
Chapter 1250 Powerless to contend, where does the soul escape?

Chapter 1250 Powerless to contend, where does the soul escape?
Seeing Kunpeng's disgusting face, Tong Yan's anger burned instantly.

Kunpeng disappeared inexplicably before, and Tong Yan wondered if this guy had some bad intentions.Now it seems that it is really difficult to change the nature of the country.As soon as this guy appeared, he ruined his good deeds. To help Wuliang Sword Immortal, isn't it an enemy of him?

But what made Tong Yan a little puzzled was, what kind of skill did this guy use just now, to be able to block his deadly knife.Also, where did the golden armor on this guy come from?He can be sure that this set of golden armor on Kunpeng's body is by no means a Tianxing battle armor, and it is most likely obtained in this illusory territory.

Seeing Tong Yan looking at him with murderous eyes, Kunpeng immediately walked forward triumphantly.

"Tong Yan, you are really easy for me to find. I didn't expect you to come here. Yoyo, why are you so serious. Haven't we already joined forces? You don't have to be so tense with your allies. Are you right? ?”

Tong Yan has seen many shameless people, but the Kunpeng in front of him is definitely the leader among the shameless scum.

"Kunpeng, I knew that you were not trustworthy, but I never thought that you would show your fox tail so quickly. Anyway, I just wiped you out today, so that I won't have to look for you in the future!"

Hearing this, Kunpeng smiled disdainfully and said, "Tong Yan, I know you've always wanted to kill me, but it's a pity that you never have this chance again. In fact, I really wanted to protect this illusory realm before. But one must have self-knowledge How can you and I compete with the heavens with just the strength of the two of you? As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are heroes. Instead of disappearing with this illusory realm, it is better to save our lives and make another plan. Of course, I did not inform Yu in time You, you are determined not to be angry. But as you said, you and I are already in the same position, why should I please you? If you die here, you can only say that your life is unlucky, nothing else. "

Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "According to what you say, it's my own fault, right? Then I'll see, who will have the last laugh today!"

Speaking of this, a cold light appeared in his eyes, abandoning Immeasurable Sword Immortal, he wanted to fight Kunpeng.

But at this moment, the goddess general who had been watching the battle suddenly flew to his side, and looked at Kunpeng with vicious eyes.

Kunpeng smiled awkwardly after seeing him like this.

The goddess general didn't talk nonsense, and said straightforwardly: "My companion, you were the victim, right? The armor on your body belongs to my god general, but now it appears on your body. How do you explain it?"

Hearing this, Kunpeng chuckled and said, "Miss, you have good eyesight. Yes, this armor is indeed the clothes of your general, but your companion was not killed by me. Not only that, I also spared his life and let him go." Return to the heaven. In this way, even if you don’t thank me, at least you shouldn’t be my enemy. Are you right?”

The Goddess General snorted coldly and said, "It's just nonsense, do you treat me like a three-year-old child? Let me tell you, if you hurt me, Tongze, I can't spare you today. Look at the sword!" As soon as she finished speaking, she As soon as Kong Kong grabbed it, a long silver sword appeared in her hand, and she strode forward, stabbing Kunpeng straight with the tip of the sword.

Seeing it, Kunpeng didn't dare to underestimate it, so he jumped back and waved his right hand at the same time.

With a wave of his right hand, Tong Yan realized that a golden dagger slipped out of his arm armor and fell directly into his hand.

Just now a beam of golden light suddenly struck, just colliding with the full moon blade formed by him and the poisonous dagger cold moon blade.Tong Yan was still wondering what was blocking him.Now he knew that it turned out to be such a dagger, and he was sure that the dagger on Kunpeng's body was definitely not a dagger, maybe it was left by the general who was beaten back to the heaven.

Of course, this is actually not important, the important thing is that the long-awaited goddess will finally make a move.

Tong Yan certainly wished for someone to help him, and it would be a blessing if he could join forces to get rid of Kunpeng.

But obviously, such a good thing is really difficult to happen.

Although Kunpeng was dealt with by someone, there is still an even more powerful Wuliang Sword Immortal.After such a short time, Wuliang Sword Immortal had already abandoned Jing Bo and flew towards Tong Yan.

Tong Yan realized this, and the pressure in his heart doubled. No matter what, the matter has come to this point, and there is only one way to go, and that is to fight this Wuliang sword fairy to the death.

Seeing the immeasurable sword fairy approaching aggressively, he instantly shifted his shape and changed his position, so he had to repeat the same trick.

But this time, Wuliang Sword Immortal unexpectedly slapped out of thin air.What was unbelievable was that this palm was so impartial that it hit Tong Yan who had just used the shape shifting.

Tong Yan was hit hard and was thrown out, his body sank, and he just fell down.

Yes, at this moment he does not have a real physical body, but his soul has been severely injured, which should not be underestimated.If the physical body is destroyed, there is still a soul that can reshape the physical body, but if the soul is destroyed, it is basically impossible to regenerate.But Tong Yan succeeded once, but who can guarantee that he can reshape his soul a second time?
He fell from mid-air above the clouds, his body trembling uncontrollably.This palm is really not light, but fortunately he is a star soul, if it is an ordinary soul, it is estimated that he will be blown away by the blow.

Wuliang Sword Immortal stared at him, with a little surprise in his eyes, then flew up to him and said, "It seems that I really underestimated you. After being hit by my soul-killing palm, you still survived."

Hearing this, Tong Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Evil thief, it's not that easy to kill me. It's God's blessing that I can live to this day. I'm a skywalker. How can I be killed by a rat like you? Let the horse come here Come on, I will fight with you to the end today!"

Hearing this, Wuliang Sword Immortal smiled contemptuously and said, "If you can get up, let's go shopping with me. If one palm can't kill you, then I'll give you another palm. If two palms can't kill you, I'll give you a third palm." I want to see, is your soul made of iron?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan gritted his teeth and immediately tried to get up.

But Immeasurable Sword Immortal didn't give him a chance to breathe, and the second palm followed.

He only heard a "pa", and Tong Yan was slapped hard again.The strength of this second palm obviously increased a bit, and he was dizzy and dizzy from the direct hit, as if he had fallen apart.

Wuliang Sword Immortal saw that he was still alive, so he raised his hand and wanted to give him a third palm.

Tong Yan is now at the end of his strength, not to mention the third palm strike, even if he is allowed to rest here, it is still unknown whether he can stabilize his soul.

The Immeasurable Sword Immortal is the strongest opponent he has encountered so far, and he has never felt that kind of powerlessness. Perhaps there is only one way waiting for him, and that is death!
And just as he was dying, a warm light suddenly flashed in his eyes.Immediately afterwards, his body just disappeared out of thin air...

(End of this chapter)

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