
Chapter 1256 Capture the body and officially counterattack!

Chapter 1256 Capture the body and officially counterattack!
Tong Yan seems to have gotten used to this, and the ensuing crises are commonplace for him.He knew that the heavens would send a god to destroy the illusory realm in the future, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

The arrival of this group of divine soldiers and generals caused the goddess generals and Kunpeng who were fighting to stop fighting one after another.

Kunpeng was naturally quite afraid of this group of god generals, he didn't dare to get too close to the goddess general, and distanced himself as if fleeing.

On the other hand, the Goddess General, her face is unexpectedly solemn now.She didn't seem to welcome this group of magic soldiers and generals who came here suddenly. Maybe it was because they had some past festivals, or maybe she couldn't bear to watch this illusory land burn to death.

But there is no way, what should come will come after all, there is no way to hide, there is no way to avoid it.

After this team of divine soldiers and generals arrived, they quickly spotted the goddess general and quickly approached her.

But after a while, the new group of magic soldiers and generals and goddess generals got together.

The leading male god general said to the goddess general very kindly: "Sister Leng, I'm here. The god king said that you are here on business, and I am worried that you will be in danger, so I will send troops to help you. What do you do?" Like? You are not injured, are you?"

Hearing this, the Goddess General snorted and said, "Where am I going, what does it have to do with you? Who asked you to bring someone here? You really meddle in my own business! Hmph..."

The male god general saw the displeasure on the goddess general's face, and immediately laughed and said, "Sister Leng, am I worried about you? You may not know how important you are to me. Such a tiring job, Lord God King shouldn't have sent you here. Well, don't be angry. Come back with me, as for the matter here, let them handle it."

Upon hearing this, the Goddess General immediately refused: "No, this is an errand entrusted to me by the God King. If I can't do it well, and the God King blames me, who will take care of it for me? Where did you come from, or come back Where to go. I can handle things here by myself, so you don't need to worry about it. "

Hearing this, the male god general laughed and said: "Sister Leng, look at what you said, why are you still alienating me like this? If you want to stay, then I will accompany you. Just watch, the people here I will finish the matter soon. You guys, what are you still doing? The Lord God King has ordered to completely destroy this illusory realm. Anyone who resists will be killed. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, all the magic soldiers who came together hurriedly responded in unison: "Yes, I will obey!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of magic soldiers immediately split into two groups. One group rushed directly towards Kunpeng who had just fought fiercely with the goddess general, while the other group took aim at Tong Yan not far away.

When Kunpeng saw a divine soldier rushing towards him, he gritted his teeth and immediately got into the clouds to hide.

But Tong Yan didn't hide, because he couldn't hide, and there was nowhere to hide.

Jing Bo is about to finish his work, if he doesn't care about it, he may fall short in the end.

As long as he delays for another three to two minutes, maybe Jing Bo will succeed.

Seeing a group of divine soldiers swarming towards him, he took a deep breath, and then tried his best to float forward, blocking the body of Wuliang Sword Immortal directly behind him.

The speed of this team of divine soldiers was extremely fast, and they arrived in front of Tong Yan in less than five seconds.

I heard one of the divine soldiers shouting loudly: "Bold and evil, we are here to destroy this illusory realm under the order of the king of the gods. Those who are sensible will be arrested immediately. If not, we will definitely be killed!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan replied blankly: "This place was created by Empress Nuwa, how can you destroy it if you want to? I don't care what your identities are, but if you want me to sit and wait for death, what has it to do with delusion?" Parting? I have no intention of being your enemy, but if you are aggressive, then I can only give it a go!"

These words are neither humble nor overbearing. On the one hand, it explains his position, and on the other hand, it also tells the origin of this illusory realm.

But the ones in front of him are just the god soldiers at the bottom of the heavens, they are used to following orders without asking right from wrong.Tong Yan talking to them is like playing the piano to a cow.

"I really don't know how to live or die! We are the soldiers of the heavens. If you fight against us, it is like hitting a stone with an egg. Since you are stubborn, let you know how powerful we are. Brothers, do it!"

As soon as the magic soldier gave an order, the magic soldier behind him immediately attacked Tong Yan with a weapon in his hand.

Seeing this, Tong Yan didn't say much. He immediately squeezed his sword fingers and struck out the five-finger sword with all his strength.

Of course he didn't expect the five-finger sword to injure these divine soldiers, but he had to do something, whether it was "death struggle" or overreaching, he couldn't lose his momentum.

Immediately after hearing the sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang", the five-finger sword hit the divine soldiers who came forward, but they were all blocked by their armor and did not cause any harm to them.

Two magic soldiers stepped forward first, swung their big knives and chopped off Tong Yan's head.

Yes, of course Tong Yan is not afraid of them cutting him, but he doesn't want to bear that kind of pain.So when Shenbing's big sword fell, he reluctantly used Fengling kicks, stepping on the 64 hexagram position, and barely dodged it.

But although he avoided the first two swords, the magic soldiers behind him also caught up and surrounded him directly.

In this way, all the god soldiers fired their swords at the same time, and he had no possibility of dodging.

But even so, he still blocked with a cross arm.As for the consequences, without any accidents, both of his arms were cut off, and he was stabbed several times in the back.

Pain, excruciating pain.He finally raised his head and roared loudly, the roar was full of unwillingness and hatred.

But after only a short while, the severed arms grew back, and the wound on his back also quickly healed.

The magic soldiers around were stunned and forgot to make another move for a while.

Tong Yan is using his own body to buy time for Jingbo at the price of suffering severe pain alone.

He tried his best, but if Jingbo still couldn't get the body of the Immeasurable Sword Immortal, he was really afraid that he would fall to the ground in the end, unable to move at all.

But thankfully, his efforts finally paid off.

The golden light on Wuliang Sword Immortal lived up to expectations and completely forced the white light out of his body.The white light knew that it was powerless to return to the sky, and immediately the light flashed, and it shot towards the main hall of the God Lord.

The golden light completely occupied the physical body, and the closed eyes of the physical body suddenly opened.

After that, the physical body slowly stood up, and Jingbo's voice also rang out at this moment.

"If you want to destroy my illusory realm, pass me first!" As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed forward and punched the magic soldier closest to him.

What made people overjoyed was that just such a punch smashed the magic soldier's head to pieces.

Could it be possible that Jing Bo, who has occupied the body of the Immeasurable Sword Immortal, also gained immortal power as a matter of course?If this is the case, it means that the horn of counterattack has finally sounded!

(End of this chapter)

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