
Chapter 1189 Chasing into the forbidden area, red smoke in the head?

Chapter 1189 Chasing into the forbidden area, red smoke in the head?
Tong Yan was naturally very worried, but what made him so worried was actually Tan Yu's safety.But these disciples of Tianshan Jianmen were all stunned on the spot, as if they were dumb, without saying a word.

This made Tong Yan a little annoyed, not to mention that he saved their lives, now that the monster has been eliminated, how could they be so hopeless?There is a good saying that mud can't support a wall, maybe it is this kind of people.

"Are you all dumb? I'm asking you something! Answer my question immediately. If you delay, I won't spare you!"

Following his angry shout, the disciples of Tianshan Jianmen reacted.

One of them was a little younger, a little Taoist priest who was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and spoke first.

"We don't know what these monsters are. We only know that they are chasing our leader back. Although we resisted with all our strength, we couldn't beat them at all. Master, what else do you want to know? I will answer honestly, I just beg you...please forgive us."

Tong Yan had been to Tianshan Jianmen before, but not many people had seen him.There may be only a few people in the entire Tianshan Sword Gate.It's understandable that these disciples don't recognize him right now.

But this little Taoist priest mentioned their head just now, could it be that Ji Qing'er really came back?And these monsters are all attracted by love?

Thinking of this, he hastened to confirm: "You said that your head recruited these monsters? When did your head, Ji Qing'er, come back? Where is it now?"

The little Taoist hesitated for a moment, but he still said truthfully: "It is true that the group of monsters our head recruited. When the head came back, he was seriously injured. Now he has been escorted into the forbidden area. But...but..."

"But what? Don't hesitate, just say something!"

The little Taoist swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then said: "However, there are several very powerful monsters chasing after him, and I don't know if they will be in danger now."

As soon as Tong Yan heard this, he was about to leave here and rush to the forbidden area of ​​Tianshan Jianmen, but there was one last question in his mind.

"Is there another girl with your head?"

The little Taoist thought for a while, and immediately said firmly: "Yes! There is indeed another sister. They have all gone to the forbidden area!"

Hearing the little Taoist's answer, Tong Yan was basically sure that the so-called elder sister should be Tan Yu.

If this is the case, the reason why Tan Yu's signs of life become weak may not have anything to do with the demon life that Long Yangling said, but because of these monsters that came out of nowhere.

Not daring to think about anything else, he hurried towards the apse.He still knows about the forbidden area of ​​Tianshan Sword Gate.Because he was Xueer, a descendant of Nuwa who was rescued in the forbidden area back then, and almost died in the forbidden area.

Although it has been many years, some things have left a heavy stroke in my memory, and unless I am amnesia, I will never forget them.

Entering the apse, he saw the entrance to the forbidden area at a glance.The entrance is now open, indicating that someone has broken in from behind.

Fortunately, no blood was seen on the surrounding ground, which may mean that Ji Qing'er and Tan Yu were not seriously injured.

Without hesitation, he jumped directly into the downward entrance.

As soon as his body entered the forbidden area, he vaguely heard shouts of killing and the sound of weapons colliding.

Concerned about the safety of Tan Yu and Ji Qing'er, he didn't care about recalling the layout and mechanisms in the Tianshan Sword Gate forbidden area, and ran directly in the direction of the sound.

His speed was very fast, but he came to the source of the voice in three to two minutes.

Looking up, a Taoist priest covered in blood was fighting with three blood-red humanoid monsters with a sword in his hand.

This Daoist is none other than Elder Li.But even as an elder, his current situation has become very dangerous. It is estimated that in a while, these three monsters will hack him to death here.

These three humanoid monsters are very similar to the black-haired monster Tong Yan saw outside. If there is any difference between them, it is the color of their fur.

And the difference in fur color just shows that the monsters here are stronger than those black-haired monsters.

With one against three, Elder Li may have tried his best to survive until now.

No longer watching the battle, Tong Yan immediately shouted loudly: "Elder Li, I will help you!"

When Elder Li heard this, he hurriedly followed the sound.Seeing that it was Tong Yan who came, a look of joy appeared on his face.But when he was so distracted, he was stabbed firmly in the shoulder.

This knife was extremely powerful, if it was pushed a little further, Elder Li's entire arm would have to be cut off.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately resorted to transposition.With a flash of his figure, he came behind Elder Li.

Seeing the big knives of the three monsters slashing at the same time, he clamped Elder Li by the waist, and led him back five meters away.

Those three monsters are not willing to let it go, they will charge up again.

But Tong Yan has already made a move, so how can they let them kill innocent people indiscriminately here.

"Thunderbolt palm!" As soon as the words fell, Tong Yan slapped out a palm.

The power of the thunderbolt palm is still not bad, if it is shot on the bronze statue, it is estimated that it can smash the bronze statue into pieces.

But these three monsters are indeed not weak hands. Tong Yan slapped him head-on, but they blocked it horizontally.

Only three sounds of "bang bang bang" were heard, the blades in their hands were all shattered by the thunderbolt palm, and the three of them also fell heavily to the ground under the attack of the palm wind.

Why do you say that they are not weak hands, they are still alive after being hit by Thunderbolt Palm, and it seems that the injuries they received are not serious.After just a while, they got up from the ground one after another.

Seeing this, Tong Yan had a fierce look in his eyes.

"Elder Li, wait for me here, I will get rid of these three monsters right away, and then heal your wounds."

Elder Li heard this, although his injuries were not serious, he still reminded Tong Yan: "Leader Tong, have to be careful. Don't...don't be scratched by them. Their claws are poisonous!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't give them this chance." As soon as he finished speaking, he already resorted to shapeshifting.

None of the three monsters could see clearly where he had gone, and one of them had his head chopped off in the next second.

Perhaps these three monsters are indeed stronger than those black-haired monsters outside, but to what extent can they reach at best?Immortal Realm?No, they can't even reach the realm of immortality.

In front of Tong Yan, an expert in the land of immortality, they are ridiculously weak.

As a result of one of them, the remaining two were naturally not spared.

Similarly, Tong Yan used shape shifting to make them unable to see his position, and then cut off his head.

It's that easy, it's that fast.

Seeing that Elder Li was stunned, he was even more admiring in his heart.

But what Tong Yan didn't expect was that just when he thought the three monsters were completely dead and was going to heal Elder Li's wounds, three balls of red smoke came out of the heads of the three monsters.

Immediately afterwards, the creepy laughter sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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