
Chapter 1261 It's not too late to protect yourself!

Chapter 1261 It's not too late to protect yourself!
Speaking of the human world, the soul of Immeasurable Sword Immortal has indeed returned to the human world, and at this moment, he is furiously breaking into the thatched hut halfway up the mountain.

Although it has been so long, Daoist Sanshi and his fat brother are still drinking tea in the hut.It's not that they love tea so much, but that there seems to be nothing else to do except drinking tea.

Only a "bang" was heard, and the door of the thatched cottage was kicked open from the outside.

Then, I saw Wuliang Sword Immortal walking in furiously, and then said loudly: "Where are the bodies of those two guys? I will make them pay the price!"

Hearing this, Daoist Sanshi and Fat Taoist were shocked.Obviously, they didn't know what happened, and they didn't know how their master, who was usually kind, would become so irritable at this moment?

Although the two were puzzled, they still guessed something. Tong Yan and Kunpeng must have offended him, otherwise, he would never have done so.

"Master, you... what's wrong with you? Why are you so angry? Could it be that those two guys angered you?"

Hearing this, Wuliang Sword Immortal snorted coldly and said: "Annoyed? More than just annoyed? As a teacher, I almost died at their hands, and now even my body has been taken by the gangsters. How can I swallow such a shameful humiliation?" Breathing this bad breath? Needless to say, I will destroy their physical bodies now, so that they can no longer be human!"

Hearing what Wuliang Sword Immortal said, Daoist Sanshi and the fat Taoist could not help but look at each other.

How could a majestic celestial being, and the most powerful sword celestial among the celestial beings, have his body taken away?This was unbelievable, and Daoist Sanshi and Fat Taoist couldn't accept it all at once.

"Master, don't you want to destroy the bodies of those two guys when you put out the fire? The apprentice can do it for you. But master, have you ever thought about it? Your body has been destroyed, and now there are two ready-made ones. Flesh body, why don’t you take it for yourself? In this way, isn’t it considered revenge for taking the body?”

As soon as the fat Taoist said this, Immeasurable Sword Immortal immediately showed comprehension on his face.

"As expected of my disciple, you really reminded me. I was so angry just now that I almost forgot about it. That's fine, then let me take a look at these two physical bodies. Maybe there is a suitable body."

The fat Taoist smiled and said: "Master, I have seen these two bodies before. From the perspective of the body, Kunpeng's body should be better, but it is contaminated with the spirit of the beast, and it is not I don't know if it will clash with your immortal power. As for the other body, although it has demonic energy, it is still a human body. As long as the master is in charge, the demonic energy can be easily forced out of the body, and it will never affect your body. You will use it in the future. Of course, which one the master will look at in the end depends on you, the master, the apprentice is just offering some suggestions, I hope you can share the worries of the master!"

I have to say that this fat Taoist priest really knows how to be a man, and he can also curry favor with others.

Wuliang Sword Immortal just said that his physical body was destroyed. In such a short period of time, he actually thought of so many things, which shows that this person has a meticulous mind and extraordinary wisdom.

After Wuliang Sword Immortal heard this, he said approvingly: "My apprentice knows the need of being a teacher, and this suggestion is very suitable for my teacher. Then as a teacher, I will follow your words and look at the body of Skywalker!"

As he spoke, he immediately floated towards Tong Yan's body.

Daoist Sanshi took a look, and hurriedly dissuaded him: "Master, I...I think you'd better think twice, don't listen to Brother Wu's one-sided words, and be so arbitrary. I..."

Hearing this, Wuliang Sword Immortal said puzzledly: "My apprentice Sanshi, do you have any suggestions?"

Daoist Sanshi nodded and said, "That's right, my disciples do have suggestions. Master, you are the body of a celestial being, and you are the leader of the celestial beings. Look at these two bodies, one has the aura of a beast, and the other has evil spirits." Breath, as the saying goes, good and evil are incompatible, how can the body of a celestial being be infected by this devilish energy? If people in the heavens notice it, I am afraid that they will find trouble with you, Master. From the perspective of my disciples, This body with the aura of a beast is more suitable for you, Master, gods and gods belong to the same kind, so why go against it?"

Hearing this, Wuliang Sword Immortal laughed and said, "It seems that I really underestimated you as a teacher. I didn't expect you to think of this. Fifth, do you think your little brother is right? Should I choose Kunpeng more?" What about your body?"

Hearing this, the fat Taoist smiled slightly and said: "Master has made a decision in his heart, and this disciple really dare not speak nonsense. It all depends on Master's decision!"

Immeasurable Sword Immortal laughed and said, "Okay, let's make a decision as a teacher. I want this body of Skywalker, because my immortal power is in this body right now!"

As soon as these words came out, Daoist Sanshi and the fat Taoist priest were dumbfounded.What kind of ability does Skywalker have, how can he absorb the immortal power of their master?

Immeasurable Sword Immortal stopped talking and came directly to Tong Yan's physical body.

Seeing this, Daoist Sanshi knew that no matter what he said, he would not be able to save Tong Yan's body, so he might as well keep his mouth shut.

Immortal Sword Immortal did not rush into Tong Yan's body, but looked up and down carefully.

"Heavenly Demon Star, indeed, has quite a devilish aura. It's a pity that Heavenly Demon Star has no chance to stand up. Losing his body is no different from a ghost. I'll just wait here, and I'm going to wipe out this evil."

As soon as he finished speaking, he made some adjustments and was about to break into Tong Yan's body suddenly.

But at this moment, something unbelievable happened.

Seeing that Immeasurable Sword Immortal's immortal soul was about to enter Tong Yan's body, unexpectedly, when his immortal soul touched Tong Yan's physical body, a layer of red light suddenly appeared on Tong Yan's physical body .

The mask firmly protected Tong Yan's body, and directly knocked back the immortal soul of Wuliang Sword Immortal several meters away.

The sudden change was unexpected.As the person involved, Immeasurable Sword Immortal was even more stunned.

"What's going on? What's going on here? Could this kid's body be able to protect the Lord automatically? It shouldn't be? How can the body protect the Lord automatically when the soul is separated from the body?"

The fat Taoist stared at Tong Yan's body, then turned his head and said to Immeasurable Sword Immortal: "Master, if this disciple guessed correctly, this light mask should not last long. Master, look, this light mask is made of Devil Qi is condensed, and whether it is Devil Qi, True Qi, or Immortal Power, it is not inexhaustible. It will be exhausted every time, and it will be difficult to recover automatically if you do not practice. Therefore My apprentice thinks that as long as you try a few more times, Master, the mask will automatically disappear due to the exhaustion of demon energy. At that time, this physical body will also be in your pocket."

Hearing this, Wuliang Sword Immortal laughed and said: "Your words are reasonable, let's try a few more times as a teacher!"

The fat Taoist's analysis was indeed correct. The red mask on Tong Yan's body was indeed formed by the automatic condensation of the demonic energy in his body, but as long as the demonic energy was exhausted, the mask would not be destroyed by itself.

It's just that I don't know whether this mask can last until Tong Yan returns, everything is still unknown.

I just hope it's not too bad, and it's not too late...

(End of this chapter)

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