
Chapter 1176 The King of Azure Dragons, Unexpected Reunion!

Chapter 1176 The King of Azure Dragons, Unexpected Reunion!
Tong Yan was taken aback when he saw this familiar figure, and then showed joy.

But Tong Yan was in a daze for a while, but Long Yangling took advantage of him, and he was less than ten meters away from Nangong Yun.

When he came back to his senses, Tong Yan's expression changed drastically, but no matter how fast he was, it was too late to save Nangong Yun.

At this critical moment, the figure of the person walking out of the gate of light flashed, and he arrived in front of Nangong Yun one step ahead, and directly punched Longyang Mausoleum.

The Longyang Mausoleum was smashed down with a hammer, and the force was heavy, but there was a sound of "dang", and an incredible thing happened.

In this contest between the fist and the hammer, the hammer failed to gain any advantage, and was hit more than ten meters away by the fist instead.

What kind of fist does it have to be able to do this?

Taking a closer look, I realized that this was not an ordinary fist, but a blue dragon claw.

Who was it that repelled Longyang Mausoleum?Not someone else, but the current king of the Qinglong clan, Qingming!

That's right, the one who opened the door of light and entered this place is none other than Qing Ming!

Tong Yan and Qing Ming haven't seen each other since Nanhai parted.Tong Yan only knew that Qing Ming brought the little Qinglong back to the habitat of the Qinglong clan, but he never thought that Qing Ming would come here today, and Qing Ming's temperament was very different from before, adding a bit of kingliness. angry.

Longyang Mausoleum was unexpectedly repelled, and he was a little dazed for a while.

Tong Yan no longer hesitated, and quickly flew to land in front of Qing Ming.

"Brother Qing, is it really you? Why are you here?"

Qingming obviously didn't recognize Tong Yan at the first sight, and it wasn't until Tong Yan came to him that he suddenly woke up with a look of excitement.

"Little Tong, how could it be you? Where have you been all this time? Wait, why do you only have one arm left? Where is your left arm? Who did it?"

Seeing that Qing Ming was agitated, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Brother Qing, it's nothing, I'm fine. This left arm was broken behind the bronze door. Dao, it’s only been a day or two since I came back to the human world. How about you? How are your child and sister-in-law?”

Looking at Tong Yan's face full of smiles, Qing Ming sighed softly: "Okay, they are all good. It's just you, are you really okay? Forget it, with your temperament, even if something happens, you will say it's okay son."

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "I'm still alive, which means I'm fine. Brother Qing, you haven't answered me yet, why are you here?"

Hearing this, Qingming turned to look at the unconscious Nangong Yun, and said helplessly, "I came here for him, after all, he is Jin'er's father. Jin'er expected him to be in trouble, and let him say anything." I came to save his life. Now it seems that I came to the right, otherwise, how could I meet you here."

Hearing this, Tong Yan was about to ask another question, but Long Yangling interrupted their conversation without understanding.

"Haha... I don't know what kind of wind is blowing today, but it blows so many people to death. It's okay, I can just start killing today, and kill it to my heart's content! Haha..."

Hearing this, Qing Ming turned her head to look at Longyang Mausoleum, and said with a disdainful smile: "Nie Zhan, you dare to talk nonsense when you are about to die. You are such a monster, I will kill one when I see it, and kill one when I see a pair! Prepare to die !"

Long Yangling stretched his neck, then gritted his teeth and said, "It's up to you? A bastard green dragon, what can I do? I'll peel your skin and pull your tendons right now!" As soon as he finished speaking, he The black energy all over his body strengthened again, and he jumped forward suddenly, directly rushing towards Qingming.

When Tong Yan saw it, he wanted to help, but Qing Ming directly stopped him and said, "Little Tong, take a break, I'll deal with him!"

As he said that, Qingming's eyes flashed coldly, and he faced Longyang Mausoleum directly.

Seeing this, Tong Yan hurriedly reminded him: "Brother Qing, this villain is not weak, but his body is especially strong. You must not underestimate the enemy. I will heal the injuries of the Nangong Pavilion Master, and I will come to help you in a while."

Qing Ming didn't have time to answer, in just two or three seconds, he was already fighting with Long Yangling.

Tong Yan was actually somewhat worried about Qing Ming, but seeing Qing Ming's every move and style was full of vigor and unstoppable bravery, he gradually felt relieved.Qing Ming's strength has obviously improved significantly compared to before, it seems that he has not been idle during this period of time, the Qinglong clan is the head of the four elephant beasts, if Qing Ming fully inherits the power of Qinglong King's inheritance, how can it be Ordinary monsters and strange beasts can compete.

Tong Yan looked away from the battle situation on Qingming's side, and turned to the battle between the horned dragon and the blood crystal beast.

Although the horned dragon's strength was not as strong as Qing Ming's, it was not easy for the blood crystal beast to eat him in a short time.

In general, these two duels are basically evenly matched.In this way, Tong Yan can concentrate on healing Nangong Yun.

But after a while, he felt helpless again.There are two kinds of power in his body, one is the power of the sky demon, and the other is the power of the star source.If he uses the power of the heavenly demon to heal Nangong Yun's luck, it is likely to conflict with the true energy in his body. At that time, not only will he be unable to heal Nangong Yun's injury, but it will also make Nangong Yun's injury worse, and even directly kill Nangong Yun. His life is also uncertain.

As for the power of the star source, it is even more impossible to use it for healing.After all, in the final analysis, the power of the star source can only be used by the stars, and no one can control it except the stars.

This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, can we just hope that Nangong Yun will wake up by himself?
Tong Yan thought for a while, then reached out and groped in his cloth bag.In just a moment, he made a discovery.

When he was in Asura Dao, Master Zi Yi once gave him some healing elixirs for him to use in case of emergencies.But he didn't use it too much, and it's a good choice to use it to heal Nangong Yun and himself now.

Taking out the medicine bottle, he took one out of it and took it himself, and took out another one and stuffed it directly into Nangong Yun's mouth.

The pain of a broken arm cannot be recovered in a short period of time, because he has been busy dealing with Longyang Ling, and he doesn't feel that the wound on his shoulder is too painful. Now that he is free like this, the pain also comes .

But after taking the elixir given by Master Zi Yi, the pain was obviously relieved, and the wound was still itchy, maybe it was starting to scar and new skin was growing.

Master Zi Yi's alchemy skills are really good, but it's a pity that Tong Yan is not good at it.Zhu Dan, one of the top ten Skywalkers, also taught him the art of alchemy, but he obviously didn't work hard on alchemy, otherwise, he might be able to refine some elixirs for healing, not only for himself, but also for himself. It can also be used to help others.

Of course, it doesn't make any sense to say this now, let's find a way to get out of here quickly.

Looking at Nangong Yun, Tong Yan accidentally saw the black stick in his hand again.

I didn't have a chance to take a closer look before, but now I can see it clearly. Things that can enter Nangong Yunfa's eyes are definitely not ordinary things.

Just as Tong Yan was about to reach out to grab it, the black stick suddenly had several cracks, and then, something even more unbelievable happened.

(End of this chapter)

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