
Chapter 1262 The soul returns to the body, master and apprentice turn against each other?

Chapter 1262 The soul returns to the body, master and apprentice turn against each other?
The Immeasurable Sword Immortal did exactly as the fat Taoist said, hitting the mask formed by the devilish energy again and again.And the mask was indeed getting dimmer and weaker after he hit it again and again.

It seems that this mask can't last long. If Tong Yan doesn't come back, I'm afraid that this evil fairy will really take over his body and turn him into a ghost.

Of course, this collision again and again is also a test for Wuliang Sword Immortal.Although he is an immortal soul, if he collides so much, it is easy for his soul to be separated, and it is very possible to lose his soul and lose his soul.

The fat Taoist stared at the mask on Tong Yan's body, and smiled slightly: "Master, this mask won't last long. You only need to hit it a few more times, and it will be destroyed by itself."

Hearing this, Wuliang Sword Immortal sighed softly and said, "Why don't I know this, but I'm feeling unwell now, and I'm really worried that if I hit it again, it will affect my soul. It's better to rest for a while as a teacher, and then go back Go hit it."

Hearing this, the fat Taoist said with a chuckle: "Master, you are too careful. You are an immortal soul, how can this mere mask stop you? In my disciple's opinion, it is better to go all out, and the time is too late. It’s been a long time, I’m afraid something will change!”

I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in this fat Taoist's gourd. He seems to be very careful about Wuliang Sword Immortal occupying Tong Yan's body.But his last words penetrated into Wuliang Sword Immortal's heart, and changes will happen later, which really has to be guarded against.

Immeasurable Sword Immortal thought for a while, then nodded and said: "What the apprentice said is reasonable, as a teacher, I really can't delay any longer. If that brat returns suddenly, I will miss this opportunity!"

After saying this, he stopped resting and immediately slammed into the mask on Tong Yan's body again.

The fat Taoist just stood aside with a smile on his face.His face was full of smiles, but Daoist Sanshi's face was full of sadness.

Although Daoist Sanshi is the closed disciple of Immortal Sword Immortal, he really disagrees with Immortal Sword Immortal's approach.

Why did Tong Yan's soul go elsewhere?Naturally, it is the Tao of the Immeasurable Sword Immortal.So that is to say, from the beginning, the motivation of this Wuliang Sword Immortal was not pure, and then he was severely injured by Tong Yan, and his body was taken away. This can be said to be his own fault.Since it was his own fault, it would be out of style to take another person's body at this time.

Of course, even though Daoist Sanshi was quite angry at his master's actions, he couldn't say a word, otherwise, he would be treasonous, he would be disloyal and unfilial.

So what can he do?He could only hope that Tong Yan's soul would return to his body soon, so that his master's conspiracy would come to an end.

But what happened to Tong Yan now?Has he already opened the passage to the human world?

Time passed bit by bit, and with the sound of "bang", the mask on Tong Yan's body still failed to withstand the impacts of Wuliang Sword Immortal, until it shattered with a bang.

Seeing this, Immeasurable Sword Immortal immediately showed joy on his face, and then laughed loudly: "Heaven follows people's wishes, I finally smashed this mask. Now, I can finally have a physical body again and reshape the fairy body. Ha ha……"

Hearing this, the fat Taoist priest chuckled and said, "Congratulations, Master. With this immortal body, Master will definitely be able to return to the heaven. It's not too late, Master, let's enter the body now!"

Wuliang Sword Immortal nodded and said: "Okay, as a teacher, I will enter the body now, but after half a day after entering the body, as a teacher, I need to retreat, so that I can fully integrate with this physical body. Let the two of you protect the law for the teacher. !"

The fat Taoist nodded and said with a smile: "Master, please rest assured, this disciple will definitely fulfill his mission."

Hearing this, Wuliang Sword Immortal turned to look at Daoist Sanshi and said, "My apprentice Sanshi, you don't seem to be happy. What's the matter? Are you unhappy that you took away the body of the Heavenly Demon Star for your master?"

Upon hearing this, Daoist Sanshi hurriedly explained: "Master misunderstood, of course this disciple is happy for Master. It's just... I just think that Master is too hasty? Don't you think it over again?"

"Consider? What else is there to consider as a teacher? After finally smashing the protective energy, what am I waiting for if I don't enter the body again? My disciple Sanshi, my teacher has always favored you. I hope you don't let me down. !"

Having said that, Immeasurable Sword Immortal stopped talking, turned into a beam of white light, and slammed into Tong Yan's body.

Everything seems to be developing towards the worst direction, Tong Yan's physical body seems to be completely occupied by Wuliang Sword Immortal.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, an accident happened.

Wuliang Sword Immortal's immortal soul had indeed entered Tong Yan's body, but within five seconds of entering, his immortal soul suddenly came out.

Not only that, as soon as the fairy soul left Tong Yanzhi's body, it let out a scream, as if it had been severely injured.

And at this moment, Tong Yan's physical body slowly opened his eyes, and after that, a familiar voice came from the mouth of his physical body.

"Old man, I didn't expect you to take aim at my body. But how can a heinous person like you take over my body? You really overestimated your capabilities and brought shame upon yourself!"

As soon as this remark came out, the fat Taoist priest couldn't help but tremble all over, but a long-lost smile appeared on the face of Taoist Sanshi.

That's right, Tong Yan is back, he's finally back.

Although Wuliang Sword Immortal's is an immortal soul, it is nothing compared to Tong Yan's current soul.You must know that Tong Yan's soul is not only immortal, but also extremely powerful after absorbing the green pearl gifted by Empress Nuwa.

As soon as Wuliang Sword Immortal's immortal soul entered Tong Yan's body, it happened to meet Tong Yan's soul who had returned in time. Naturally, Tong Yan would not give Wuliang Sword Immortal a chance to occupy his body, so he shot directly, but he didn't know that Wuliang Sword Immortal The fairy's soul was so unbearable, it was knocked out of his body so easily by him.

Returning to the physical body, Tong Yan was naturally very excited, but there was one thing that he had to pay attention to, that is, his dantian had been completely filled with the immortal power absorbed before, even if he didn't move, his whole body seemed to be on the brink of death. The pain is as severe as being torn apart, but if you move rashly, you may break your body and die in an instant, becoming a ghost.

But even so, the aura he showed still frightened the fat Taoist priest and Wuliang Sword Immortal in the thatched cottage.In this way, it seems that he can still have a good game, and it is very likely that he will escape from this place without bloodshed.

After Wuliang Sword Immortal's immortal soul was knocked out, it circled more than half a circle in the thatched hut before turning back into a human form.

Seeing that Tong Yan had completely returned to his body, an angry look appeared on his face.

"Stinky boy, I didn't expect you to come back so quickly. But even so, do you think you can survive today? After absorbing so much of my immortal power, I'm afraid your physical body will soon be unable to bear it? Fifth, Kill him for my teacher, and you will be the head of my Tianfu Immortal Palace in the future!"

When the fat Taoist priest heard this, his original shock immediately disappeared, replaced by deep desire.

"Thank you, Master, for teaching me the position of head. That disciple would be more respectful than obedient!" At this point, a cold light appeared in his eyes, and then he slapped out suddenly.

But to everyone's surprise, his palm was not aimed at Tong Yan, but... but at his own master, Wuliang Sword Immortal!
What the hell is going on here?Why did this fat Taoist suddenly attack his master?

(End of this chapter)

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