
Chapter 1228 Eight Arhats, Buddhism is Boundless!

Chapter 1228 The Eighteen Arhats, the Dharma is Boundless!
Even the gatekeepers of the second heaven were wiped out, Tong Yan and the others wanted to go to the third heaven, so it was a matter of course.

But when he climbed the ladder between the second and third heavens, the weirdo suddenly had a problem.

What's the situation?He felt as if he was about to suffocate, and there was still a dull pain in his chest.

When Tong Yan noticed this, he was full of doubts and incomprehensions.It stands to reason that he has clearly cut off the connection between the weirdo and the divine master with a seal, but why does this weirdo feel so uncomfortable?

But this weirdo is also really tough, a tough guy.He actually gritted his teeth and went up to the third heaven. Even though his face was ashen, he didn't stop.

What is gratifying is that after ascending to the third heaven, the discomfort on the strange man has completely disappeared.But Tong Yan was still a little uneasy, always feeling that his seal didn't really let the weirdo out of the shackles.But he really has no other way, he can only do this first, and take a step forward.

In the third heaven, it is also very similar to the first two heavens.But there are also some subtle differences, such as green trees appearing in the clouds and mist, and the trees are actually covered with red peaches.

This made Tong Yan unconsciously think of flat peaches, that is, the fruit forest planted by the Queen Mother in the legend, which is full of fairy peaches that can prolong people's lifespan and even live forever.

But legends are legends after all, whether the Queen Mother really exists or not, everything is just legends before seeing her again.

To be honest, looking at these red and big fruits, Tong Yan only felt that he was hungry and his mouth was dry.He wanted to eat it very much. Anyone who saw such an attractive fruit would probably want to eat one.

But he was also worried that the fruit was poisonous, or whether these fruits were a trap deliberately set by the god.For the sake of safety, he can only get rid of distracting thoughts and rush directly to the Tianmen of the third heaven.

The biggest advantage of having Ah Zi is that she knows the way, because she has traveled to and from this illusory Nine Heavens countless times before.If you want to find a guide, Ah Zi is definitely a good choice.

Tong Yan still asked Ah Zi about the third heaven, but according to Ah Zi, there should be no danger in this third heaven, at least she has never encountered it.

In this way, Tong Yan was relieved a lot.But whether this is actually the case is unknown.

With Ah Zi leading the way, the three of them walked for about an hour, and they saw the gate of the third heaven from a distance.

But before Tianmen, Tong Yan unexpectedly saw more than a dozen stone statues.Taking a closer look, he suddenly realized.There are [-] stone statues in total, and all of them are bald monks with bare upper body.

From this point of view, I believe everyone will think of the famous Eighteen Arhats of Buddhism.

According to legend, the eighteen arhats are the eighteen arhats of Buddhism who live forever in the world and protect the righteous Dharma. They come from sixteen arhats plus two venerables.

These eighteen arhats are all disciples of Sakyamuni Buddha. Although they are not as famous as the four great bodhisattvas, they are quite prestigious in the world.

For this God Lord, Tong Yan is really drunk, and even set up statues of eighteen arhats in this third heaven, what does this mean?Do you want these eighteen arhats to guard the gate of heaven for him, so that no one can go to heaven again?
Tong Yan didn't believe that the Eighteen Arhats would really be here, let alone that the God Lord really had a predestined relationship with the Buddha.All these were made to enrich his illusory realm. As for the statues of the Eighteen Arhats, most of them were transformed by demons to confuse people.

AhZi seemed to be familiar with the Eighteen Arhats, she saw her walking forward without any fear on her face.

If Ah Zi passed by here, maybe the statues of the Eighteen Arhats would be fine, but the problem is that Tong Yan is here now.

The divine master has already expressed his intentions, even if Tong Yan was killed in this illusory realm, if the second heaven failed to succeed, the third heaven would definitely not let him go easily.

Now that he saw the statues of the Eighteen Arhats, it was enough to show that they were the enemies that Tong Yan had to face in this heaven.

"Ah Zi, wait a moment. Tell me, how much do you know about the statues of the Eighteen Arhats? Did they stand before this gate of heaven?"

Asked by Tong Yan, Ah Zi immediately stopped in her tracks, then turned around and said, "Yes, these statues have existed for a long time. But they are just decorations. The ones who really guard the gate of heaven are the generals here. I think that The god general is not here, let's go to the fourth heaven as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly and said, "Do you really believe that those statues are just decorations? I'm completely opposite to your idea. The God Lord is a thoughtful and vicious person. He won't place eighteen arhats here for no reason. There is no difference when you passed before, because you are a person here. But I am different, I am an invader, an enemy of the god. Even the gods are not there, these statues are even more problematic. I Look at it like this, you and Xiongtai will pass first, and I will try to stay as far away from you as possible. After you pass through safely, it will not be too late for me to go there again."

Hearing what Tong Yan said, Ah Zi immediately asked in doubt: "You mean, these statues are traps? Then how can you deal with so many statues by yourself? Or...or let's go together, That way you can take care of it a little bit more.”

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "If this is the case, it will be troublesome. I just want to pass the test and enter the fourth heaven. It's not that I have to fight these stone statues to the death. Don't worry, I have my own way out, as long as You are safe and sound, and I have no worries."

The weirdo originally wanted to persuade Tong Yan, but when he thought of Tong Yan's impressive strength, he still didn't say much after all.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go there first. Young master, be careful when you're alone."

Along the way, A'Zi told her to be careful many times, even though it was a bit long-winded, but Tong Yan's heart was still warm.It is better for someone to worry and worry than to be alone.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. We have to leave here together, and we have to gain freedom. Go, I'll wait here for a while."

Ah Zi and the strange man nodded, and then flew towards the gate of heaven.When passing the [-] Arhat statues, the statues did not move at all, and there was nothing unusual about them.Only when the two of them stopped in front of Tianmen, Tong Yan took a deep breath and set off.

His movements were quick, and in less than three seconds, he had already arrived in front of eighteen statues of Arhats.

Without any accident, at this moment, the eighteen Arhat statues opened their eyes at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, something happened that Tong Yan couldn't believe.

These [-] Arhat statues actually recited the Buddhist scriptures at the same time, and after hearing the sound of reciting the Buddha's voice, Tong Yan said that he... his eyes went black, and he passed out directly.

(End of this chapter)

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