
Chapter 1258 Reasonable advice, physical danger!

Chapter 1258 Reasonable advice, physical danger!
Tong Yan's current situation is actually not optimistic, and it is not an exaggeration to use the word "terrible" to describe it.First of all, his physical body is not in the realm of illusion, he is just a soul; secondly, at this moment, he has no power to fight anymore, and if he continues to stay here, he will not do anything.

As the goddess general said before, even if they defeated the first wave of god generals, there will still be new god generals sent here, so no matter how hard they try, it is impossible to keep this illusory realm.

If that's the case, what's the point of staying here?

Going against the current is a manifestation of courage, but retreating bravely from the current may not be a rational choice.

Thinking of this, he immediately said to Ah Zi and the strange man: "Don't you guys want to leave here? I'll take you away later, okay?"

When the two heard this, they both showed excited smiles.

"Okay, of course! But son, do you already know how to get out of here?"

Tong Yan glanced at the main hall of the God Lord not far away, then nodded and said: "Nine out of ten! But we have to wait a bit, Jingbo is still fighting with those magic soldiers. If we want to leave, we should leave together , I can't leave him here alone."

Ah Zi and the strange man heard this, and immediately raised their eyes to look at the battle situation not far away.

It can be said that Jing Bo had great supernatural powers and was invincible. In just a short while, those magic soldiers were beaten to pieces, dead, wounded, screaming again and again, and basically had no strength to fight anymore.

But it was precisely because of this that after hearing the pig-killing screams, the male god general followed the sound and found that most of the elite soldiers he had brought were lying on the ground now. Those who can still stand are also trembling, as if they are about to fall to the ground at any time.

The male god general was angry from the heart, no longer flattering the goddess general, and immediately rushed over.

With the rise of Jing Bo Zhan, how could he stop there, seeing that the male god was approaching aggressively, he immediately set out to meet him.

By getting closer, Tong Yan could see the male god clearly.

He thought this person was familiar before, and now he finally knew who this person was.

As early as the time of Asura Dao, the heavens sent divine soldiers and generals to demand his life. With the help of Qiangliang, he severely injured the general. Total victory.

In fact, he knew at that time that the heaven would never let it go, but he didn't expect that he would run into him here today. This is really a narrow road for enemies.

Although this male god general was defeated by him that day, his strength is not weak.Coming here suddenly this time is destined to be a strong enemy.It's a pity that he doesn't have a physical body now, otherwise he can deal with this guy again.

It's just that I don't know if Jing Bo can beat him, if he can, of course everyone will be happy, but if he can't, the consequences will be disastrous.

But no matter what, they have to fight to know that Jing Bo has already gone up to meet him, and this battle is already inevitable.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two was less than ten meters.

The male god general did not make a direct move, but looked Jing Bo up and down cautiously.

On his side, he observed Jingbo, and Jingbo also looked at him carefully.

At this time, the so-called sense of superiority has actually disappeared. Whether it is this male god general or Jing Bo, they all know in their hearts that the person facing them will never be easy to deal with. A disastrous end.

The two looked at each other for a while, and the male god general finally spoke first.

"Who are you? The original creature here?"

Hearing this, Jingbo snorted coldly and said, "Who are you? A lackey from the heavens?"

Hearing this, the male god general immediately said coldly: "You are so arrogant, you are a mere creature from the lower realms, how dare you talk to me like this. I think you have lived enough, kill me Heavenly Divine Soldier, today I will forgive you!" Not you."

Hearing this, Jing Bo said with undiminished momentum: "I also have the same intention. How can I tolerate you when you break into my illusory realm?"

The eyes of the two collided, and without further words, they immediately rushed towards each other with weapons in hand.

As the weapons collided, this evenly matched contest also kicked off.

Tong Yan intends to go to the God Lord's Hall to find a way to leave, but Jingbo has already started a big fight with the male god general.In case something happens to Uncle Jing, even if he finds a way to leave, can he leave with peace of mind?
So he decided to watch here for a while, maybe Jing Bo really beat this hero.

The weapon used by Jing Bo was a broadsword wrapped in flames, while the male god general used a sword, and the sword and sword collided with each other, and the sound of "jingle, jingle, ding dong" was heard continuously.

The two came and went, fighting inextricably and fiercely.If things go on like this, it is estimated that it should be difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

The male god fights with Jingbo in full swing, but the goddess general doesn't take it seriously.

She looked around, and immediately saw Tong Yan who was watching the battle, and without any hesitation, she flew towards Tong Yan.

Seeing her flying, Tong Yan didn't run away because Tong Yan knew that the goddess would be a good person, and although she had a duty, it didn't change her kind nature.

But after a while, she came to Tong Yan, and then asked: "Before I saw you, did you ever get hurt when you fought with someone?"

Tong Yan didn't expect that the goddess general would care about him at all, so he replied with a smile: "Young lady, please note that I am not seriously injured. After I leave here, I will recover after a while."

Hearing this, the Goddess General let out a light sigh, and then asked again: "Then when do you plan to leave?"

Tong Yan replied directly: "When your companions stop pestering you, we should leave."

Upon hearing this, the Goddess General immediately shook her head and laughed. "Companions? They're not my companions, they're just a group of pretentious guys. No one asked them to come here, they just like to meddle in their own business. I think it's not like this. I advise them to stop and get out of here as soon as possible , okay?"

Tong Yan only thought that the goddess general wanted to go back to her life sooner, so she smiled and said, "Of course, but will your friend let it go?"

The Goddess General smiled and said: "Leave it to me, I think he should give me a little face. But the premise is that you must leave quickly. Otherwise, if another God will be sent here, I may be These cannot be guaranteed.”

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, as long as your friend doesn't bother you anymore, I promise, we will leave as soon as possible."

The Goddess General smiled, without saying anything, and immediately turned around and ran towards the direction of the battle.

Tong Yan's suggestion to the Goddess General was, of course, something he couldn't wish for.He didn't want to stay here any longer, because he himself didn't know if he would be able to keep his body if he went out late.

But what he didn't know was that Wuliang Sword Immortal had already left the illusory realm first, and his target was his and Kunpeng's physical bodies!

(End of this chapter)

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