
Chapter 1190 The spirit of the demon stinger is lucky to be safe!

Chapter 1190 The spirit of the demon stinger is lucky to be safe!
"Jie Jie... Jie Jie..."

Hearing this sound, Tong Yan immediately turned to look, and then his brows could not help but wrinkled.

Of course he saw the three groups of red smoke, but he didn't figure out what the three groups of red smoke were.This ear-piercing laughter emanated from the three clusters of red smoke, which seemed extremely strange.

First of all, it is certain that these three clusters of red smoke can never be ghosts.Because there is no trace of yin on them.

It's not a ghost, is that a demon?Maybe it's because they do have demonic aura, although not much.

Although Tong Yan really wanted to find out what they were, but now was not the time.Tan Yu and Ji Qing'er are still in danger, he really shouldn't waste his time here.

The ear-piercing laughter continued, Tong Yan's eyes flashed coldly, he flashed out the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, and struck directly.

The spirit of the Phoenix Heavenly Sword is exactly one phoenix and one phoenix. The divine beast can not only ward off evil spirits, but also exorcise ghosts and suppress demons.Dealing with such a few little monsters is naturally a breeze.

But what surprised him a little was that the golden light of the Phoenix Heavenly Sword shot towards it, and the three clusters of red smoke not only didn't know how to retreat, but even dared to circle around the Phoenix Heavenly Sword.

This is really daring, not even afraid of divine beasts, could these red smoke really be demons?Maybe it's not that simple.

Tong Yan snorted coldly, and squeezed the sword formula with a sharp touch.Seeing the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, the sword light flashed continuously, and immediately quickly cut towards the three red clouds of smoke.

Similarly, the three clusters of red mist still did not retreat, and rushed towards the Phoenix Heavenly Sword in the opposite direction.

The next scene shocked Tong Yan. Although the Phoenix Heavenly Sword smashed the three clouds of red smoke, in the blink of an eye, the three clouds of red smoke condensed again.

Not only that, but they are even more attached to the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, like a dog's skin plaster, no matter how the Phoenix Heavenly Sword asks, it will always be difficult to deal with it.

Tong Yan was really shocked, what are these three balls of red smoke?Could it be that even magical swords like the Phoenix Heavenly Sword can't deal with them?

Just when he was puzzled, Elder Li, who was seriously injured, suddenly spoke.

"Tong...Leader Tong, if...if I'm not wrong, they should be...should be the aura of the demon sting. And...and it is very likely that the beast soul of the divine beast is supplemented by the gathering of the demon soul. don't need to pay attention to them, or... hurry up and rescue our head and Miss Tan Yu!"

Demon sting?It was the first time Tong Yan had heard of this term, but Elder Li reminded him that since the three red smokes could not be removed for the time being, it would be better to go to save people first.But in this way, wouldn't Elder Li be in danger?
"Elder Li, if I go to save people right now, what will you do? If they attack you, wouldn't you be very dangerous?"

Hearing this, Elder Li smiled wryly and said, "I... my time is approaching, even if they don't deal with me, I will... I will die soon. You... don't be a dying person for me Time wasted. Hurry up... Hurry up and save someone!"

Seeing Elder Li with pale face and unsteady breathing, Tong Yan knew that he was indeed seriously injured.In addition to the horrific wound on his shoulder, he also suffered stab wounds to varying degrees on his abdomen and chest.It is indeed hopeless to save him.

But leaving him alone like this, Tong Yan still couldn't bear it.

But on second thought, is it Elder Li's wish to be able to save others in time?
After struggling for a while, Tong Yan finally made up his mind. "Okay, then I'll save others right now. Elder Li, take care of yourself!"

Elder Li nodded hard, then slowly closed his eyes.He was really tired, and it was time to take a good rest.

Tong Yan didn't delay anymore, and with one move with one hand, he summoned the Phoenix Heavenly Sword back.But those three clusters of monster stinging energy seemed to have already focused on the Phoenix Heavenly Sword.The Phoenix Heavenly Sword flew towards them, but they also followed behind.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately slapped it out.The powerful sect master blew on the three balls of monster stinging air, and the latter immediately floated back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tong Yan grabbed the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, turned around and rushed towards the depths of the forbidden area.

The three demon stinging qi wanted to chase after them, but Tong Yan continuously used shape-shifting and transposition, and they disappeared without a trace.They circled around in the distance, and then rushed towards Elder Li who was dying on the ground.

Tong Yan ran inward quickly, and soon a scream came from behind his ears.He knew that the scream was made by Elder Li, which also meant that Elder Li had passed away.

"Elder Li, don't worry. I will definitely avenge you. Rest in peace!"

He continued to move forward, and after less than 5 minutes, a closed stone door appeared in front of him.

From entering the forbidden area of ​​Tianshan Sword Gate until now, he only saw those three monsters and nothing else.Now that the stone gate is closed, could it be that the monsters chasing Tan Yu and Ji Qing'er did it on purpose?In this way, it is tantamount to cutting off the retreat of Tan Yu and Ji Qing'er, and driving them into a desperate situation.

Not daring to think about it, he took out the Taishan blade and immediately cut it twice.Following the two sounds of "噗噐", two deep knife marks appeared on the stone gate.

He kicked it out suddenly, only to hear a "bang", and the stone door fell to the ground directly.

Looking forward, he saw several corpses.Not only the corpses of the elders of the Tianshan Jianmen, but also the corpses of two red monsters.

Similarly, here, he also saw two clusters of demon stinging aura.These two clusters of monster stinging energy seemed to have no target, so they kept floating here, a little bit doing nothing.But with his arrival, the two groups of monster stinging aura rushed down and regarded him as the prey.

Tong Yan didn't have the time to get entangled with them, the moment they pounced, Tong Yan shifted his shape and easily bypassed them.

When they realized it, Tong Yan had already left the stone room and moved forward again.

The hard work paid off, and Tong Yan finally caught up with him after chasing all the way.Looking forward, he saw Tan Yu and the seven spirits who were fighting the monster bloodily.

Thinking about it now, if he hadn't left the seven great weapon spirits behind, the consequences would be unimaginable now.

Although Tan Yu was injured all over her body, at least she was still alive, which reassured Tong Yan a lot.After thinking about it, Ji Qing'er was lying unconscious on the ground, and she didn't know what was going on with her now, so I hope nothing happened.

The confrontation with Tan Yu and the seven spirits was still red monsters, but beside these red monsters, a guy in black armor caught Tong Yan's attention.

This guy shouldn't be a monster, he looks like a human.And he just looked aside with his arms folded, which shows that he has a good identity.

No matter what, Tong Yan finally arrived in time, and the rest was up to him.

(End of this chapter)

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