
Chapter 1191 A fierce battle, old enmity!

Chapter 1191 A Fierce Battle, Past Enmity!
Tan Yu and the seven spirits were too busy dealing with those ferocious red-haired monsters to care about anything else.

Tong Yan arrived in time, but they still didn't notice.

It was the man in black armor who had been watching the battle all the time, he turned his eyes to the door immediately, and saw the murderous Tong Yan at a glance.

This discovery made him a little shocked, but his eyes showed murderous intent, as if he and Tong Yan had some deep hatred for a long time ago.

The current situation is very unfavorable to Tan Yu and the others. First of all, they have suffered a big loss in terms of the number of people.Coupled with the fact that there are still a few balls of red demon stinging aura waiting for an opportunity to attack, failure seems to be doomed.

Tong Yan just took a look, and then rushed into the battle with a change of shape.

In the midst of the red-haired monsters, he slashed left and right without reservation. Watching the red monsters being cut down one by one, Tan Yu's dangerous situation was relieved a bit.

With a stride forward, Tong Yan finally came to Tan Yu's body.

Seeing Tong Yan's arrival, Tan Yu immediately showed a happy smile on her face, but her tense nerves were so relaxed, her legs became weak uncontrollably, and she almost fell to the ground just like that.

Fortunately, Tong Yan reacted quickly enough and hugged her, which saved her from falling to the ground.

"Yu'er, are you okay? Are you seriously injured? Sorry, I'm late. I..."

"I'm fine, just... just a little tired. I knew, you... you will come. Now... now I can rest for a while!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked again: "Yu'er, are your injuries really not serious? Don't scare me!"

Tan Yu smiled slightly and said, "I... I'm really fine, I'm just tired. Let me sleep for a while, a while... a while!" As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately closed her eyes.

But Tong Yan knew that this was not sleeping, but coma.

Seeing the blood on Tan Yu's body and pale cheeks, Tong Yan was instantly angry.

Tan Yu is too important to him, but now the most important person has been hurt like this, how can he tolerate it?

The culprit who hurt Tan Yu was right in front of him, and there was only one thing he had to do, and that was to kill all these beasts!
"Yu'er, go to sleep, and leave these beasts to me. I will cut them into pieces with my own hands, and I will make them pay the price!"

After saying this, he picked up Tan Yu and walked to Ji Qinger's side.Letting them lie together is also easier to take care of.

"Seven brothers, come back!"

Hearing this, the seven spirits quickly flew back and came to Tong Yan in the blink of an eye.

"Brother Tong Yan, we... we didn't protect these two girls well, it was our incompetence, I'm really sorry!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "No, you have done a good job. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would never see them again. Seven brothers, thank you very much. But there is one more thing I need you Help me, that is to protect them for me. As for these beasts, leave them to me!"

When the seven spirits heard it, they hurriedly responded in unison.

With the other spirits taking care of him, Tong Yan will have no worries, and he can fully deal with the group of red-haired monsters in front of him.

Standing up, he walked forward step by step, unleashing the power of the demon all over his body, and his eyes turned blood red.

Seeing this, these red-haired monsters were instantly overwhelmed by his powerful aura, and froze on the spot, not daring to take another half step forward.

Tong Yan took out the Blue Soul Sword, held the sword in one hand, and the knife in the other. Coupled with this set of demon bone armor on his body, and those piercing blood red eyes, he became the most eye-catching existence here, and also the most impressive. The existence of timidity.

"You bastards, you dare to hurt my friends and lovers. You really deserve to die. I will never let you go today, and none of you will leave alive. Prepare to die for me!"

As soon as he said this, the red-haired monsters who were still standing there couldn't help but backed away.

It seems that these red-haired monsters are also aware of fear, and they also know that Tong Yan in front of them is not a strong person they can deal with.

But at the moment when Tong Yan started to kill, the man in black armor who had never made a move came over step by step.

"Hehe...hehe...who am I? Isn't this the famous Skywalker Tongyan? I really didn't expect that you are still alive, and you have become the person you are now. What? You Do you want to stand out for them? Okay, then let me see how capable you are."

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "You will know how capable I am soon. But before you die, shouldn't you tell your master? If I'm not wrong, you are Do something for someone?"

The word "Master" caused the Heijia man to stare angrily, and immediately said fiercely: "I don't have a master, and I don't work for others. Let me tell you, if you can be defeated by Kunpeng, you can't win today either." Me. If you don’t want to die, quickly kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise, I will surely wipe you out, and you will never be reborn forever.”

When Tong Yan heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "Who am I? It turns out that your master is Kunpeng. That's fine, let's start with you as a slave first, and then I will get rid of Kunpeng!"

As soon as the words fell, his figure flashed immediately, and he had already arrived behind the black-armored man with a change of shape.

The man in black armor is indeed not weak, Tong Yan's transformation was so sudden, he was able to react in time.

Seeing Tong Yan slashing directly at the back of his neck, he immediately rolled forward and dodged it.Although he looked a bit embarrassed like this, Tong Yan didn't succeed in his move.

Just as Tong Yan was chasing after him, there was a black object in his hand, and he didn't know what it was, so he hit Tong Yan like that.

Tong Yan saw it, and hurried to block it with his sword.Hearing the sound of "Dang", Tong Yan was knocked back three steps by the black object.

Being able to knock Tong Yan back, it can be seen that the strength of this black armor man is not bad.But what exactly was the black object he shot just now?

He made a move with one hand, and the black object flew directly back into his hand.

Tong Yan took a closer look, only to realize that it turned out to be a bone covered with thorns.

Holding the strange black bone with one hand, the man in black sneered and said with a cold smile: "Tong Yan, if it wasn't for your gift back then, how would I have ended up in this situation today? As I said, I must make you pay a lot. The price. Now, this opportunity has finally come. Your death is coming!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately said in puzzlement: "We know each other? But why don't I have the slightest impression? If you have the courage, take off the mask on your face and let me see who you are!"

(End of this chapter)

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