
Chapter 1223 Vicious Heart Tumor, Magical Sword!

Chapter 1223 Vicious Heart Tumor, Magical Sword!
"This... what is this?"

Hearing this, the strange man gave a wry smile and said, "This is the curse that God has placed on me. If this curse is not removed, I will never be able to escape from his control, and I will become his puppet for every lifetime."

When Tong Yan heard this, his eyes were full of sympathy.What did he see in this strange man?He saw a sarcoma, a tumor on his chest.If he guessed correctly, the sarcoma should be connected to the strange man's heart. As long as the sarcoma is removed, the strange man's heart may also be implicated, and then he will not be able to survive.

The weirdo longed for freedom, just like Ah Zi, but how could this vicious divine master be willing to let his puppets or playthings get rid of his control?So even if he didn't get such a sarcoma on the weird man's chest, he would probably use other methods to make the weird man never get rid of his control.

Tong Yan really wanted to help the weirdo, but it was too risky to get rid of the sarcoma, and it might directly kill the weirdo.

Seeing that Tong Yan didn't say a word, the strange man said bitterly: "You can't help it, right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan didn't hide anything, and replied directly: "Yes, at least for now. But if you don't cut off this sarcoma, will you really not be able to get rid of the God Lord?"

The weird man sighed softly and said, "If I don't get rid of it, I can't even get out of the second heaven. I once tried to go to the third heaven. Because I stayed in the second heaven." The days are too long, and the cycle of life is driving me crazy. But when I stepped on the ladder to the third heaven, my chest hurt so much that I felt like I was dying. I dare not go any further Climbing up, I can only go back to the original place. I know very well that the thing that makes my chest hurt is this sarcoma. I also gritted my teeth and cut it in half with a knife, but soon, the sarcoid grew again I couldn’t bear the piercing pain, so I didn’t dare to try again, and it has been like this until today.”

What the strange man said was exactly the same as what Tong Yan had speculated, the sarcoid was indeed connected to the strange man's heart, and even said that the sarcoma was a part of the strange man's heart.I believe anyone can imagine the consequences of cutting off part of my heart.

So what to do?How can we get the weirdo out of this second heaven?

Tong Yan fell into deep thought, he firmly believed that there must be a solution, but he hadn't thought of it yet.

After such a short time, Ah Zi has come to the two of them.

Apparently, Ah Zi had seen a weirdo before, so before he stopped, he shouted directly: "Brother Weird, long time no see, don't come here for nothing."

Hearing this, the strange man chuckled and said, "It's been a long time since I saw you. I remember the last time I saw you was dozens of days ago, right?"

Ah Zi nodded and said: "Yes, the big brother Weird has a really good memory. It was really thanks to you just now, otherwise, this young master and I would have suffered a lot."

The strange man shook his head and smiled: "It's nothing, even if I don't come, you will be safe and sound. This brother is not an ordinary person, he may be better at fighting than me. It's just that the beasts and beasts here don't know him. , if he stays here a little longer, he will become a hunter like me, or even surpass me."

hunter?Yes, isn't this weirdo a hunter?He often hunted and killed the most ferocious creatures, and became the nemesis of these ferocious creatures.He deserves the word hunter, but this is obviously not what he wants.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and finally said: "Brother, can you take us to your residence first? I think I probably know how to help you, but it takes time and trials again and again."

When the weirdo heard this, he immediately said happily: "Really? You really figured out a way? It's really great. I've been waiting for this day for too long. Come with me, my home is not far away. We'll be there soon."

As he spoke, he turned around directly, with an excited smile on his face, and rushed towards his house with Tong Yan and Ah Zi.

Tong Yan probably had some thoughts in his mind, but these were just thoughts.Whether it will be successful, he does not know, but he must try.

A strange person led the way, and the three of them arrived in front of a small wooden house floating on the clouds in less than 10 minutes.

This is really a bit magical, but it is also reasonable.First of all, the existence of this illusory realm is illogical, so it is nothing if some illogical things happen here.

Where is it not logical?For example, there are no trees in the second heaven, so where does the wood for building the wooden house come from?And this weird guy, what does he do for a living?what to eat?What to drink?Some people may say that you can eat the meat of those fierce or divine beasts.But Tong Yan could clearly see that the bodies of those ferocious beasts turned into nothingness after death, leaving nothing behind. If they wanted to eat, they probably wouldn't be able to.

But having said that, the illusory realm is inherently illusory, if it is more true in this, Tong Yan will probably die of depression.

The strange man pointed to the wooden house in front of him, and then said to Tong Yan and Ah Zi, "That's my home, let's go in and sit down."

Hearing this, Tong Yan and Ah Zi nodded their heads.

The next moment, the three of them had already sat down in the wooden house.

This wooden house is very simple, how simple is it?It can be said that apart from the weapons hanging on the wall, there is nothing in this room.There are no beds, tables, chairs, benches and the like. I really don't know how this weird person lives. Maybe he just sleeps on the ground.

There was really no place to sit, so Tong Yan simply didn't sit, and started walking back and forth in the room.

After entering this illusory realm, none of his magical weapons were brought in. Since there are so many weapons hanging on the wall, he might as well choose one to solve his urgent needs.

"Brother, why do you have so many weapons here? Are they all prepared by the God Lord?"

Hearing this, the weirdo thought for a while and said: "It should be like this. To be honest, these weapons are left by the beasts I hunted and killed. Their bodies turned into nothingness, but these things fell from their bodies. .I thought it was pretty good, so I picked them all up. As time goes by, there will be more and more of these weapons.”

Tong Yan said lightly, and then said: "Brother, can you let me choose two of them? To be honest, after I entered this illusory realm, I didn't bring all the weapons in. It's really difficult to deal with it with bare hands. opponent. I wonder if brother can agree?"

Hearing this, the weirdo laughed and said, "You can pick whatever you want, and take the ones you can grab right away. I don't need them anyway, and they're just for display."

Tong Yan smiled and nodded, and immediately began to choose carefully.

After a while, he made a discovery, and a huge one at that.Why do you say that?Because among these weapons, he found the sharp blade of the magic weapon!

(End of this chapter)

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