
Chapter 1263 Surprisingly, the body is taken away!

Chapter 1263 Surprisingly, the body is taken away!
The fat Taoist's move not only surprised Tong Yan and Daoist Sanshi, but even the Immeasurable Sword Immortal was dumbfounded.

Fat Taoist priest is the apprentice of Immeasurable Sword Immortal. At this time, he didn't help his master deal with Tong Yan, so why did he fall into trouble instead and attack his master instead?

Maybe he has his own plans, maybe he has been waiting for this moment for a long time.But anyway, it happened, and it happened so suddenly that people didn't expect it.

Although Wuliang Sword Immortal is an immortal soul at the moment, he has become famous very early after all and has seen too many big scenes.Seeing his apprentice suddenly attacking him, he reacted almost immediately.

Seeing that he had no strength to fight against, his body turned into white light and suddenly rushed, and he was about to run away from the door.

But at this moment, someone happened to walk in from the door, and almost collided with the immortal soul of the Immeasurable Sword Immortal.

Who is it?The person who came was none other than the head seat of Tianfu Palace, that is, Daoist Sanshi's elder brother.

This elder brother is the pretentious old Taoist priest who brought Tong Yan and Kunpeng here, but his arrival at this moment does not know how the situation of the battle will change.

"Big apprentice, save me as a teacher, your fifth junior brother has turned to the bandits and is about to kill me as a teacher!"

Hearing this, the chief seat of Tianfu Palace showed a sneer on his face, then looked at the fat Taoist priest with unkind eyes and said, "Old Wu, you finally showed your fox tail. I knew you had evil intentions, but I didn't expect you to dare Master is disrespectful. Master, please rest assured, there are disciples here, no one can hurt you!"

As soon as the words fell, the head of Tianfu took a big step forward and stood directly two meters away from the door, with his hands behind his back, with extraordinary momentum.

With the support of the first seat of Tianfu, Wuliang Sword Immortal was full of confidence, no longer fleeing, but turned into a human form beside the first seat of Tianfu.

The fat Taoist obviously didn't expect the head of Tianfu to come here suddenly, but things have come to this point, he has no room for maneuver, and he has no turning back when he shoots the bow, which is his current situation.

"Fifth, as a teacher, I regard you as my own. How can you harm me today? Tell me, what kind of benefits did the little devil star give you that day? How could you help him deal with me?"

Hearing this, the fat Taoist smiled and said, "Help him? Why should I help him? I just want you dead, so what's the matter with him?"

When this statement came out, everyone was lost.

Hearing this, the head of Tianfu said coldly: "Old five, as the saying goes, being a teacher for one day is a father for life. The master not only raises you, but also teaches you the art of cultivating immortals. You don't want to repay, but today you want to kill the master , I think you are really crazy! Now, if you have anything to say, just say it. Otherwise, it will be your death later!"

Hearing this, the fat Taoist smiled disdainfully and said: "Elder brother, you really know how to speak sarcastic words. Be a teacher for a day and be a father for life? It's a joke! Let me tell you, I used to be a thief as my father. I have been waiting for this day for a whole day." Waited for hundreds of years. Immeasurable old thief, since you have accepted me as your apprentice, don’t you know whose son I am?”

Hearing this, Wuliang Sword Immortal's face changed slightly, and then he asked: " remember everything? Impossible, it's impossible. I wiped your memory with my own hands back then, how would you know that you are Son of whom?"

When the fat Taoist heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Boundless old thief, you finally admitted that it was you who erased my memory back then, so I would recognize you, the enemy who killed my parents, as my teacher. Let me tell you, if you want people to know, you have to do it yourself. You did it yourself. My memory has been wiped away, but is my practice for hundreds of years just a joke? To tell you the truth, I once got a vermilion fruit by accident. All memories. It is that you killed my parents with your own hands, and brought me here, let me worship you as a teacher, and be a cow and a horse for you for the rest of my life. Yes, your treacherous plan almost succeeded. But God favored, still Let me know the truth. Let me tell you, I have waited too long for this day. Today, no matter what, I will kill you and avenge my parents!"

After hearing what the fat Taoist said, Tong Yan probably knew the truth of the matter.

It turned out that the Immeasurable Sword Immortal killed the fat Taoist priest's biological parents, took him under his knees, and became an apprentice.I have to say that this Wuliang Sword Immortal is really good at playing, not to mention the parents who killed someone, but the fat Taoist priest should respect him for life and treat him like a father.He can have this idea and put it into practice, which is enough to show that this person has a vicious heart.

But people are not as good as heaven, this guy never thought that today, facing the fat Taoist priest's accusation, what excuse can he have?
"Haha...haha... Now that you know everything, I don't have to treat you as an apprentice anymore. That's right, I killed your parents, but damn your parents, they stole my fairy grass , hindered my plan to ascend to heaven. I regard them as friends, but they treat me as a fool. How can I swallow this bad breath? But I was still soft-hearted back then, and I should get rid of you, little bastard If it wasn’t for your talent, how could I accept you as an apprentice? But it’s not a problem, it’s not too late to kill you today! Great apprentice, kill him for the master, and you will be the future master of Tianfu Palace !"

Hearing this, the head of Tianfu Palace nodded and smiled: "Master, don't worry, Lao Wu and I are not on good terms at all. Even if I don't become the master of Tianfu Palace, I will kill him sooner or later. Lao Wu, you are rebellious, today I will take the place of Master." Your Majesty will kill you here, so that you will never be reincarnated! Suffer death!" As soon as the words fell, the head of Tianfu's body suddenly released white air, and it seemed that he was going to be serious.

But is the fat Taoist just an ordinary person?A cold light flickered in his eyes, and the immortal energy in his body had also dissipated. From the perspective of aura, he was not inferior to the head of the Tianfu.

A big battle is inevitable, but we just don't know who will win.

Tong Yan was worried about his physical condition before, and he was not suitable for fighting with others, but now it is not bad, watching them fight, he can spend more time recuperating his body, and wait for an opportunity to escape from this place.

Looking at Daoist Sanshi again, he is completely deceived now.He really didn't expect his master to be such a person, let alone his senior brother would have a deep blood feud with his master.

He was caught in the middle and didn't know what to do, and he didn't know how to exist in this place.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to go to Tong Yan, because he firmly believed that Tong Yan must be a good person.

He had just walked to Tong Yan's side, and before he could speak, the fat Taoist priest and the head of Tianfu started a fight.

The strength of both of them has reached the realm of gods, and their moves and moves can be described as overwhelming. In just a short while, this good thatched hut has been beaten to the point of being riddled with holes.

Tong Yan intends to eradicate Wuliang Sword Immortal, but he is really powerless to do so now, so he might as well take this opportunity and leave.

But even if he left, he had to get back his things before leaving.

Watching him set his eyes on Kunpeng's body, a bold idea appeared in his mind.

Kunpeng's body is his body, if he doesn't take it back now, when will it be?But the question is, how does he plan to get it back?

(End of this chapter)

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