
Chapter 1185 Get both talismans, write it to a beautiful woman!

Chapter 1185 Get both talismans, write it to a beautiful woman!
Seeing the ground rapidly collapse and split apart around the black hole, Tong Yan frowned deeply.

Seeing this, Qiu Long was completely puzzled, and immediately asked, "Grandfather, what's the matter? What did you do in the river?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said speechlessly: "What can I do? Didn't I go to the bottom of the river to get boxes according to the instructions of Longyang Mausoleum? No matter how many there are, I'm afraid I can't stay here anymore. I'd better leave first talk later!"

That's what he said, but when he thought about what Long Yangling said before, he hesitated again.

The remnants of Longyang Mausoleum said that there is a way to bring these dead people back to life.If they leave now, then these people really cannot be resurrected.

But seeing the rapid collapse of the ground, Tong Yan was in a dilemma for a while.

But at this moment, the blood crystal beast that had been standing by the river suddenly turned into its own body and flew in front of him and the horned dragon.

Before Tong Yan could speak, the blood crystal beast said first, "Shangxian, the Demon Refining Cave Heaven is already destroyed, let's hurry up!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately questioned: "What do you mean by that? Why is this Demon Refining Cave Heaven going to be shattered?"

The Blood Crystal Beast sighed softly and said: "Everything is related to the box in your hand. The contents of this box are indeed treasures of my master's life, but this box is also the key to maintaining this demon refining cave. Now you have taken it out If we lose the box and lose the seal of the box, the Demon Refining Cave will soon collapse until it becomes nothingness. If we don’t leave now, we won’t be able to leave when it’s too late. Once the Demon Refining Cave is destroyed, we will all I have to be buried with you!"

Hearing what the blood crystal beast said, Tong Yan suddenly understood everything.What brought people back from the dead, what benefited the world, now seems to be false.

In the final analysis, this Longyang Mausoleum just wanted to destroy this Demon Refining Cave, so that people would never be able to set foot here again, and no evidence of him harming innocent people would be found.

After arguing for a long time, Tong Yan was still tricked, and there was no so-called treasure in the iron box.

"Blood Crystal Beast, will there be treasures in this box? Then Longyang Mausoleum lied to me from the beginning, right?"

Hearing this, the Blood Crystal Beast shook his head and said: "I don't know what's in the box, you can open it later and have a look. But now, we have only one way to go, and that is before this medicine refining cave completely collapses." , leave here. Shangxian, don’t delay any longer. If it’s late, we really won’t be able to leave.”

Tong Yan also knew that it would be useless to pursue anything now.The most urgent thing is to save your life.After all, Longyang Mausoleum has ascended to the heavens, and there is nothing to be done here, so it is better to leave.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "Okay, let's leave here now. Qiu Long, go meet up with my brother. Let's go out and talk!"

After hearing this, Qiulong hurriedly took him, and together with the blood crystal beast, quickly flew to where Qing Ming and Nangong Yun were.

At this moment, Nangong Yun and Qing Ming, after being busy, successfully opened the transmission door to leave.

Just when everyone gathered together and planned to leave this place, the well-established Demon Refining Cave had completely collapsed, and the original beautiful scenery was no longer there, and it no longer looked like the legendary fairy cave.

Although everyone felt a little bit sad, but this time the trip to refine the demon cave has come to an end.

The next moment, everyone had arrived in front of the copper gate.

As long as the bronze door is opened, one can completely leave the cave of Longyang Mausoleum.

Nangong Yun can come in, so he can go out naturally.He obviously did a lot of homework before coming here.

He looked at Tong Yan, then at the box in his arms, and then said: "It seems that you have got what you want, so let's leave now. Wait for a while, I will open the copper door!" "Speaking, he immediately walked towards the copper door, and then began to try to open the copper door.

There was nothing Tong Yan could do to help him, so he simply began to study the iron box.

The key obtained in the dark room is still inserted in the keyhole on the iron box at this moment.Tong Yan tried to open the iron box, but there was no Chen Gong.

I don't know how he had a flash of inspiration and thought of turning the key around.

And his reversal, gratifying things also happened.

There was a "click" sound, and the lid of the iron box opened directly as if it had been bounced off.

Now let's see what's in the iron box.

Looking carefully, there was a letter in the iron box, and besides the letter, there was a small box.

Tong Yan didn't open the letter directly, but opened the small box first.

He never expected that in this small box, he would actually see a copper token.

Make the whole body of the talisman black, and by weight, it can be concluded that it is copper.On the front of the order talisman is engraved the face of an evil spirit, which looks a little scary.But when he reversed the command talisman, the two large characters came into his sight.

It's not a side character, it's the word "You Ming"!
Looking at the token, Tong Yan immediately thought of his Nether Beast Talisman.Fumbling in his pocket, he quickly found his Nether Beast Talisman.

Putting the two tokens together for comparison, he was startled at first, and then smiled excitedly.

"The ghost talisman? This must be the ghost talisman! I never expected that the twin treasures of the ghost would fall into my hands today. With these two treasures, wouldn't I be able to mobilize the ghost army and the ghost beast? At that time, what is Kunpeng afraid of?"

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

It's normal to think about it, the Nether Twin Treasures are the treasures that everyone in the Jianghu wants to get.The Mozong almost suffered annihilation because of a ghost talisman.

Now he not only got the Nether Beast Talisman, but also the Nether Ghost Talisman, which definitely made many people envious.

But having said that, how could the ghost talisman, the most precious treasure of the Demon Sect, be in the demon refining cave of Longyang Mausoleum?

Logically speaking, shouldn't the Nether Ghost Talisman be hidden by the Demon Sect Master Xiong Qingcang?
Regarding this question, Tong Yan really couldn't figure it out.But that's not important, what's important is that he has gained a lot from this trip to refine the demon cave.As long as he finds a way to activate the Nether Beast Talisman and Nether Ghost Talisman, he can form a huge and powerful army of ghosts and beasts.

He couldn't wait any longer, he already wanted to declare war on Kunpeng.

"Kunpeng, just wait for me, I will make you pay the price in blood, I will make you never be reborn forever!"

After making up his mind, he carefully put away the two tokens.

In addition to the ghost talisman in the iron box, there is also a letter.This letter must have been written by Long Yangling, but I don't know what his purpose for writing this letter is.

But what Tong Yan never expected was that this letter was written to a girl.And this girl is no one else, is Tan Yu, the Nine-Tailed Fox!

(End of this chapter)

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