
Chapter 1252 The Soul Is Immortal, The Jedi Strikes Back!

Chapter 1252 The Soul Is Immortal, The Jedi Strikes Back!
At this time, Tong Yan didn't know that the green bead was not an ordinary thing, and it could repair his soul that was on the verge of breaking apart, which even many immortal weapons couldn't do.

As for what this bead is called, I am afraid that not many people know it.But the benefits it brings to Tongyan will be immeasurable.

Above the Nine Heavens, the goddess will still not be able to tell the winner with Kunpeng.After Kunpeng obtained the armor and weapon of the previous general, not only his combat power was greatly improved, but he also seemed to have acquired a little special ability.

And it is precisely because of this special ability that no matter how the goddess will display her unique skills, it is still difficult to hurt Kunpeng in the slightest.

What is the special ability?To describe it in one word, it is change!
The change mentioned does not mean that the image and appearance can be changed, but the change of the size of the volume.

Kunpeng can become the size of a mosquito in an instant, or become a giant in a second.

This random change in size, no matter how skilled the Goddess General is, it is always difficult to hit Kunpeng.But in the same way, Kunpeng couldn't win in front of the powerful goddess general. After all, he didn't have a physical body, so even if he had the weapon of the god general, he couldn't completely defeat the goddess general.

The two of them are "entangled" like this. It is really impossible to predict when the winner will be determined. Maybe it will end in a draw.

Kunpeng helped Wuliang Sword Immortal by stopping Tong Yan before, but Wuliang Sword Immortal didn't appreciate it. He just watched the battle and didn't help.

As for Jingbo, he started to be reborn again and again, and was chopped into flesh again and again.In front of Immortal Sword Immortal, he didn't even have the strength to fight back. Perhaps all he could do was to be a plaything for Immortal Sword Immortal, so as not to make Immortal Sword Immortal so boring.

Wuliang Sword Immortal may be really boring, but he is also thinking and wondering.He was puzzled by Tong Yan's disappearance out of thin air.It was really unacceptable for him to be able to slip under his nose.

He has already decided that if he still can't find Tong Yan, then he will leave here first.After all, Tong Yan's physical body is still under his control, and Tong Yan's soul cannot be dissipated, and it is enough for him to confess to the heavens by destroying Tong Yan's physical body.

But Tong Yan still appeared, and he flew from a distance with a face full of fear.

Staring at Tong Yan from far to near, Wuliang Sword Immortal showed surprise on his face.Why is he surprised?It's very simple, Tong Yan's strength is definitely not enough to compete with him, and after he has already escaped from this place, he went back and returned, which is undoubtedly death.I'm afraid a normal person wouldn't do it for nothing, but what about Tong Yan?Tong Yan actually came back, if he is not crazy, then he must have lived enough.

After a brief moment of surprise, Immeasurable Sword Immortal burst out laughing.If Tong Yan can be completely wiped out this time, he will be able to return to the heavenly realm, and he will become a great immortal, or even an upper immortal, from a humble little immortal in one fell swoop.

Therefore, whether he can kill Tong Yan has a great influence on him. Only by stepping on Tong Yan's corpse can he walk higher and stand firmer!

Of course Tong Yan didn't know this, but even if he knew, he probably would still come.It's not his style to run away from the battle, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and prefer to go to the mountains, this is him.

Glancing at the Goddess General and Kunpeng who were in an inextricable battle, Tong Yan did not slow down, and soon came to Wuliang Sword Immortal.

Immeasurable Sword Immortal stared at Tong Yan, and immediately laughed and said: "Stinky boy, you have already escaped, why did you go and come back again? Let me guess, you know that you can't escape from Wuzhi Mountain, so you just escaped." I came here to beg the old man. Isn’t that right? If this is the case, the old man can leave you a whole body and bury you well. After all, the reason why the old man wants your life is to follow orders. Between them, how can there be any resentment?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "Old bastard, do you think I will just sit and wait for death? Let me tell you, the reason why I came back this time is just to kill you here. As an immortal, you have a vicious heart. How can I spare your life for a tiger like you? Get ready to die!"

When Wuliang Sword Immortal heard this, he couldn't help laughing loudly as if he had heard some big joke.

"Haha...haha... Brat, you are really interesting, and you are really stupid. You want to kill this old man? You are beyond your control! You have already learned what kind of tricks this old man has, and you are so bold to kill him Old man, what do you rely on? Just by opening your mouth? Let me tell you, delusion, let alone today, you will not be able to kill me in this life! Do you understand?"

Tong Yan chuckled and said: "What's the use of talking so much nonsense, let's see the truth!" As soon as he finished speaking, he was about to reach out to get the poison dagger Hanyue blade, but unfortunately, the poison dagger Hanyue blade was already there He was left behind in the battle with the Immortal Sword Immortal, and now he has no weapons to use.

Even if he had weapons, he couldn't beat the Immeasurable Sword Immortal. Now that he didn't even have his only weapon, he seemed even more hopeless.

But how could he give up so easily, he still has two feet and hands without weapons, as long as he is alive, he can fight.

Seeing him clenched his fists, Wuliang Sword Immortal laughed wildly again: "Haha... do you want to tell me that you want to kill this old man with these fists? Stupid, really stupid! Well, this old man doesn't want to fight anymore If you say too much, now, this old man will take your life!"

Having said that, Wuliang Sword Immortal had killing intent in his eyes, he squeezed his sword fingers, and slammed towards Tong Yan.

This looks like a finger, but it is several Qi swords.

Tong Yan knew that there was a huge disparity in strength, but he still struck out with his five-finger sword. Even if he couldn't match it, he couldn't just dodge it.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Wuliang Sword Immortal's qi sword met Tong Yan's five-finger sword.

Only a few "bang bang" sounds were heard, and the five-finger sword struck by Tong Yan met Wuliang Sword Immortal's Qi sword, and it was directly shattered into powder, not only failed to block it, but even failed to delay it.

Seeing the Qi sword approaching in an instant, Tong Yan immediately crossed his arms in front of him, and shouted loudly: "Star Qi, now!" As soon as the words were written, a dazzling golden shield immediately appeared around his body.

Those Qi swords arrived in an instant, like lightning, and shot heavily at the Gang Qi hood.

The first few Qi swords did not pose a threat to him, but with Wuliang Sword Immortal's second attack, his star energy could no longer be resisted, and it scattered around with a "bang" like glass shattering open.

Without the protection of the stellar qi, how could Tong Yan block the qi sword.

Following a few "Puff" sounds, the Qi Sword directly punched out several horrible "blood" holes in his body.

And just when Wuliang Sword Immortal thought he was about to succeed, unexpectedly, an astonishing scene appeared.Tong Yan's body suddenly glowed green, and immediately after that, those terrifying "blood" holes grew and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Before the Immeasurable Sword Immortal could react, Tong Yan suddenly shifted his shape, and in the next second, he was already behind the Immeasurable Sword Immortal, and said in a cold voice: "Old beast, go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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