
Chapter 1226 How to defeat the mighty monster?

Chapter 1226 How to defeat the mighty monster?
"I have been manipulated by that god-lord villain for countless years, and now I have finally regained my freedom. I must let him taste my power. Brother Tong Yan, let's go out now, it's time to officially start the war!"

Looking at the resolute strange man, Tong Yan showed a gratified smile on his face, and then replied: "Okay, then we will go out to meet the enemy. Brother, please!"

The strange man nodded heavily, picked up his spear and bow, and rushed out the door first.

I don't know what kind of material the wood of this wooden house is made of. It's already glowing with fire, but I can't feel the too hot temperature.

Tong Yan saw the strange man leaving the house, and immediately turned his head to look at Ah Zi and said, "Ah Zi, there is no turning back when you shoot the bow. Next, what we have to face will be even more dangerous. I hope you are prepared."

Hearing this, AhZi said firmly: "I'm not afraid, as long as I can get freedom, even if I die, I will never regret it."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Dead? Why did you die? It's the divine master who deserves to die! Let's go out too without further ado."

Saying that, the two of them also walked out of the burning wooden house.

After going out, Tong Yan suddenly found out.It turned out that the divine master sent not only the generals from the second heaven, but also the group of monsters from the first heaven.

Tong Yan had fought against this group of monsters in the first heaven before, and although he escaped in the end, he was not frightened, but now that he saw it again, he was a little impatient, and couldn't wait to eradicate all these monsters.

Standing in front of these monsters was a tall and middle-aged man, dressed in golden armor and holding a spear in his hand. Although his appearance was plain, his appearance was quite heroic and majestic.

No need to guess, this should be the gatekeeper of the second heaven, but where did the gatekeeper of the first heaven go?I haven't seen it all the time, so it must have been eliminated by Kunpeng, right?
The strange man held the spear in his hand, and immediately said fiercely: "Evil thief, I didn't look for you, but you came to the door by yourself. It's okay, I'll take your knife today, so that the **** God Lord will know how powerful I am."

Upon hearing this, the general of the gods flew into a rage and said, "Presumptuous, how dare you blaspheme Lord God, I think you are really insane and hopeless. Well, since you don't want to live, but want to join forces with this intruder, then This god will eradicate you together today. Prepare to die!"

The strange man snorted coldly and said: "Shou died? I want to see who died today!" As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed forward with a stride, and immediately stabbed the general's chest with the spear in his hand .

A god general is a god general after all, and his strength must be extraordinary.When he saw the strange man's spear stabbing him, he immediately blocked the strange man's spear upwards, and easily blocked the strange man's spear upwards.

But the strange man has been fighting fiercely with divine beasts and fierce beasts for many years, and his skills are not bad.When a spear was blocked, he immediately turned the spear head, and immediately made a beautiful roundabout thrust.

This spear was very tricky, the general wanted to block it with a spear, but it was too late.In desperation, the god general had no choice but to leap back, and then barely escaped.

Seeing the strange man, he was not willing to give up easily, and rushed forward again, stabbing out with the spear in his hand again.

The god general was attacked continuously by the strange man, so he couldn't help feeling angry in his heart. Instead of blindly defending, he also fired his guns frequently, and directly fought with the strange man.

One gun and one spear collided continuously, and the sound of "clinking and clanging" was heard all of a sudden.

Judging from their strength, they are pretty much the same. It is estimated that it will be difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

The weirdo's side is a brave warrior, and Tong Yan's side naturally cannot always rest comfortably.The group of monsters quickly locked on to him, and then surrounded him without saying a word.

Tong Yan saw it, and his face was full of disdain.He failed to deal with these beasts last time, and this time he will never miss it.

He stretched out one hand behind his back, and immediately pulled out the Zhanlu sword hidden in the cloth bag behind his back.

After getting this divine sword, he still has no way to make a move. These demons came here, and they can just use it to sacrifice the sword.

Holding the Zhanlu sword in one hand, his eyes were full of cold light.

"Ah Zi, I'll send you out first, and I'll deal with these beasts later." As soon as he finished speaking, he held Ah Zi with one hand and performed the transposition.In the blink of an eye, Ah Zi was already a hundred meters away from here.

After Tong Yan put her down, he rushed back again with a sword in his hand.

The group of monsters watched Tong Yan and A'Zi disappear out of thin air, and now seeing Tong Yan killing him alone, they immediately rushed up fiercely.

The bodies of these monsters are very strong. Tong Yan tried with the five-finger sword, but he couldn't break through their defenses.But it's different now, now he has the Zhanlu sword, but he doesn't know if this Zhanlu sword can help him kill the Quartet.

In an instant, he collided with a group of monsters again.Holding the Zhanlu sword in his hand, he first used the Fengling kick technique, and easily came to the side of the front demon.Before the demon came back to his senses, he immediately stabbed the demon's left rib with his sword.

Unexpectedly, there was a sound of "dang", and his sword was as if it had been stabbed on the steel plate, and he didn't make a single point.

This kind of situation is something Tong Yan does not want to see, and it also means that this fake Zhanlu sword is not as sharp as imagined, and it can't even pierce the monster's body. Speed ​​advantage, get rid of these monsters directly?

He didn't want to run away anymore, he really wanted to get rid of these monsters.But now, he had to calm down, and blindly attacking didn't seem to be beneficial.He needs to find out the flaws of these monsters in the shortest possible time, because he always firmly believes that these monsters must have weaknesses, and they are not really indestructible.

But where is their weakness?Eye?Throat?then what?He didn't talk nonsense, just tried one by one.But no matter whether he stabbed the throats of these monsters or the eyes of these monsters, in the end these monsters could repair their bodies automatically, and they were not threatened at all.

Not only is it physically strong, but it also has a strong recovery ability. Is this really just the humblest creature in the first heaven?

Tong Yan was speechless, but he did not despair.Since none of these methods worked, he would think about other things. He always firmly believed that as long as he didn't give up, he would be able to eradicate these monsters completely.

The monster has a strong physical body, it is difficult to injure it from the outside, so what else can be done?Shatter the viscera of these monsters with internal force, and take their lives from the inside?
Tong Yan thought for a while, and quickly rejected the idea.

"Demons...monsters? Wait! Aren't they demons? Then there must be a demonic aura in their bodies. If I use this method, maybe I can get rid of them all."

With a flash of inspiration in his mind, he finally had an idea.

And it was precisely because he thought of this method that he reversed the defeat in one fell swoop, and in the end even the divine master couldn't match him!
What will happen next?

(End of this chapter)

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