
Chapter 1178 Demon Refining Cheats Revealed!

Chapter 1178 Demon Refining Cheats Revealed!
"Pavilion Master Nangong, I don't know how to use it?"

Nangong Yun smiled slightly and said: "It depends on yourself, it is now integrated with your body, if you don't know how to use it, others won't even know it."

Tong Yan felt somewhat guilty, after all, this chaotic tree belonged to Nangong Yun.Moreover, the origin of this object is so large that it cannot be compared with ordinary heaven and earth spirit treasures.

Although Nangong Yun had committed a lot of crimes before, one size fits all.Even if he is a villain, should he be robbed?This is obviously wrong, but Tong Yan is really helpless now, he can't cut off his left arm and return it to Nangong Yun, right?

Just when he was about to say something more, Qiu Long encountered a crisis.

There was only a dull dragon chant, followed by a loud bang.

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan and Nangong Yun immediately followed the sound and saw the horned dragon fall heavily to the ground.And the blood crystal beast opened its bloody mouth, jumped down from mid-air, and bit his neck straight.

If this bite hits, the consequences will be unimaginable, even if it does not die, the horned dragon may not be far from death.

The situation was urgent, Tong Yan didn't dare to think too much, stood up quickly, and rushed over with a change of shape.

Although the speed of the blood crystal beast was fast, it was not as fast as Tong Yan's shapeshifting.Seeing it pounced down from mid-air, Tong Yan immediately took out the Mount Tai Blade, and slashed into the mid-air.

This knife was swung with great power, the half-moon-shaped light blade rushed straight up, and immediately collided with the blood crystal beast that was rushing down.

Hearing a loud "bang", he didn't expect the blood crystal beast to be so rough and thick. Tong Yan's knife didn't cut it, but only cut off some of its scales.

But fortunately, under the impact of the light blade, the blood crystal beast retreated more than ten meters directly, which can be regarded as resolving the danger of the horned dragon.

Tong Yan held Taishan Blade in his right hand, and stared at the blood crystal beast coldly. As long as it dared to take another step forward, Tong Yan would definitely not let it go lightly.

The blood crystal beast was quite sensible, instead of attacking again, it looked at Tong Yan with red eyes.

Qiu Long got a chance to breathe, and after adjusting for a while, he finally stood beside Tong Yan.

"Engong, I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to become so powerful. I... I am no longer its opponent."

Hearing this, Tong Yan turned to comfort him and said, "Brother Qiulong, you have done a good job. If it weren't for your hard support, we would have been killed by this evil beast. Take a good rest for a while, Leave the rest to me!"

When Qiu Long heard this, he hurriedly said: "Grandfather, this blood crystal beast has harmed countless people, but its strength is extremely strong, and it is the leader of the eight monsters refined in Longyang Mausoleum. You must be more careful when dealing with it."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for the reminder, I will remember. Now, it's my turn!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he took a stride forward and immediately came to the blood crystal beast.

The blood crystal beast stared at him for a while, then let out a low growl that only a beast could have, and its four paws began to become restless.

Tong Yan saw this in his eyes, and then smiled contemptuously and said, "Nie Yi, do you still have to persevere when you are about to die? Let me tell you, if you are sensible, you'd better lie on the ground obediently, otherwise, you will definitely be killed! "

Hearing this, the Blood Crystal Beast was furious and said: "Stinky boy, don't be rampant in front of me. Do you really think I'm afraid of you? If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "You will know soon whether I have this ability or not. Now, you can suffer to death!" Having said this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a transposition immediately appeared on the The head of this blood crystal beast.

Without saying a word, he swung his knife and chopped down.

Although the blood crystal beast is powerful, it is only a monster after all.He obviously knew little about all kinds of magical powers, and Tong Yan's figure disappeared without a trace, and he was stunned for a while without reacting.

It wasn't until Tong Yan's knife had slashed into its head fiercely that it jumped up suddenly because of the pain.

Tong Yan succeeded with the knife, so naturally he didn't stay longer, and when the blood crystal beast used the sharp horns on its head to push it hard, he had already arrived at the blood crystal beast's claws.

Immediately afterwards, he struck out for the second time, and this time the target was the sharp claw beside him.

The blood crystal beast's physical body is of course strong, but it can block Tong Yan's light blade, but it can't block the sharp edge of Taishan blade.Under close slashing, its flesh body does not appear to be so strong, at least the Tarzan Blade can easily cut into it, even its bones can be chopped into two pieces.

Only a scream of "嗤" was heard, and one of its sharp claws was completely cut off by Tong Yan.With one less claw, its body is naturally a little unstable.But Tong Yan didn't give it any chance, and cut off its second claw instead.

With a "plop", the Blood Crystal Beast without its claws couldn't stand still, and fell directly to the ground.

Qiu Long was worried about Tong Yan at first, but when he saw that Tong Yan had won a complete victory, he immediately cheered for Tong Yan.

Tong Yan was ready to kill, there was no need for him to show mercy to such a beast.

The Blood Crystal Beast realized something, and before Tong Yan could deal the final blow, it shouted directly: "Shangxian, spare your life, Shangxian, spare your life! I knew I was wrong, I really knew it was wrong. I beg Shangxian Forgive me once, I will repent with all my heart, and stop killing innocent people indiscriminately. And...and I am willing to tell Shangxian a secret, and ask Shangxian to help me!"

Tong Yan was about to make a move here, but when he heard the word "secret", he immediately became interested.

He simply appeared in front of the blood crystal beast, and then asked, "Secret? Tell me, what is the secret?"

The blood crystal beast saw something interesting, and hurriedly said: "Shangxian, my secret concerns my master. I want to use this secret to exchange my life. I wonder if Shangxian will agree?"

When the horned dragon not far away heard it, it immediately flew forward and said to Tong Yan: "Gong Gong, you must not agree to it. What secrets can it know? I think it is trying to lie to you."

When the Blood Crystal Beast heard this, it immediately said angrily: "Horn Dragon, after all, you and I have served the same master, how can you make trouble? I only want to survive, how can I lie to others? Shangxian, you come to this demon refining cave, It must be because of something? I know where that thing is, is it too much to trade this secret for my life?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately said with great interest: "Then you should explain in detail. Don't worry, as long as this secret is really useful to me. I will definitely spare you, but if you are full of nonsense and lies, then I can only Kill you here!"

Hearing this, the Blood Crystal Beast didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly replied: "Shangxian, Longyangling's lifelong attainment is nothing more than the art of refining demons. He wrote a secret book of refining demons with his whole life. As long as he gets this secret book, not only can he Refining demons is better at expelling demons. I know where the secret book of refining demons is, and I can take you there. I only ask the gods to show mercy and spare me!"

Demon Refining Cheats?Although Tong Yan didn't know how miraculous this secret book of refining demons was, but when he thought that he was alone and weak, he might not be the opponent of Kunpeng.If you can form an army of monsters, it would be a good choice.

But just when he was about to say yes, he didn't expect that Long Yangling, who was confronting Qing Ming, turned into a monster!And the most unbelievable thing is that Qing Ming also changed accordingly!
(End of this chapter)

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