
Chapter 1229 All thoughts are gone, why not leave?

Chapter 1229 All thoughts are gone, why not leave?
Tong Yan didn't know how long he had been in a coma, let alone whether he had been beaten back to the human world because of his failure to break the chess game, or even now that he was dead, only his soul remained here.

Maybe, maybe not, in short, at this moment, he has slowly regained consciousness, and is trying to look around carefully.

Looking around like this, he only felt a chill in his heart, and then he couldn't help frowning.

where is heHe couldn't say it himself, but around him, around him, in all directions, there were eighteen strangely shaped golden monks.

Although these monks have different appearances and expressions, Tong Yan knows who they are.

They were none other than the eighteen arhats of Buddhism, and it was precisely because he heard the chanting of these eighteen guys that he passed out inexplicably.

Logically speaking, even if he could not be said to have a predestined relationship with the Buddha, he should not have fallen into a coma after hearing the sound of chanting sutras.Could it be that the Buddhist scriptures have now become his nemesis?

Thinking about it this way, I'm afraid it really is the case. After all, no matter what, he is now a heavenly demon, and his body has the power of a heavenly demon.Since it is a heavenly demon, isn't Buddhism the nemesis of monsters?
But in the face of such a change, he still had a hard time accepting it.You must know that he was also selected by the Ksitigarbha's magic weapon in the past, and a Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle is the most powerful proof.It's a pity that the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle has now fallen into the hands of Kunpeng, and perhaps this little relationship between him and Buddhism will also be gone forever.

He didn't think about it any more, but stood up slowly.

These eighteen golden arhats are all standing on their respective altars. They surround Tong Yan, as if they are judging a prisoner, they are high and domineering.

Of course, Tong Yan was not overwhelmed by their aura, on the contrary, he has strengthened his faith now, and there is only one reason, that is, he is still alive.

As long as they are still alive, there is nothing to be afraid of. As long as they are still alive, these golden arhats can do nothing to them.

"Bold evil, dare to enter the third heaven, what should you do?" one of the golden arhats said, it was so rude.

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "The third heaven? What kind of third heaven is this? It's just a mere illusory realm. Could it really be a forbidden place?"

Before the previous arhat could speak again, the one next to him said first: "The third heaven has already returned to the Buddha heaven of my eighteen arhats. If you break into this place, you are an enemy of the Buddha. How can we forgive you? "

Hearing this, Tong Yan burst out laughing and said, "Buddha Heaven? What a Buddha Heaven, I don't know what Buddha it is? Shakyamuni Buddha? Or are you fakes? Let me tell you, don't put your tail on me. Wolf, if you are sensible, just obediently send me out. Otherwise, I will make you reveal your true colors, and you will never be reborn forever!"

"It's so bold that you dare to question our identity. Aren't you afraid of being destroyed by Buddhism?"

Tong Yan asked directly: "Dharma is destroyed? You are not a Buddha, why talk about Buddhism? If you can destroy me, why wait until now? You say I am a devil, I think you are evil. Let me out quickly, If not, I will tell you to taste my strength."

Hearing this, all the golden arhats were full of anger, their eyes seemed to burst into flames, but in Tong Yan's eyes, it was just an expression of exasperation.

"The Buddha said, saving one's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. We didn't want to take your life, but just wanted to persuade you to turn around. But you are so stubborn, so we can only defend the righteous way with Buddhism."

Speaking of this, eighteen golden arhats sat down at the same time, clasped their hands together, and recited Buddhist scriptures again.

But a little different from before, Tong Yan didn't faint directly this time, but his condition was still not optimistic. As soon as the chanting sounded, he felt a splitting headache, as if his head had been stabbed by a stick. Like a silver needle, the pain was really unbearable for him.

After resisting for a while, he couldn't help but roared loudly.


But no matter how painfully he roared, the eighteen golden arhats didn't intend to shut up, not only that, they seemed to read faster.

Tong Yan still had a splitting headache just now, but after a while, his whole body began to ache violently.

Although he tried hard to stand up, he couldn't resist the attack of pain after all, and he fell to the ground and curled up, trembling.

He didn't understand, he really didn't understand, how could he become so unbearable, so incompetent?Although it is said that the Dharma is boundless, he did not commit a heinous crime, so how could the Dharma become his nemesis?Buddha said that all living beings are equal, even if he has become a demon now, shouldn't he be directly excluded by Buddhism?If this is the case, then how can we talk about the equality of all living beings, and how can we talk about loving the world at the same time?
But even if he was unwilling, so what, the pain was still intensifying, which only made him feel worse than death.

If you die, don't you have to suffer so much?If you die, will all your troubles disappear in smoke?
Unknowingly, such negative thoughts appeared in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more intense the pain was, almost swallowing him completely.

In a daze, he fantasized that he could be broken into pieces, so that it would be over.Dimly, he seemed to see that his body was slowly dissipating, and it might never recover.

In such a short few minutes, all the tragic past events from his birth to the present all came to his mind at once. He became more and more negative, and finally thought of committing suicide!

When a person loses all thoughts, it is really better to die than to live. Of course, such negative emotions should not exist, but those who commit suicide may think this way before they die.They yearn for relief, and even dare not face the world anymore. They think they have nothing to worry about, but in fact they have forgotten all positive energy, and only negativity and despair remain in their minds.

Tong Yan is like this at the moment, and now he is on the verge of collapse.He thought of death, because he felt that living was too tiring, even hopeless.

"Die, if you die, you will be completely relieved. If you die, it will be over. What are you waiting for? Let's do it! Just pull out the dagger from your waist and stab it into your heart, and you will never feel pain again. You will have eternal peace."

He didn't know where this voice came from, maybe it was his heart's voice, maybe it was what he wanted to say and do most now.

When all thoughts were lost, he finally slowly pulled out the dagger at his waist, and stabbed it into his chest...

(End of this chapter)

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