
Chapter 1202 Master's words, destiny?

Chapter 1202 Master's words, destiny?
Tong Yan still knew about Wuliang Sword Immortal.According to legend, this Immeasurable Sword Immortal is a generation of wizards who have been obsessed with the way of swords all his life. His mysterious and yellow sword formulas make him unpredictable and rare in the world.But this person is indifferent to fame and wealth, rarely fights with others, and rarely walks in the rivers and lakes. If there was not something that happened back then, the name of this immeasurable sword fairy would probably not be known to people today.

In the classics of the Guile Gate that recorded the strange events in the Jianghu, that event was recorded in great detail.

The general situation is like this. It is said that a strange beast ran out of Kunlun Mountain.The people nearby suffered a lot from it, and in the end, in desperation, they had no choice but to ask the gods to kill the strange beasts and return the peace to the people.

When the orthodox monks learned of this, they naturally couldn't just sit by and watch, so a hunting team composed of elites from various sects and factions was born and rushed to the place where the accident happened.

After several days of searching and hunting, the beast hunting team finally found the hiding place of the strange beast, and rushed into the den to eradicate the strange beast completely.

Unexpectedly, none of the monks who entered the animal den came out alive.You must know that these people are all highly valued by each sect, and they are all candidates for the elders or even the head of the sect in the future.

So many people died, and they were all masters with strong cultivation bases. For a while, the world was a sensation, and the heroes were shocked.

Soon, the second wave of beast removal teams assembled.This time, the team was all elders from various sects, and the number reached dozens of people.

If even such a team can't get rid of this strange beast, I'm afraid no one will be able to subdue it anymore.

Unlike last time, although the team was not wiped out this time, only three people survived.Those who were lucky enough to survive returned to their respective sects also became dumb. They didn't say a word about what they met and saw in the animal den, as if their souls had been taken away, and their will was depressed. ,in silence.

The various sects were unable to send out a third team, but the result... the result was beyond everyone's expectations.

The members of the third team were almost the most powerful figures of the various sects at that time, but before they entered the den, they were frightened and fled in all directions.

It may sound unbelievable, but that's exactly what happened at the time.I don't know what kind of stimulation those monks received, each one of them was like a bereaved dog, without the extraordinary temperament of the original cultivator.

They didn't dare to enter the animal den again, because they saw an extremely terrifying scene in the animal den.

The first two groups of people who entered the animal den stood upright on the animal bed, their faces were ferocious, their eyes were glowing red, and they also let out creepy laughter.

This was obviously manipulated by someone, to be precise, it should be manipulated by that strange beast.

Can manipulate people, and the ones who manipulate are really not weak masters.This kind of ability cannot be resisted by a large number of people or excellent magic weapons.

The various sects are completely helpless about this, but can they just watch the strange beast continue to harm people everywhere?

When all the monks were disheartened, a mysterious person appeared.

Relying on extraordinary supernatural powers, this person broke into the animal den by himself, and within an hour, he came out holding the head of the strange beast.

This person is none other than Wuliang Sword Immortal!
What kind of person is strong?He can do what others cannot or dare not do.What kind of person is admirable?When everyone is at a loss, he can stand up and turn the tide with his own power.

Who doesn't admire such a person?How can such a person not become a legend?
But when faced with invitations and friendships from various sects, Wuliang Sword Immortal left quietly.He doesn't care about fame and fortune, and he doesn't care what the world thinks of him. What he really cares about is to protect the safety of this side, and raise his swordsmanship to a new level in his lifetime, until he ascends to the heaven and becomes the No. 1 who pioneered the swordsmanship and became a fairy.

It is not certain whether he was the first immortal to enter the Tao with a sword, but he was definitely a legend in the world at that time, an admirable myth.

Later, someone saw him by accident, and witnessed him overcome the nine heavenly tribulations and ascend to the heaven in one fell swoop.

This is all the records about the Immeasurable Sword Immortal. It is only because of the passage of time and the gradual disappearance of the rumors that few people know about this legend who once caused a sensation in the world and was admired by all directions.

Tong Yan likes to read, and he read too many books when he was in Guimen, and he has a good memory, so he knew about Wuliang Sword Immortal for the first time at this moment, and he was shocked by it.

Seeing Tong Yan in a daze, the Daoist laughed and said, "What? You don't believe me? In fact, I have no reason to deceive you. And even if I wanted to deceive you, I wouldn't be able to mention my master. Now that I know his name I'm afraid there are not many people left."

Hearing this, Tong Yan came back to his senses, and then smiled slightly: "It's not that I don't believe you, but I'm just too shocked. The majestic Immeasurable Sword Immortal has returned to the world. Blessing. It is really enviable for your honor to be able to worship under the Wuliang Sword Immortal and become a disciple. But I don’t know where the sword fairy is now?"

The Daoist said with a smile: "Of course my teacher is practicing in closed doors. Otherwise, I would not have left the teacher's door and traveled around. I just didn't expect that I would encounter such a thing not long after I left the teacher's door. Feeling depressed, I don’t know how to vent it.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed again and said, "I respect the people and think for the people. This bodhisattva's heart is admirable. But you mentioned Tianfu Palace earlier, but I don't know where Tianfu Palace is? Is it also in Kunlun Mountain?"

The Daoist nodded and smiled: "Yes, it is Kunlun Mountain, but Kunlun Mountain is sparsely populated and the conditions are harsh. A mountain range is like a winding dragon. If I am at the head of the dragon, I am afraid I don't know about the tail of the dragon. But benefactor, are you really sure that the murderer who killed the people in this village is in Kunlun Mountain? You can't just say it casually?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "Your honor is joking, even if I want to talk nonsense, there is no need to talk about Kunlun Mountains, Qilian Mountains or Tianshan Mountains, isn't it? To be honest, I am going to Kunlun Mountains this time A lot of things happened there, and a tower to ascend to heaven was built by vicious thieves to refine all kinds of evil beasts, which not only pose a threat to the human world, but also deal with the heavens. As a skywalker, I can't ignore it, so They came here from a thousand miles away just to destroy this skyscraper so that the world can live in peace for a long time!"

Hearing the word "Skywalker", the Daoist couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"You... are you really Skywalker?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "That's right, I am the only Skywalker in this world!"

The Daoist was amazed for a while, then suddenly laughed loudly and said: "It seems that what my teacher said is true, I am indeed destined to be a Skywalker. If you are really a Skywalker, let me go on the road with you. From now on, we will live and die together. Divide each other!"

When the Daoist said this, Tong Yan was shocked.

What's going on here?Could it be that Wuliang Sword Immortal had already arranged it?

For a while, Tong Yan became more and more admirable for this mysterious and unpredictable immeasurable sword fairy, but he didn't know when he would be able to meet him.

In fact, that day is not far away.Everything seems to be doomed long ago...

(End of this chapter)

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