
Chapter 1227 Complete victory, another day!

Chapter 1227 Complete victory, another day!
The solution Tong Yan came up with was very simple, that is, to use the Tai Chi Suction Technique.Since there is demonic energy in these monsters' bodies, their source of power is naturally demonic energy. In other words, the reason why their bodies are so powerful is probably related to the demonic energy in their bodies.And if this is the case, the Taiji Suction Technique will be the most effective and practical way to deal with these monsters.

If you suck up the demon energy in these monsters, they will naturally be no different from ordinary wild beasts. At that time, don't you just kill and chop if you want?

But to be honest, Tong Yan was still a little bit disappointed.Why lost?It's just that Zhanlu sword didn't show its due ability. With the prestige of Zhanlu sword, it can't be said to be the nemesis of these monsters, at least it should be able to chop.Although it is a fake Zhanlu sword, the gap between it and the real Zhanlu sword should not be so big, it is simply a world of difference.

As for the poisonous dagger Hanyue Blade, it is probably not a useful item, and Tong Yan is too lazy to use it again, so it is more reliable to rely on Tai Chi to absorb the true formula.

No more hesitation, he put away the Zhanlu sword directly, quickly retreated back, and distanced himself from those monsters again.

The monsters have different speeds, so when chasing him, they will naturally appear in sequence.

And as long as they don't cling to each other, Tong Yan will of course have the opportunity to show them the Tai Chi Suction formula one by one.It cannot be said that there are no disadvantages in using Tai Chi to absorb the true formula. The biggest disadvantage is actually the slow speed.The number of demons is no less than thirty, and it will take at least half an hour to perform the Tai Chi Suction Technique one by one.But as long as all these monsters can be eliminated, even if it takes a little more time, it is nothing.

Tong Yan continued to retreat, and those monsters also continued to chase him.After five or six minutes like this, Tong Yan immediately performed the transformation, and shifted three times in a row, and came directly to the back of the group of monsters.

It must be said that the creatures in this illusory realm are generally mentally retarded.I don't know if the divine lord did it on purpose when he created these creatures, or if these creatures had no brains in the first place.

Tong Yan's side had already appeared behind the last demon, but that demon continued to try to run forward without thinking, as if he had never heard of it.

Tong Yan couldn't help laughing and crying, without saying a word, he immediately caught up with him, and using the Tai Chi Suction Technique, he directly put his hand on the back of the monster.

After being sucked by Tai Chi's true formula, the monster stopped immediately.

Tong Yan didn't care so much, he just crazily absorbed the devilish energy in the monster's body.The devilish energy in the demon's body was far greater than what Tong Yan had imagined. In less than ten seconds, Tong Yan had completely drained the devil's devilish energy.

The body of the monster that lost its magic energy trembled for a moment, and then inexplicably slowly turned into blue smoke until it merged with the surrounding clouds and mist, and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Tong Yan couldn't laugh or cry, it was as simple as that after arguing for a long time.He thought that the devilish energy might be the source of power for these monsters, but he never thought that the devilish energy was their source of life.Losing the magic energy is tantamount to killing them.In this way, it seemed that it would take less than half an hour, at most 10 minutes, to get rid of all the monsters, and the battle would come to an end.

After easily getting rid of the first one, Tong Yan immediately started to solve the second and third ones one by one. In about 10 minutes, he really got rid of all the monsters.

Getting rid of these monsters is not only as simple as resolving the crisis, he also got a lot of magic energy supply.From leaving the Asura Dao to now, the power of the demon in his body has been consumed a lot.And after his soul entered this illusory realm, he found that the power of the demon in his body was still being consumed rapidly with each battle.

So it also means that although he has no physical body to enter the illusory realm, the power of the sky demon is still being consumed. If there is no supplement to continue to consume, he may only use the power of the star source at best.But the problem is that the power of the star source is not inexhaustible, it is also a consumable, and since it will be consumed, it will eventually be exhausted one day.

As long as the power of the demon and the power of the star source are all exhausted, he will probably become a useless person.

But fortunately, the divine master actually sent these monsters to his door, which greatly solved his worries.Now he is not worried about the number of monsters, but the number of monsters.

If a trip to the illusory realm can make the power of the demon in the body to a higher level, wouldn't it be a surprise?
Seeing Tong Yan get rid of all the monsters, Ah Zi immediately greeted her happily.

"Young master, you are really powerful. You actually killed all of these monsters."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "If you don't have any skills at all, how can you compete with that divine master? Well, I have to help Big Brother Weird, and I don't know how he is doing now."

Having said that, he immediately turned his head and looked into the distance.In the cloud and mist, there were two figures coming and going, fighting extremely fiercely, and they were still indistinguishable.

Tong Yan didn't know how capable the gatekeeper of the Second Heaven was, but he should be strong enough to be able to fight against weird people for so long.

Anyway, I have already completely torn skins with the Divine Lord, so there is no point in fairness or unfairness.Now that the weirdo is in a hard fight, Tong Yan naturally cannot ignore it.

"Ah Zi, you stay here and wait for me. I'm going to help Big Brother Weird!"

Hearing this, Ah Zi nodded and said, "Okay, then you should be more careful. The gatekeeper is the most powerful general of the God Lord, and his strength must be extremely strong. You must not underestimate the enemy."

Ah Zi actually said such reasonable words, which made Tong Yan unavoidably give her a high look.

"Don't worry, I know what's in my mind. Let's take a step first!" As soon as he finished speaking, Tong Yan didn't delay anymore. After two consecutive transformations, he was already less than 200 meters away from the monster and the goalkeeper.

It is often said that the tip of a needle is against the wheat, and this weirdo and the gatekeeper are very suitable for this description. One of them uses a spear and the other uses a long spear.

But this is not a competition, but a desperate effort. Tong Yan can't control that much, and it's just a word, do it!

When dealing with those monsters, although Zhan Lujian disappointed Tong Yan, he really didn't have any other weapons. Of course, he also had a poisonous dagger and a cold moon blade. He could use the dagger to deal with other people's spears. Isn't that looking for abuse?
In desperation, he still had to take out the Zhanlu sword, which was better than nothing.

The figure flashed again, and he had already come to the side of the two of them.

The weirdo and the goalkeeper were fighting tightly, so there was suddenly another person beside him.

Tong Yan's eyes flickered coldly, and he immediately said loudly: "Brother, I have eliminated all the monsters. Now I will help you kill this thief!"

Hearing this, the goalkeeper general was thrown into chaos, and the strange man took the initiative from his originally evenly matched opponent.

Coupled with Tong Yan's assistance, in less than 5 minutes, the gatekeeper was already powerless to resist, until the strange man pierced his throat with a spear and died immediately.

This was Tong Yan's first battle in the Illusory Realm, and he won the first battle, so he naturally didn't need to stay here anymore.The three turned and headed towards the third heaven, and in this third heaven, what would be waiting for them?
(End of this chapter)

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