

Tong Yan was shocked when he saw it, Nangong Yun's safety was related to whether they could escape here, if Nangong Yun died here, the situation for him and Qiulong would not be easy.

Not daring to delay, he immediately set off to stop it.

Seeing Longyang Mausoleum getting closer and closer to Nangong Yun, unexpectedly, a door of light suddenly appeared in the gray mist.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar figure walked in from the door...

(End of this chapter)

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