
Chapter 1257 Rather than fighting fiercely, it is better to leave!

Chapter 1257 Rather than fighting fiercely, it is better to leave!

Jingbo's punch was a great one, it not only killed a magic soldier on the spot, but also greatly suppressed the arrogance of these magic soldiers.

Tong Yan was still under attack, but now that Jingbo made a sudden attack, a group of magic soldiers immediately abandoned him and surrounded Jingbo.

Being able to beat the divine soldiers to death with one punch, Jing Bo has already shown his great strength. In view of this, even if there are a little more of these divine soldiers, Tong Yan still has full confidence in Jing Bo.

Jing Bo glanced at Tong Yan, and after seeing that he was safe, he immediately devoted himself to dealing with these magical soldiers.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the divine soldiers surrounded Jing Bo.

Jing Bo is different from Tong Yan. Tong Yan is weak because of the Tai Chi suction formula before, and it is difficult to fight with others. Jing Bo has just obtained a physical body and his combat power is strong. Look, that Jingbo is definitely a hard rock.

"Bold and evil, you dare to kill my heavenly warriors and generals, what should you do?"

Hearing this, Jingbo held his head high and replied fearlessly: "The illusory realm is our homeland. You have broken in without any reason, and you are tyrannical. How is it different from robbers? You'd better leave this place now, if not, I will kill all of you and leave no one behind!"

Hearing this, the leader of the Divine Soldiers immediately shouted loudly: "Presumptuous! How dare a mere mortal say such a lie, how can we tolerate you today? Hurry up and die!"

As soon as the words fell, the divine soldier was the first to charge away with his weapon.

Uncle Jing saw it, and he didn't back away. He grabbed the air with his big hand, and a flaming sword appeared in his hand immediately.

The leader of the magic soldier stabbed with his spear, and he immediately blocked it with a horizontal knife, then stepped forward, and the flame knife slashed across the body of the gun, and slashed at the waist of the leader of the magic soldier.

This divine soldier was able to lead this divine soldier squad, so he was naturally the strongest among these divine soldiers.

Seeing that Jingbo's flaming saber was slashing quickly, he didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly backed away.Although his movements were not slow, Jing Bo's speed was obviously faster, and he heard a scream of "ah", and the tip of the flame knife still cut into his abdomen, although he didn't cut him in half , but also left a long and terrifying scar on his abdomen.

Seeing his leader suffer such severe damage in an instant, the other divine soldiers naturally would not stand by and watch.All the divine soldiers attacked at the same time, and immediately fought with Jingbo.

Hearing the ear-piercing sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang", Tong Yan was not overly worried, he just looked at Uncle Jing for a while, and saw that he was surrounded and able to handle with ease, so naturally he didn't need to worry too much.

So what is he looking at now?He was looking at the male god general who was "entangled" with the goddess general, and he always felt that the male god general looked familiar.But the distance was neither far nor close, and there were clouds and fog blocking him, so he still couldn't see carefully.

These divine soldiers may be relatively easy to deal with, but the abilities of the divine generals should not be underestimated.Jingbo showed his strong side, but Tong Yan couldn't really put all the burden on Jingbo alone.He had to do something, at least not become a burden to Jingbo.

But in this situation, what can he do?

He needs to think, needs to calm down.

Fortunately, the male god general is quite confident in his subordinates, Jingbo is here to kill all directions, and the male god general did not come over to take a look, and has been circling around the goddess general non-stop.Otherwise, it might not be an easy task for Jing Bo to fight against these magical soldiers and generals by himself.

Yes, Tong Yan didn't want to be a burden to Jing Bo, so after thinking for a while, he moved his body with some difficulty, and opened up as much distance as possible, until he got close to a cloud of mist, and then stopped.

But at this moment, unexpectedly, two heads emerged from the cloud behind him.After that, a familiar voice sounded from the back of his head.

"Young master, are you okay? We finally found you!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately turned around to look.Only then did he realize that the person calling himself was none other than Ah Zi, and the weirdo brother was also beside Ah Zi at the moment.

"How could it be you? How did you enter the Nine Heavens? Hasn't the passage been destroyed?"

Hearing this, Ah Zi hurriedly explained to Tong Yan.

In fact, they entered Jiuchongtian one step ahead of Tong Yan and Jingbo, and they came in together with Kunpeng.

Kunpeng lied to them that he was Tong Yan's friend and wanted to leave here with Tong Yan.

When Ah Zi heard what Kunpeng said, although she was a little skeptical, she didn't take it too seriously.But they didn't expect that the Kunpeng's back legs would tie them up just after they entered the Nine Heavens.

Kunpeng naturally has his own plans, he knows that Tong Yan values ​​love and righteousness, so he plans to use Ah Zi and the strange man as threats to force Tong Yan to submit.He boasted in front of the Divine Lord and the Immortal Sword Immortal that he knew the fate of Tong Yan, but he was actually referring to the two hostages, Ah Zi and the strange man.

But he underestimated the strength of the strange man. He thought he had used the power of the beast to imprison Ah Zi and the strange man firmly, but just as his front foot left, the rear foot of the strange man broke free and brought Ah Zi in the nine heavens. Hide in the clouds and mists.

Jiuchongtian is where the main hall of the God Lord is located, and it is also the place where the God Lord lives on weekdays. It must be heavily guarded and dangerous.In order not to reveal their whereabouts and encounter danger, they can only wander in clouds and mists, and while searching, they wait for Tong Yan's arrival.

Just waiting and waiting, they finally waited, and only then did the scene just now happen.

After hearing this, Tong Yan showed a faint smile.It must be said that it was really not easy for Ah Zi and the weirdo.

But fortunately, everyone met again, and in this way, all the sacrifices were actually worthwhile.

At the same time, their arrival made Tong Yan confirm one thing.What's the matter?That's the next thing to do.

If there is anything in this illusory land that is worth fighting for Tong Yan, it is the creatures here.But most of the creatures here have no sanity, and they have nothing to do with Tong Yan.Rather than saying that he cares about the creatures here, it is better that he cares about his friends.

His friends here are actually nothing more than Ah Zi, Wei Ren and Jing Bo.If they can all leave the illusory realm, the illusory realm will be destroyed if it is destroyed. It is a pity, but it cannot be reversed after all.

In this way, there is actually no point in continuing to stay here and fight hard. It is better to leave this place as soon as possible and return to the world, so as to get rid of the pursuit of these magic soldiers and generals.

Tong Yan already has an idea in his heart, but how to get out of here?This has become the biggest problem right now.

Suddenly, he thought of the beam of white light that shot out from Wuliang Sword Immortal's body.Could the white light be the soul of the Immeasurable Sword Immortal?The place where the white light went was the main hall of the God Lord.

Could it be that the exit from this illusory realm is in that hall?This possibility is extremely high, so it is better to go to the hall to find out the truth while you are safe now.

But what I didn't expect was that the male god general finally found out the fate of his subordinates who had been killed in a row, so he killed him aggressively...

(End of this chapter)

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