
Chapter 1177 Countless, the fate of the sacred tree!

Chapter 1177 Thousands of calculations, the fate of the sacred tree!
Tong Yan looked carefully, and in the cracks on the black stick, he saw something like hair.And these hair-like objects are not dead objects, they are slowly drilling out.

Although Tong Yan didn't know what kind of treasure this black stick was, but after seeing those black silk-like objects, he felt that it was better not to let Nangong Yun hold it.If these black threads got into Nangong Yun's body, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, he hastily put away the Tarzan blade, freed his right hand and grabbed the black stick directly.

But what he didn't expect was that before his hand touched the black rod, the black thread that drilled out of the crack of the black rod suddenly gushed out and directly entangled his fingers.The more he tried to get rid of it, unexpectedly the tighter the black silk entangled.

He only felt a pain in his finger, and the black silk had strangled his finger, and blood flowed out.

Without hesitation, he hastily summoned the power of the demon, hoping to break the black thread.However, Heisi would not let it go, not only sucking the blood from his fingers, but also going into his body from his wound at this moment.

Realizing this, he couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and hurriedly poured out the power of the demon, struggling to resist the black silk from entering his body.

It's just that it's too late.Heisi had already succeeded, although he tried hard to resist, he was still invaded by the black silk and spread to the whole body.

Such a change greatly exceeded his expectations, and he never expected that things would turn out like this.He just didn't want the black thread to harm Nangong Yun, but now, the black thread "harmed" himself instead.

The only good thing is that although all the black silk entered his body, he didn't feel any severe pain. He just felt itchy in his body. Apart from that, he had no other sensations.

Looking at the "bark" left by the black stick in Nangong Yun's hand, Tong Yan smiled wryly.

I don't know how he will explain after Nangong Yun wakes up.He didn't even know what kind of trouble these black threads would cause him if they penetrated into his body.I just hope that everything is not too bad, otherwise, he really has to blame and suffer on his own.

Nangong Yun's breathing was obviously a lot smoother, and his face was not as pale as before that Yang Yang had no blood at all.

It seems that Master Zi Yi's healing elixir has played a lot of role, maybe after a while, Nangong Yun will open his eyes and wake up safely.

Tong Yan is really worried about himself now, having so many black threads penetrated into his body, it is a lie to say that he is not worried.He wanted to try to force them out of his body, but these black threads were like a part of his body, neither the power of the sky demon nor the power of the star source could affect them.

After several attempts, he finally chose to give up. It seemed that he could only wait for Nangong Yun to wake up and ask him what the black stick was.

Sitting beside Nangong Yun, he was very depressed.

But after being depressed for a while, he never thought that the drowsiness would suddenly hit him, and he was powerless to resist, so he just fell to the ground and fell asleep.

He didn't know how long he slept, let alone why he slept, maybe he was too tired, or the black silk was causing trouble.

Time passed bit by bit, and Nangong Yun's shout sounded in his ears.

"Little friend Tongyan...Little friend Tongyan? Wake up, can you hear my voice? Little friend Tongyan?"

Hearing this sound, Tong Yan's eyelids twitched, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing that Nangong Yun had woken up, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Pavilion Master Nangong, you're awake. Oh, I don't know why, but I fell asleep next to you. How is your injury? gone?"

Hearing this, Nangong Yun smiled wryly and said, "Don't worry about me, you should take care of yourself!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help being taken aback, then propped up his body with both hands, and sat up directly.

Note that hands are mentioned here!But Tong Yan had clearly cut off his left arm before, so how could he have hands?
As soon as he sat up, he was startled, and quickly turned his head to look at his left arm.

Upon seeing this, his eyes suddenly widened and became messy unconsciously.

Following his gaze, I realized that he had indeed grown a left arm, but the color of the left arm was somewhat confusing and puzzling.

Black, black like ink.And on the black arm, there are actually slightly raised lines, which look like twisted twists.

He was really confused, what was going on with this black left arm?How could the lost left arm grow back again?

"Pavilion Master Nangong, this...what's going on here? You are well-informed, do you know?"

Nangong Yun smiled bitterly again: "Of course I know, although I have some regrets, but I can't blame you. The wooden stick in my hand was held by you, right? Your arm is probably transformed by the wooden stick. !"

Hearing this, Tong Yan was even more shocked, but he also thought of what he had experienced before falling asleep.Those black filaments drilled out of the stick, and after sucking his blood, they forced their way into his body again.

Could it be that his left arm is made of those black threads?

"Pavilion Master Nangong, what exactly is your black stick? Can you tell me?"

Nangong Yun sighed softly and said, "I have nothing to hide until now. The black stick is nothing else, it is the acquired treasure, called Chaos Divine Tree!"

Tong Yan was puzzled, and asked again: "The sacred tree of chaos? What is this?"

Nangong Yun smiled and replied: "It is said that when the chaos was first divided, the energy of chaos gave birth to a sacred tree. Although this sacred tree is only a few feet high, it is harder than a mysterious stone. It cannot be destroyed by water or fire, nor by weapons. It hurts. This tree blooms for 1 years and bears fruit for 1 years. The fruit it produces can be used to refine high-grade immortal weapons, but the tree has long since died, so there is only one branch left. And this branch is I'm talking about the Chaos God Tree."

Tong Yan really didn't expect that this chaotic tree would have such a great background.But the question is, since this sacred wood is harder than black stones, water and fire cannot destroy it, and weapons cannot hurt it, why does it have cracks and then turn into black threads?

"Pavilion Master Nangong, I know this treasure is yours, but I have no intention of plundering it. To be honest, I saw this treasure suddenly cracked and black threads gushed out, and I was worried that it would be bad for you, so I wanted to put it away. Aside. Unexpectedly, those black threads wrapped around my fingers, even cut my fingers and sucked my blood, and then penetrated into my body. I tried to stop it, but it was of no avail. Nangong Pavilion Master, I am sorry, please forgive me!"

Nangong Yun said with a chuckle: "The tree is done, so what if I blame you? I just sighed that I waited so long, seeing that the Shenmu was about to wake up, and I could refine it. Unexpectedly, in the end, it made you perfect, everything was destined. Humans are not as good as heaven! Well, since this treasure has been integrated with you, you can make good use of it. Maybe you don’t know that with this treasure, you are not only invulnerable to water and fire, but also as hard as a mysterious stone. Even the Longyang Mausoleum is probably far inferior to you!"

When Nangong Yun said this, how could Tong Yan not be happy, how could he not be happy?Is this chaotic god tree really so amazing?Then can he also be said to have the indestructible body of a vajra?
(End of this chapter)

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