
Chapter 1260 Seeing the clues, too late to regret?

Chapter 1260 Seeing the clues, too late to regret?

Entering the main hall of the God Lord, Tong Yan and others immediately searched around.Tong Yan can almost conclude that there should be a passage out of the illusory realm in this hall, or a secret door such as a teleportation array, but such a passage or secret door must be hidden very deep, and it is by no means easy to find .

The four looked for each other, but after a while, they didn't find anything.

Jing Bo frowned slightly, and then confirmed to Tong Yan: "Little brother, are you sure that the exit from the Illusory Realm is in this hall? But although this hall is extravagant, it is clear at a glance, and I don't want to have it." What dark room, or secret door?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Jing Bo, we haven't found it yet, but it doesn't mean there isn't one here. Think about it, if there is no passage to the human world here, why is the soul of the Immeasurable Sword Immortal being taken away by you?" After that, did you flee here in a hurry? Taking a step back, there must be a channel between the illusory realm and the human world, otherwise, I would not enter here, and the Wuliang Sword Immortal would not enter here with a physical body. What do you say Is it right?"

Jing Bo nodded and said: "You are right, I was too anxious. But little brother, if we delay for a long time, will those magic soldiers outside come to trouble us again? Or should I Go and guard the door, if they don't keep their promises, I can resist for a while."

Tong Yan shook his head and said, "Uncle Jing, since they have this proposal, they will definitely not come to cause trouble again. The hall is not big or small, let's hurry up and find the exit. As for the others, it is better not to be too It's good to care."

Jing Bo agreed, said no more, and immediately continued to search.

The inside of the main hall is really too extravagant, with glittering golden light everywhere, it only dazzles the eyes.

Tong Yan looked around, and finally set his gaze on the wall on the left.

The wall is engraved with very exquisite patterns, the patterns are intricate, and it is unknown who made it, or it was purely conjured.

Tong Yan carefully looked at these patterns from beginning to end, then turned to another wall, and looked at them carefully in the same way.In this way, it was not until he had seen all the four walls that he finally set his sights on a few columns in the hall.

Although these columns are engraved with golden dragons winding upwards, the golden dragons do not occupy all of the columns, and the empty positions are also engraved with exquisite patterns very similar to those on the walls.

Tong Yan examined each pillar carefully, and soon he saw the difference in the pillar in front of him.

What's the difference?As I said before, the exquisite patterns on the columns are very similar to those on the walls. Although the patterns seem complicated, there are actually rules to follow.But the pattern on the column in front of him is completely opposite. Not to mention the intersection and disorder, it will give people a sense of vertigo after staring at it for a long time.

The reason why patterns are carved on the walls is to add beauty and make people feel happy. If you feel dizzy after looking at it, isn't that asking for trouble?

The God Lord is a smart person, of course he would not do such a mindless thing, and this just shows that there is something wrong with this cylinder.

Tong Yan stared at the pillar for a while, then turned around and said to the people who continued to search for clues: "Don't look for it, I know where the organ is."

Hearing this, Jing Bo and the others walked over quickly.

"Little brother, did you find it? Where is it?"

Tong Yan pointed to the pillar in front of him, and said confidently, "It's right here, on this pillar!"

Hearing this, Jingbo and the others all showed puzzled expressions.

"My lord, although I don't understand, there is nothing on this pillar. Will the passage to leave the illusory realm really be on this pillar?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "You can't see it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The patterns on the cylinder may contain the five elements and eight trigrams, and even the evil stars of the sky and the earth. Of course, I haven't fully figured it out yet, but I think , When I figure it out, it's time for us to leave!"

Hearing what Tong Yan said, everyone showed excitement.

Tong Yan didn't delay, and immediately started to solve the mystery hidden on the pillar.As for Jingbo and the others, they went to the door and waited.

After about half an hour like this, Tong Yan finally studied the pattern on the cylinder clearly.

Each of these lines is intricate and interspersed with each other, but if you sort out one by one, you will find that there are 22 lines in total.

The 22 pieces are subdivided into ten shorter ones and twelve longer ones.What do such numbers represent?Tong Yan thought of the heavenly stems and earthly branches. There are ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches. Isn’t the total number 22?
The heavenly stems are A, B, C, D, E, Ji, G, Xin, Ren, and Gui; the earthly branches are Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, and Hai.

The heavenly stem carries the way of the sky, and the earthly branches carry the way of the earth.The sky forms images, the earth forms, and the people make luck; the way of heaven and the earth determine the way of humanity, so the heavenly stems and earthly branches are set up to match the fate of heaven, earth and human affairs.Heaven and earth are positioned, stems and branches determine space and time, and time and space determine the world.The stem is like the sky and the branch is like the earth. Although all things grow on the earth, the prosperity and decline of all things cannot be separated from the sky.The combination of the ten heavenly stems and the twelve earthly branches forms the sixty Jiazi, which is used to explain the study of heaven, earth and man.

The earthly branches usually correspond to what we often call the twelve zodiac signs, so there are the zodiac rats, ugly ox, Yin tiger, Mao rabbit, Chenlong, Si snake, Wu horse, Wei sheep, Shen monkey, etc. that we often recited when we were young. You chicken, Xu dog, Hai pig.

The heavenly stems and earthly branches are all connected with the five elements, so they are also connected with the gossip, which can be described as infinitely varied.

Blending into one body, knowing this well, not to mention shuttling between two dimensions, even if it is against the sky to change fate and turn the world around, it is not impossible.

Obviously, Tong Yan only knows superficially about this way, but he is full of confidence in launching the teleportation formation on the cylinder.

He doesn't need to speculate too much about the mystery here, as long as he can find a way to activate the teleportation formation, the passage to leave the illusory realm will naturally open, and then everyone will be able to leave this place and return to the human world.

There are only a few ways to activate such a teleportation formation.The first is to recite formulas; the second is to inject true energy or immortal power; the third is to use blood as a sacrifice.Of course, it is also possible that these methods exist at the same time, and they need to be used at the same time to be successful.

But no matter what the method is, he has to try it one by one now, maybe he will get the result soon.

As for the formula to activate this formation, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't try it out, unless he asked the divine master, maybe that guy would know a thing or two.But this is also the last way, if I can, why bother to find the God Lord?

Maybe Tong Yan can really do it, but he doesn't know if he can return to the world in time, if it is too late, he will regret it too late!
(End of this chapter)

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