
Chapter 1187 The world feud meets, life is in danger!

Chapter 1187 The world feud meets, life is in danger!

"Pavilion Master Nangong, what are you talking about? Who is here?"

Nangong Yun said with a solemn expression: "Who else is there? Kunpeng will do the best job in the future. Don't you notice that the temperature here has risen a bit?"

Hearing what Nangong Yun said, Tong Yan really felt a little hot.But this kind of heat is more likely to be caused by walking in a hurry. What does it have to do with who is coming?

When Tong Yan was puzzled, Qing Ming had an answer.

"Suzaku, it's Suzaku who is here!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly confirmed: "Brother Qing, are you sure?"

Qingming said resolutely: "There is no mistake, my Qinglong clan and the Suzaku clan have a deep hatred, and the breath of the Suzaku, I will never be mistaken. In addition, Nan... In addition, my father-in-law has the blood of the water unicorn. Water and fire are incompatible, he should feel more strongly than me!"

The title of father-in-law warmed Nangong Yun's heart, and he immediately said with a smile: "Qing Ming, thank you for accepting me, our family will always be a family."

What he said was a bit messy, which shows how excited Nangong Yun is at the moment.

Qingming sighed softly and said: "Let the past be the past, and I don't want to pursue anything further. I just hope that you will not disappoint my and Jin'er's expectations, and I also hope that you will always regard us as your relatives. "

Nangong Yun hurriedly said: "I will, I will. You are my last relatives in this world, and you will never change. It is useless to talk about it, and you will believe it in the future."

Qingming nodded, and then said to Tong Yan: "Since this Suzaku has come, I should settle the old score with him. They Suzaku have harmed my Qinglong clan like this, and I must avenge this revenge."

Tong Yan understood Qing Ming's current mood, so he encouraged him: "Brother Qing, you will win. Don't worry about taking revenge boldly, I support you."

Hearing this, Qingming's eyes showed determination, and then said to Nangong Yun: "Father-in-law, open the passage."

Nangong Yun agreed, and then began to seal and activate the formation.In less than a minute, the teleportation array was activated.

Everyone stepped into the light one after another, and returned to the ground in the next second.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they reached the ground, a pungent burnt smell passed into everyone's noses.

Following the unpleasant smell, corpses that had been scorched by the flames immediately came into everyone's sight.

And less than ten meters away from these corpses, a middle-aged man in a fiery red robe, with red hair, red eyes and red beard, was looking at everyone arrogantly.

Nangong Yun only took one look, and then reminded everyone: "He is the patriarch of the Suzaku clan, and he really came here in person. Qingming, after he took refuge in Kunpeng, his strength has greatly increased. Be careful. In addition, your Nine Nether Flames may not be able to hurt him, and this guy has the ability to be reborn from the ashes. In short, you must not be brave in everything, and revenge cannot cost your life. Do you understand?"

Qingming knew that Nangong Yun said these words out of good intentions, so he nodded and said: "Don't worry, I know what I know. My Qinglong clan can wait for thousands of years, do I still care about this little time? But no matter what, I will Try it. Guys, I'm going ahead."

As soon as the words fell, he saw his figure flash, and immediately rushed to the leader of the Suzaku clan.

The Suzaku patriarch obviously didn't expect Qing Ming to be here, seeing him suddenly rushing forward, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Old thief Suzaku, you have harmed my Qinglong clan. Today I will cut your corpse into thousands of pieces to avenge my dead clansmen."

Hearing this, the Suzaku patriarch said in disbelief: "You... why are you here? Why didn't anyone mention it before? Oh, I see, it must be that Nangong Yun who betrayed me. You guys want to join forces to kill me , It’s really despicable. But even so, do you think you can kill me? Don’t you have only one seed left in the Qinglong clan? Today is just the time to completely wipe out your Qinglong clan!”

Speaking of this, his whole body immediately glowed with flames, and he instantly turned into a burning man.

Qing Ming didn't want to say anything more, his eyes were full of fierce light, he only had one thought now, and that was to get rid of the hateful head of the Suzaku clan and avenge the Qinglong clan.

In the blink of an eye, the two met.The grievances and grievances of thousands of years ago may really be resolved today.

Standing not far away, Tong Yan watched the two fight directly, and couldn't help worrying about Qing Ming.But after thinking about it again, he was afraid for a while.

So many people died here, what about Tan Yu?where did she goCould she be among these charred bodies?

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to delay, and immediately rushed forward like crazy, searching among these charred corpses one by one.

Seeing this, Qiang Liang and the others quickly followed.

"Brother, what are you looking for?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said anxiously: "Yu'er was waiting for me here before, but she is nowhere to be seen here at all. I'm worried that something happened to her."

When Qiangliang heard this, he hurriedly searched for it.

But the number of corpses is really limited, and it took only a while to find all these corpses.

"Brother, no? Sister-in-law, is she leaving first?"

No news is the best news, of course Tong Yan understands this truth.But if he couldn't find Tan Yu for a moment, he couldn't calm down for a moment.

"Continue to search and expand the scope. She will definitely not go far. She said she will wait for me here, so she will definitely wait for me."

Qiangliang let out a light oh, and had no choice but to continue searching.

Horned Dragon and Blood Crystal Beast also wanted to help, but they really didn't know who Tong Yan was looking for.He could only follow behind Tong Yan and wait for his orders at any time.

Nangong Yun did not join the search team, but he was not idle either.Just watch him pick up a few small stones and arrange them on the ground. It looks like a formation, but in fact it is deduction of divination.

The battle between Qing Ming and Suzaku patriarch is still going on, and the two are no longer in human form, but have completely changed back to their original bodies.Qinglong vs. Suzaku, this duel between the four elephants and beasts is indeed extremely exciting.As for who will win in the end, there is no sign until now.

Qingming's strength has improved a lot, but the Suzaku patriarch is not weak, their duel should be called evenly matched, and each other is using flames to attack each other, making the ground full of scorched earth, those who don't know think that It is the trace left by the explosion.

I have to admit that Nangong Yun's divination ability is indeed very strong.In just a short while, with just a few small stones, he actually calculated Tan Yu's whereabouts.

"Little friend Tong Yan, there is no need to worry. Miss Tan Yu is safe now. Judging from this position, she should have gone to the snow mountain not far away."

Hearing Nangong Yun's words, Tong Yan immediately thought about it.

"Snow Mountain? Isn't that the Tianshan Mountain? Could it be that he went to the Tianshan Sword Gate?"

Thinking of this, he was about to leave.

But immediately after, a new situation appeared in Nangong Yun's hexagram.

"No, Miss Tan Yu is in danger, she... her life signs are getting weaker and weaker!"

(End of this chapter)

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