
Chapter 1251 In the temple, Nuwa bestows beads!

Chapter 1251 In the temple, Nuwa bestows beads!
Wuliang Sword Immortal wanted to slap again, which directly resulted in Tong Yan's life.But in such an instant, Tong Yan disappeared out of thin air under his nose.He couldn't believe it, but it was true.Tong Yan really disappeared, and disappeared without a trace.

Where did Tong Yan go?Have you returned to the world?Or... or is she lost?

No one knows where he went, maybe only he himself can know.But in fact, he doesn't know where he is now, because he can't see anything else except the warm green light around his body.

He felt comfortable in the green light.But at the same time, he was also aware of his physical weakness.He was lying flat, unable to move at all. Although he felt good now, his heart was full of uneasiness.

"Where is this place? I shouldn't be out of my mind, right? Then why did I come here?"

He was thinking wildly, and slowly became drowsy, and fell asleep directly.

He didn't know how long he had slept for this sleep, and the feeling of weakness in his body had gradually disappeared, so he tried hard to get out of the green light.

But just sitting up on his side, the surrounding green light has disappeared, replaced by a solemn and clean hall, and he is sitting in the center of this hall.

He was a little puzzled, why did he come to this place inexplicably?
With such doubts, he slowly stood up.When he got up, he suddenly discovered that the injury on his body had completely recovered.

He contemplated for a while, and speculated that it had something to do with the green light that enveloped him just now, maybe it was the green light that strengthened his soul that was on the verge of breaking apart.

But the question is, what is this green light all about?And here, what exactly is it?

He stopped thinking about it, and immediately looked around the hall.

After walking around like this, he slowly came to a stone gate.This door is not big, just a little bigger than the common doors at home, but I don't know what will be behind this door.

Stretching out his hand to touch the stone door, he took a deep breath, and then pushed forward forcefully.

With the sound of "噗", the stone gate was pushed open by him, and looking forward, a wider hall entered his eyes.

Seeing it this way, he suddenly understood.The hall he was in just now did not have an outward door, so it should not be the main hall, but more like an apse. Now the hall in front of him is bigger and brighter, maybe this is the main hall.

There is nothing in the apse, but I don't know if there is anything to be found in the main hall.

Tong Yan no longer hesitated, raised his legs and walked forward.

After passing the stone gate, the front was no longer empty. Tong Yan saw stone pillars carved from white jade, exquisite murals, stone lamps, and a huge statue.

Because he is now on the side of the statue, he cannot see the statue clearly.

But when he walked to the front of the statue, he suddenly froze, and then showed a knowing smile.

Who is this statue carved?It's not someone else, but the Nuwa Empress with a human head and a snake body.

Whether it is Kunpeng or Jingbo, they have said that the temple of Empress Nuwa is in this illusory realm, but because the temple is erratic, it is not due to luck, so it is difficult to be lucky enough to see it.

Tong Yan thought before that, even Kunpeng was lucky enough to enter the temple of Empress Nuwa, and he had a close relationship with Nuwa's clan, so why didn't he see it?
Well now, not only did he see it, but he was in it right now.It can only be said that they came together so suddenly that he really didn't expect it.

No need to guess, the green light that healed him and brought him here must be the divine light of Empress Nuwa.It was Empress Nuwa who saved his life, so that he could be saved from the poisonous hands of the immeasurable sword fairy.

Looking at the statue of Nuwa Empress with a kind face, he knelt down slowly, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Empress Nuwa, for your rescue. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I'd have lost my soul. I can't repay you, please accept me." Bless!"

As he spoke, he knocked his head three times heavily.

But that's all, Empress Nuwa didn't give him any response, the statue is still a statue, standing there motionless.

Tong Yan stared at the statue of Empress Nuwa for a while, but when he saw that there was no enlightenment, he stood up.

Maybe Empress Nuwa just wanted to save him, that's all.If this is the case, there is really no need for him to stay here for a long time, because he still has a lot of things to do, and he has to deal with Kunpeng and the super powerful Wuliang Sword Immortal.

You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime.He can't stay here forever, what should be faced will eventually be faced.

If you are destined to die, what's the point of living a little longer?
Standing up, he turned around and walked towards the front door.Going out from this main gate, you should be able to return to the realm of illusion.

But before he took three steps, a "Dang" suddenly sounded behind him.

"Did something fall to the ground?" he thought, before turning around again.

But after looking at it so carefully, he couldn't help being a little confused.What did he see?He saw a bead, a green bead.

This bead is very similar to the marbles we played when we were young, but it is by no means as simple as marbles.Although the beads fell to the ground, they gave off a faint green light.

This green light is very similar to the light that wrapped Tong Yan and healed him before, but whether the two are really the same, it cannot be completely determined just by looking at it.

He hesitated for a moment, but finally he raised his leg and walked up to the bead, and bent down to pick it up.

Holding the green bead, he quietly felt the warm light above it, and finally, he was sure that this light was the kind of light that healed his wounds.

But the question is, why did this green bead fall here out of thin air?Did Empress Nuwa throw it away and give it to Tong Yan?

Frowning slightly, Tong Yan still asked the statue of Empress Nuwa.

"Nuwa Empress, are you going to give this bead to me? You have saved my life, how can I take your things again? I don't get paid for nothing, I think it's better to forget it!" said, He raised his leg and stepped forward, about to put the bead under the feet of Empress Nuwa.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the green bead in his hand suddenly burst into dazzling light, and after that, the bead disappeared out of thin air.

The green light gradually dimmed, and finally all of it was contained in his body.He didn't know what the green bead was, but he knew that the green bead had turned into green light and merged with him.

He stared at himself, and there seemed to be nothing unusual about his body.After looking at the statue of Nuwa, who was still motionless, he bowed deeply, then turned and walked out of the temple.

What the hell is a green bead?It is integrated with Tongyan, and what benefits will it bring to Tongyan?Four words, the soul is immortal!
(End of this chapter)

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