
Chapter 1222 Fleeing, longing for freedom!

Chapter 1222 Fleeing, longing for freedom!

It must be explained that this strange man was not blind in one eye, but had only one eye, and it was a very big eye.The eyes were located between his brows, but where there should have been eyes, there was nothing but a face.

This kind of appearance is really strange, if you see it suddenly, you may feel a little uncomfortable.But at first glance, this person was no ordinary person. He had a bow on his back and a spear in his hand. The clothes on his body should be made of animal skins, with shorts and a shirt, and his arms and legs were exposed.What's more, he didn't wear shoes, but he was stepping on a group of red clouds, which was very similar to Monkey King's somersault cloud, but the color was completely different.

Now he was coming on the clouds, and while moving forward, he let out an ear-splitting long howl.

Hearing this sound, Tong Yan didn't feel anything special.But after those ferocious beasts heard it, they backed away unconsciously, and trembled uncontrollably.

Tong Yan glanced at those ferocious beasts out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but sneer.These ferocious beasts were extremely ferocious to him, but when they saw this strange man, they all turned into cowardly mice.

Of course he was helpless, but it also confirmed his previous speculation.There are many creatures in each heaven, but there is not a single one, or many kinds.But no matter how many kinds there are, they are not invincible, because each layer will have corresponding natural enemies.

Take this second heaven as an example, these ferocious beasts are of course fierce, but they are afraid of this monster who hunts beasts.The weirdo is the alien here, but the alien is the nemesis of these ferocious beasts.

Now that the nemesis of this group of beasts is here, Tong Yan doesn't seem to have to bother to escape from here.

It's just that he is not sure at the moment whether this monster hunter is an enemy or a friend. If it is also the person sent by the God Lord to kill him, then he will face greater danger.But the situation was bad enough, and he wasn't afraid of getting worse.Now that this strange man is here, I always have to say a few words to this strange man.

The weirdo's speed is very fast, and he comes from the clouds and fog, which is chic enough and eye-catching enough.

Seeing that the strange man was less than four or five meters away from Tong Yan, Tong Yan was about to say hello.Who would have thought that the strange man would turn a blind eye to him and jump directly over his head.

If it were normal, he would have to reason about it.But when he thought that this strange man might be going to deal with those fierce beasts, he didn't mind too much.

The gorgeous appearance of the weirdo is indeed majestic and extraordinary.Those nine infants and chisel teeth, seeing the strange man rushing towards him, didn't even have the courage to do it, so they turned around in fright and fled towards the distance.As for the fire-breathing dragon that just flew over, it also turned around and fled before it could reach it.

In less than 5 minutes, all the beasts escaped without a trace, and this strange man had already frightened these beasts to run away before he even made a move.

Tong Yan saw it, with a wry smile on his face.He tossed himself for so long, but he didn't frighten these beasts, but just by showing his face, all problems were easily solved.Comparing people to people makes people mad.But no matter what, this strange man drove away the beast for him, which was considered a big favor to him.

Shaking his head and sighing softly, he flew directly in front of the strange man, then cupped his fists and saluted, "My friend, I was able to resolve the crisis just now thanks to your action. Thank you very much!"

Hearing this, the weirdo turned his head slowly, looked at Tong Yan with his only big eye, and then said expressionlessly: "It seems that these fierce beasts are all coming for you. , have you offended the Lord God?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled bitterly and said, "Offended? Maybe! But I have only entered this illusory realm for less than half a day, how do you think I offended him?"

The strange man said directly: "You don't belong here, but you entered here. Therefore, you are an intruder. Since you are an intruder, God will not let you go."

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "You're right, but I don't want to come in, but I have no choice. Now I just want to go out, that's all."

Hearing this, the strange man asked puzzledly, "Get out? How to get out? Can I still get out?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Yes, I think I will be able to go out. As you said, I don't belong here, so this is not my destination. Oh, by the way, after talking for so long, I still don't know How do you call Xiongtai? Let me tell you, I don’t know Xiongtai’s surname or name?”

Hearing this, the strange man blinked his big eyes between his brows, and then said to himself: "What is my name? Do I have a name? Yes, I have a name. My name is... my name is Hou Yi!"

Upon hearing Houyi's name, Tong Yan's heart trembled, but he smiled instead.

"What a good name, who gave it to you?"

The strange man hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "It was the Lord God who named me. He said my name is Hou Yi!"

Hearing what the strange man said, Tong Yan already understood.Of course, the strange man in front of him cannot be the real Hou Yi, but in this illusory realm, he is playing the role of Hou Yi.

Jiuying, Chisel Tooth, and many other beasts were all killed by Houyi. Since the God Lord created Jiuying, Chiseltooth and other beasts in this second heaven, if he wants to create their natural enemies, it must be Houyi. none other than.

Therefore, the weirdo in front of him is a substitute for Hou Yi, just like those fake Jiuying and Chisel-toothed beasts, they are all the playthings of that god master.

It's just that when this strange man mentioned the word "God Lord", he actually gritted his teeth. Could it be that he, like Ah Zi, has his own independent consciousness and wants to get rid of the slavery of this God Lord?
Thinking of this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Do you want to leave here? Or, do you want to be free?"

He asked directly, but at this time, he couldn't hide anything.

When asked by him, the strange man showed a struggling expression. After a while, the strange man said firmly: "I think, I don't want to be someone else's puppet anymore, I want to live my own life."

The weird man's answer made Tong Yan very satisfied and delighted.He needs a helper, a helper who can help him fight the God Lord together.Since the weirdo in front of him was set as Hou Yi by the God Lord, he naturally possesses the same ability as Hou Yi in this illusory realm.With his help, not to mention anything else, at least there is no need to worry about those fierce beasts making trouble.

Tong Yan didn't waste too much nonsense, and said again: "Then are you willing to leave here with me? Are you willing to fight against the God Lord with me?"

Hearing this, the weirdo fell into deep thought.

Tong Yan didn't rush, but waited quietly.It would be best if the weirdo agreed, and even if he refused, it didn't matter.Tong Yan had already prepared for the worst, so he had nothing to fear.

"I...I would! But...but can you get it off for me?"

Having said that, the weirdo directly tore off his shirt.

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately looked at his chest, but after seeing it, Tong Yan's eyes suddenly widened.

What did he see on this strange man's chest?

(End of this chapter)

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