
Chapter 1201 Meeting a person on the road, the descendant of the immortal!

Chapter 1201 Meeting a person on the road, the descendant of a fairy!

Zheng Shiqiang really didn't expect that his exaggerated remarks would scare Kunpeng like this.It is true that there are no towering trees in the world, but one thing descends one thing.As for the life and death of Qing Ming and the others, it has nothing to do with him. After all, he is just forming an alliance with Tong Yan and has nothing to do with others.

There is a saying that no coincidence makes a book. Zheng Shiqiang described Tong Yan as a god-like figure, which naturally dispelled Kunpeng's idea of ​​sending people to Tianshan Jianmen.In this way, the Tianshan Sword Gate also gained temporary peace.

It's just that the situation of Qing Ming and the others is about to become more and more difficult.

Speaking of Tong Yan, he ran all the way, afraid that he would miss out.But no matter how anxious he was, he couldn't change anything.All he can do is to resign himself to fate, all he hopes is that Qing Ming and the others are still safe.

Just rushing like this, before he knew it, he flew above a small village.

In order to prevent the villagers from seeing him as a monster with wings, he purposely raised his flying height a lot.

But what I didn't expect was that he was discovered by someone, and the person who discovered him stepped on the flying sword and chased him directly.

Can step on a flying sword?This is by no means an ordinary person. To have such attainments, I am afraid that his cultivation will never be lower than that of a human immortal.

Tong Yan has no time to think about other things, but this sword-ridden man is relentlessly chasing him.In desperation, he could only slow down and meet that person.

In an instant, the man with the flying sword came to him.

Taking a closer look, I saw that this person was dressed in a gray coarse sermon robe, about forty years old, with a pair of leopard eyes, and a pair of thick eyebrows with a fierce look. The expression on the face showed that the visitor was not kind.

Before Tong Yan could speak, this guy spoke first. "Bold and evil, killing so many innocent people, do you still want to go away?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but frowned, and then said in puzzlement: "Why did you say that? I killed innocent people? How can I kill others when I pass by? I think you are too A person who seeks immortality and asks questions, can't spout blood here!"

Hearing this, the Daoist immediately said angrily: "Blood spitting people? What a joke. There are no evildoers around here, why did you just pass by? Seeing you like this, you must not be human, and you can be transformed into a demon at first sight. Don't deny it, I will make a decision today. I will punish you!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan burst out laughing. "I said, friend, you can't accuse me of killing innocent people just because I passed by. You can't think that I'm not human just because I have wings on my back. After all, you don't have any evidence at all. What is it if you don't spew blood? If you really want Don't waste time on me to track down the murderer, I still have important things to do, so I'll leave first!"

Having said that, he turned around and was about to leave.

The Daoist saw it, took out a Taoist talisman from his sleeve without saying a word, and immediately hit Tong Yan.

Although the strength of this Daoist is not weak, compared with Tong Yan, it is still much worse.The cultivation base of a Daoist priest should be in the realm of the world, and being able to fly with a sword is the best proof.And what about Tong Yan?He has now reached the realm of the Earth Immortal. Although there is still demon energy in his body, it does not affect his cultivation realm.

There is a level difference between the two, no matter how you fight, this Daoist will definitely lose.

Sensing a foreign object coming from behind, Tong Yan didn't delay, turned around and slapped it out with all his might.There was only a "bang" sound, and before the Taoist talisman approached Tong Yan, it was shattered by Tong Yan's thunderbolt palm.And the strong palm wind also knocked the Daoist not far away several steps away.

Although it was only one move, the disparity in strength was extremely obvious.The Daoist is not stupid, so he naturally knew that he had encountered a "hard stubble" this time.

"Your Excellency, the grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner. I have repeatedly stated that I have not done anything harmful to the world, but just passing through this place. If you still want to entangle, then I can only do it with all my strength."

The Daoist priest was still aggressive at first, but after receiving a slap, he suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

Hearing what Tong Yan said, he hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "The murderer who slaughtered the village really wasn't you? Who could it be?"

The word "slaughter village" made Tong Yan feel a little sad, and then asked: "You should think about it, if I were a murderer, why would I stay and wait for you on purpose? Survive? You said that someone slaughtered the village, but do you know how those villagers died? Was it done by evildoers or villains? Have you ever thought about it carefully?"

Facing Tong Yan's continuous rhetorical questions, the Taoist priest was speechless for a while, but after thinking for a while, he still thought of the answer.

"You're right, the murderer may not be you. But the murderer who killed the villagers cannot be a human being. I'm afraid you don't know that those people's blood has been drained, and even their souls seem to have been taken away."

The blood was drained, and the soul was taken away.This really shouldn't be done by a human, but if it is a monster, why should the human soul be taken away?
"Your Excellency, are you sure that the souls of those villagers were taken away instead of entering the underworld?"

The Daoist nodded and said, "That's right. I once used psychic methods to ask the ghost messengers of the underworld, and the ghost messengers said that these people's lifespans are not over, and the underworld will not send people to arrest their souls. But in the village There is not even a wandering soul, you said it was not detained, so what is it?"

The Daoist's speculation is actually unreasonable, but who committed such a heinous crime?
Tong Yan thought for a while, and suddenly thought of Kunpeng, and thought of ascending to heaven!

Would Kunpeng need human essence, blood and soul to refine the heaven-defying beast in the Dengtian Tower?This possibility is actually quite high, and the incompleteness was caused by Kunpeng's people.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "How long have those villagers been dead? Besides what you said, are there any other clues?"

The Daoist thought for a while, and then replied: "Maybe he died for nearly one to two days. As for other clues... Oh, by the way, there are no traces of fighting around the deceased. Could it be that the murderer is here?" Before killing the villagers, what smoke or sorcery was used to put them into a deep sleep?"

The possibility mentioned by the Daoist is really not small. The murderer who slaughtered the village may have already planned it out.And this also means that this will be a premeditated massacre.

And if this is the case, I'm afraid not only this one village was slaughtered, maybe all the nearby villages, big and small, have all been wiped out.

Tong Yan Wuxin continued to waste time here, so he said: "I know that there is a cult in Kunlun Mountain that is refining evil beasts against the sky, and the refining method is extremely vicious. Maybe they are the murderers who killed the villagers. I will now Going to Kunlun Mountain, if you are interested, come with me!"

Hearing this, the Daoist asked suspiciously: "There is a cult in Kunlun Mountain? Why didn't I know about it? To be honest, I used to practice in Kunlun Mountain as a hermit in my early years. I haven't seen any cult members?"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "I don't know where your Excellency is from?"

The Daoist smiled slightly, and then proudly said: "I am a teacher of Tianfu Palace, and Wuliang Sword Immortal is my teacher!"

Tong Yan's heart trembled when he heard about Tianfu Palace.And the name of Immeasurable Sword Immortal shocked him even more.

"What you said is true? Are you really the apprentice of Immortal Sword Immortal? But as far as I know, Immortal Sword Immortal Wuliang has already ascended to heaven and ascended to the heavens?"

The Daoist smiled mysteriously and said: "Benefactor, you also know that my master is a fairy. If a fairy can ascend to the sky, can't he go down to the lower realm? To be honest, my master is a fairy who descended to earth, and after waiting for the matter of the mortal world, he wants to go to heaven again." Back to heaven!"

This is really unbelievable, the sword fairy, the real sword fairy is actually in the world!Will the Immeasurable Sword Immortal know about the Sword Soul Stone?
(End of this chapter)

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