
Chapter 1186 Life is not long?Who is here?

Chapter 1186 Life is not long?Who is here?
The content of the letter is roughly like this, "I love Tan Yu, I have been separated for hundreds of years, and I miss it very much. Every time I think of the time spent with you, my heart is full of joy. But when I think about you and me, Then I was depressed again, very depressed. I don’t know where you are now, and I don’t know if I can see you again. I know that you have no love in your heart, and you have no love for me. Everything is just my wishful thinking, everything is just my wish Fantasy. For hundreds of years, I have learned from the pain. If your heart is not on me, how can I imprison your freedom? I have guilt in my heart, but I have no chance to repay it. Leaving this letter is just to comfort my heart Empty, nothing can be changed. But my heart belongs to you from the beginning to the end. This feeling can express the sky, and this meaning is worthy of the thick earth. But there is one thing that I must explain. When I save you, In fact, it doesn’t change you too much. But people have their lives, and demons have their lives. You are destined to die. Although you can live for hundreds of years, when your life is over, you can’t escape. The only way to continue your life is to Change the body of a demon. One is a human being, and endures the catastrophe of the five thunderbolts. The demon is exhausted and punished by fate. I don’t know if you are destined to read this letter. If you read this letter, it proves that you are still alive. Don’t delay, and you must follow what I said before you can prolong your life. Otherwise, you will surely die..."

The words after that are words of love and love, which are of no useful value to Tong Yan.

But the address at the beginning made Tong Yan very puzzled.Could it be that the nine-tailed fox rescued by Longyang Mausoleum is really his beloved Tan Yu?

Both are also nine-tailed foxes, and both are also named Tan Yu.This is probably not a coincidence, maybe the two are the same person.

But if this is the case, doesn't it mean that Tan Yu will die soon?

Tong Yan was a bit messy, he didn't know whether the letter was true or not, let alone whether the two Tan Yu were really one person.

But after seeing Tan Yu, give this letter to Tan Yu to read it personally, and maybe everything will become clear.

From this point of view, he really knew too little about Tan Yu.

I just hope that the two are not the same person, so that Tan Yu will be safe and sound.

In such a short time, he almost experienced the peak of his life, but soon fell into the trough.He was delighted that he had obtained the Nether Ghost Talisman, and with the Nether Treasures, he could fight the Kunpeng evenly.But he was also worried about whether what was said in the letter was true. If what Long Yangling said about Tan Yu was his beloved Tan Yu, how could he really ignore the words in the letter and not think about continuing his life for Tan Yu? What about the method?
Of course, these are things to come later, the first thing to do is to leave here and meet Tan Yu.

After putting away the letter, he took a deep breath, only to realize that everyone was looking at him.

"Xiao Tong, are you okay? You look a little bit bad, is your body injured?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "Brother Qing, I'm fine, maybe I'm a little tired. How long will it take for the master of the Nangong Pavilion to open the copper door? I really don't want to stay in this ghostly place for a moment."

Qingming turned to look at Nangong Yun, seeing that he was still busy, smiled slightly and said, "It's probably coming soon, if you're tired, you can lean against the wall and rest for a while. When the copper door opens, I'll call you!"

Tong Yan nodded and was going to rest.But then he thought of something, and then asked Qing Ming: "Brother Qing, how did you get in here before?"

Hearing this, Qing Ming hurriedly replied: "I entered the Demon Refining Cave directly through a teleportation array. But unfortunately, the teleportation array can only enter, but not exit."

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked in puzzlement, "The teleportation array? And the teleportation array leads to the Demon Refining Cave?"

Qingming nodded and replied: "Yes, the teleportation array is in a cave less than fifty miles away from this mountain. If I guessed correctly, that cave should also be the place where Longyang Mausoleum used to cultivate. It was Jin'er who told me , otherwise I wouldn't be able to find it."

Tong Yan said lightly, and then smiled slightly: "It's okay, I'm just asking casually. I'll rest for a while, and when the door opens, Brother Qing, please tell me."

Qing Ming smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't leave you here by yourself."

Tong Yan smiled, turned around and was about to rest.

But at this moment, Nangong Yun had already opened the bronze door.

With a "click", the bronze door slowly opened.Tong Yan originally wanted to rest for a while, but now it seems that he has no chance.

After opening the bronze door, Nangong Yun immediately turned around and shouted to everyone: "The bronze door is already open, everyone, don't delay, come out with me quickly. The bronze door will be closed in a while, and if it is too late, you will really come out again." not going."

Everyone dared to delay after hearing this, and immediately followed Nangong Yun's figure and rushed out of the stone room.

Indeed, as Nangong Yun said, they had just walked out for less than a minute when the bronze door closed again with a "click".

And with the closure of the bronze gate, the secret of the Demon Refining Cave will also be buried deep in the bottom of the mountain forever.Maybe no one will come here again, and no one will come to look for the so-called fairy cave.

The crowd had just walked out, but Qiang Liang, who was imprisoned by the huge stone at the door before, came up quickly to meet them.

Take a closer look, good guy, it turns out that the boulder has been shattered into powder, which is probably related to the collapse of the Demon Refining Cave.

As soon as Qiang Liang saw Nangong Yun, he clenched his fists and was about to strike.

Seeing this, Tong Yan hurriedly stopped him: "Qiangliang, don't be rude!"

Hearing this sound, Qiang Liang was full of doubts, and immediately asked: "Brother, this guy is the villain who went in with the head of the Seven Star Hall before. Why are you still stopping me from getting rid of him? Why? You are friends ?”

The word "friend" cannot be afforded by Tong Yan, but he has something to say, not looking at the face of the monk but at the face of the Buddha.Depending on Qing Ming's face, he can no longer attack Nangong Yun.

"Qiang Liang, this is the master of the Nangong Pavilion. If it wasn't for him, we would still be trapped in the Demon Refining Cave. Alright, I'll explain it to you later!"

Qiang Liang was still puzzled, but since Tong Yan had said so, he couldn't take any more offensive actions.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. But brother, you didn't get hurt this trip, right? What are you talking about in the Demon Refining Cave? Isn't this the Immortal Cave Mansion?"

Tong Yan laughed and said, "Maybe there are gods, but we haven't seen them. We just saw a lot of monsters. Look, this is one of them."

Qiang Liang followed Tong Yan's gaze and directly locked on the blood crystal beast.When the blood crystal beast was stared at by Qiang Liang, it couldn't help but tremble all over.

This is really one thing, one thing, the blood crystal beast and the horned dragon fought fiercely, but unexpectedly they were shocked by the strong aura.

Monster beasts are just monsters after all. Compared with divine beasts or gods, they are probably defeated before they make a move.

Everyone didn't stay too long, so they were about to leave from here.

But Nangong Yun hadn't opened the teleportation array yet, unexpectedly he said unexpectedly: "No, that guy is here!"

"That guy? Who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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